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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleMedium48dq:F3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`?ApacheHTTPD2.0!  ; 8ZR  3 A@@   GCCE IDCCE DescriptionCCE ParametersCCE Technical MechanismsMCIS Apache Benchmark for Unix For Apache Versions 1.3 and 2.0 Levels I and IIIDISA STIG Apache SITE 2.0 for Unix Release: 1 Benchmark Date: 23 Nov 2011KDISA STIG Apache SERVER 2.0 for Unix Release: 1 Benchmark Date: 23 Nov 2011LDISA STIG Apache SITE 2.0 for Windows Release: 1 Benchmark Date: 23 Nov 2011NDISA STIG Apache SERVER 2.0 for Windows Release: 1 Benchmark Date: 23 Nov 20116L1 15. Directory Functionality/Features Directives p24CL1 19. Updating Ownership and Permissions for Enhanced Security p27=L1 11. Web Server Software Obfuscation General Directives p17/L1 18. Remove Default/Unneeded Apache Files p27%L1 17. Logging General Directives p26BL1 10. Denial of Service (DoS) Protective General Directives pg 16%L2 7. Buffer Overflow Protections p42L2 4. ErrorLog - Syslog p70-71$L1 13. Access Control Directives p21$L1 14. Authentication Mechanisms p22*L1 8. User Oriented General Directives p13*L1 8. User Oriented General Directives p14(L1 16. Limiting HTTP Request Methods p254L1 21. Deny HTTP TRACE Requests with Mod_Rewrite p33/L1 5. Lock Down the Apache Web User Account p11,L1 4. Create the Apache Web User Account p116L1 15. Directory Functionality/Features Directives p239L1 15. Directory Functionality/Features Directives p24-25Rule Title: Web content directories must not be anonymously shared. STIG ID: WG210 A22 Rule ID: SV-33022r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2226 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: All interactive programs must be placed in a designated directory with appropriate permissions. STIG ID: WG400 A22 Rule ID: SV-6928r4_rule Vuln ID: V-2228 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The number of allowed simultaneous requests must be set. STIG ID: WG110 A22 Rule ID: SV-33018r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2240 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Each readable web document directory must contain either a default, home, index, or equivalent file. STIG ID: WG170 A22 Rule ID: SV-33020r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2245 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: Logs of web server access and errors must be established and maintained. STIG ID: WG240 A22 Rule ID: SV-33025r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2250 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Log file access must be restricted to System Administrators, Web Administrators or Auditors. STIG ID: WG250 A22 Rule ID: SV-33033r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2252 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web client account access to the content and scripts directories must be limited to read and execute. STIG ID: WG290 A22 Rule ID: SV-33027r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2258 Severity: CAT I Class: UnclassRule Title: A private web server must not respond to requests from public search engines. STIG ID: WG310 A22 Rule ID: SV-33028r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2260 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: A private web server must utilize TLS v 1.0 or greater. STIG ID: WG340 A22 Rule ID: SV-33029r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2262 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Log file data must contain required data elements. STIG ID: WG242 A22 Rule ID: SV-36642r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13688 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Error logging must be enabled. STIG ID: WA00605 A22 Rule ID: SV-33192r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26279 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: System logging must be enabled. STIG ID: WA00615 A22 Rule ID: SV-33206r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26281 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The LogLevel directive must be enabled. STIG ID: WA00620 A22 Rule ID: SV-33207r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26282 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: MIME types for csh or sh shell programs must be disabled. STIG ID: WG370 A22 Rule ID: SV-36309r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2225 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web administration tools must be restricted to the web manager and the web manager s designees. STIG ID: WG220 A22 Rule ID: SV-32948r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2248 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server s htpasswd files (if present) must reflect proper ownership and permissions. STIG ID: WG270 A22 Rule ID: SV-36478r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2255 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements. STIG ID: WG300 A22 Rule ID: SV-32938r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2259 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server and/or operating system information must be protected. STIG ID: WG520 A22 Rule ID: SV-36672r1_rule Vuln ID: V-6724 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: All web server documentation, sample code, example applications, and tutorials must be removed from a production web server. STIG ID: WG385 A22 Rule ID: SV-32933r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13621 Severity: CAT I Class: UnclassRule Title: The Timeout directive must be properly set. STIG ID: WA000-WWA020 A22 Rule ID: SV-32977r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13724 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The KeepAlive directive must be enabled. STIG ID: WA000-WWA022 A22 Rule ID: SV-32844r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13725 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The KeepAliveTimeout directive must be defined. STIG ID: WA000-WWA024 A22 Rule ID: SV-32877r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13726 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The httpd.conf StartServers directive must be set properly. STIG ID: WA000-WWA026 A22 Rule ID: SV-36645r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13727 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The httpd.conf MinSpareServers directive must be set properly. STIG ID: WA000-WWA028 A22 Rule ID: SV-36646r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13728 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The httpd.conf MaxSpareServers directive must be set properly. STIG ID: WA000-WWA030 A22 Rule ID: SV-36648r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13729 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: The httpd.conf MaxClients directive must be set properly. STIG ID: WA000-WWA032 A22 Rule ID: SV-36649r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13730 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The FollowSymLinks setting must be disabled. STIG ID: WA000-WWA052 A22 Rule ID: SV-40129r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13732 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Server side includes (SSIs) must run with execution capability disabled. STIG ID: WA000-WWA054 A22 Rule ID: SV-32753r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13733 Severity: CAT I Class: UnclassRule Title: The MultiViews directive must be disabled. STIG ID: WA000-WWA056 A22 Rule ID: SV-32754r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13734 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Directory indexing must be disabled on directories not containing index files. STIG ID: WA000-WWA058 A22 Rule ID: SV-32755r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13735 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request message body size must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA060 A22 Rule ID: SV-32756r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13736 Severity: CAT II Class: Unclass+G66Rule Title: The HTTP request header fields must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA062 A22 Rule ID: SV-32757r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13737 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request header field size must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA064 A22 Rule ID: SV-32766r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13738 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request line must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA066 A22 Rule ID: SV-32768r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13739 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00505 A22 Rule ID: SV-33216r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26287 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server status module will be disabled. STIG ID: WA00510 A22 Rule ID: SV-33218r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26294 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server must not be configured as a proxy server. STI< G ID: WA00520 A22 Rule ID: SV-33220r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26299 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: User specific directories must not be globally enabled. STIG ID: WA00525 A22 Rule ID: SV-33221r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26302 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The process ID (PID) file must be properly secured. STIG ID: WA00530 A22 Rule ID: SV-33222r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26305 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The ScoreBoard file must be properly secured. STIG ID: WA00535 A22 Rule ID: SV-33223r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26322 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server must be configured to explicitly deny access to the OS root. STIG ID: WA00540 A22 Rule ID: SV-33226r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26323 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server options for the OS root must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00545 A22 Rule ID: SV-33213r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26324 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The TRACE method must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00550 A22 Rule ID: SV-33227r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26325 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server must be configured to listen on a specific IP address and port. STIG ID: WA00555 A22 Rule ID: SV-33228r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26326 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The URL-path name must be set to the file path name or the directory path name. STIG ID: WA00560 A22 Rule ID: SV-33229r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26327 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Automatic directory indexing must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00515 A22 Rule ID: SV-33219r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26368 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The ability to override the access configuration for the OS root directory must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00547 A22 Rule ID: SV-33232r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26393 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: HTTP request methods must be limited. STIG ID: WA00565 A22 Rule ID: SV-33236r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26396 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: All interactive programs must be placed in a designated directory with appropriate permissions. STIG ID: WG400 W22 Rule ID: SV-36644r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2228 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The number of allowed simultaneous requests must be set. STIG ID: WG110 W22 Rule ID: SV-33105r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2240 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Each readable web document directory must contain either a default, home, index, or equivalent file. STIG ID: WG170 W22 Rule ID: SV-33107r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2245 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: Logs of web server access and errors must be established and maintained. STIG ID: WG240 W20 Rule ID: SV-36668r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2250 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: A private web server must not respond to requests from public search engines. STIG ID: WG310 W22 Rule ID: SV-28798r2_rule Vuln ID: V-2260 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: A private web server must utilize TLS v 1.0 or greater. STIG ID: WG340 W20 Rule ID: SV-36740r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2262 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Log file data must contain required data elements. STIG ID: WG242 W22 Rule ID: SV-28654r2_rule Vuln ID: V-13688 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Error logging must be enabled. STIG ID: WA00605 W22 Rule ID: SV-33147r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26279 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: System logging must be enabled. STIG ID: WA00615 W22 Rule ID: SV-33151r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26281 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The LogLevel directive must be enabled. STIG ID: WA00620 W22 Rule ID: SV-33153r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26282 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web content directories must not be anonymously shared. STIG ID: WG210 W22 Rule ID: SV-33109r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2226 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Log file access must be restricted to System Administrators, Web Administrators or Auditors. STIG ID: WG250 W22 Rule ID: SV-33135r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2252 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web client account access to the content and scripts directories must be limited to read and execute. STIG ID: WG290 W22 Rule ID: SV-33136r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2258 Severity: CAT I Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server and/or operating system information must be protected. STIG ID: WG520 W22 Rule ID: SV-33098r1_rule Vuln ID: V-6724 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: All web server documentation, sample code, example applications, and tutorials must be removed from a production web server. STIG ID: WG385 W22 Rule ID: SV-33087r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13621 Severity: CAT I Class: UnclassRule Title: The Timeout directive must be properly set. STIG ID: WA000-WWA020 W22 Rule ID: SV-32980r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13724 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The KeepAlive directive must be enabled. STIG ID: WA000-WWA022 W22 Rule ID: SV-32987r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13725 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The KeepAliveTimeout directive must be defined. STIG ID: WA000-WWA024 W22 Rule ID: SV-32880r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13726 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request message body size must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA060 W22 Rule ID: SV-33008r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13736 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request header fields must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA062 W22 Rule ID: SV-33009r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13737 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request header field size must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA064 W22 Rule ID: SV-33010r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13738 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The HTTP request line must be limited. STIG ID: WA000-WWA066 W22 Rule ID: SV-33011r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13739 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00505 W20 Rule ID: SV-36611r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26287 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server status module will be disabled. STIG ID: WA00510 W20 Rule ID: SV-36612r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26294 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server must not be configured as a proxy server. STIG ID: WA00520 W20 Rule ID: SV-36613r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26299 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: User specific directories must not be globally enabled. STIG ID: WA00525 W20 Rule ID: SV-36614r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26302 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server must be configured to explicitly deny access to the OS root. STIG ID: WA00540 W22 Rule ID: SV-33180r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26323 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The TRACE method must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00550 W22 Rule ID: SV-33183r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26325 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server must be configured to listen on a specific IP address and port. STIG ID: WA00555 W22 Rule ID: SV-33184r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26326 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The URL-path name must be set to the file path name or the directory path name. STIG ID: WA00560 W22 Rule ID: SV-33185r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26327 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Automatic directory indexing must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00515 W20 Rule ID: SV-36620r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26368 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The ability to override the access configuration for the OS root directory must be disabled. STIG ID: WA00547 W22 Rule ID: SV-33237r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26393 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: HTTP request methods must be limited. STIG ID: WA00565 W22 Rule ID: SV-33238r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26396 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The service account used to run the web service must have its password changed at least annually. STIG ID: WG060 W22 Rule ID: SV-36489r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2235 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web administration tools must be restricted to the web manager and the web manager s designees. STIG ID: WG220 W22 Rule ID: < SV-33072r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2248 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server s htpasswd files (if present) must reflect proper ownership and permissions. STIG ID: WG270 W22 Rule ID: SV-36561r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2255 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements. STIG ID: WG300 W22 Rule ID: SV-33078r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2259 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Wscript.exe and Cscript.exe must only be accessible by the SA and/or the web administrator. STIG ID: WG470 W22 Rule ID: SV-33095r1_rule Vuln ID: V-2264 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The web server, although started by superuser or privileged account, must run using a non-privileged account. STIG ID: WG275 W22 Rule ID: SV-36607r1_rule Vuln ID: V-13619 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The process ID (PID) file must be properly secured. STIG ID: WA00530 W22 Rule ID: SV-33177r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26305 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The ScoreBoard file must be properly secured. STIG ID: WA00535 W22 Rule ID: SV-33178r1_rule Vuln ID: V-26322 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassYAnonymous sharing of Apache's web content directories should be configured appropriately.(1) Set of shares(1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters\NullSessionShares (2) defined by Local or Group PolicydThe Apache AllowOverride directive should be configured appropriately for web site root directories.B(1) AuthConfig / FileInfo / Indexes / Limit / Options / All / None6(1) Apache configuration file: AllowOverride directiveaThe maximum password age setting for Apache's service account should be configured appropriately.(1) number of days&(1) defined by Local or Group Policy PThe Apachce "MaxKeepAliveRequests" directive should be configured appropriately.(1) Number value=(1) Apache configuration file: MaxKeepAliveRequests directiveiAll readable Apache web document directories should have their default webpage configured appropriately. (1) exist / not existH(1) Directories (from Apache configuration file: DocumentRoot directive)FAccess to Apache's httpd.conf file should be configured appropriately.?(1) set of accounts (2) list of permissions (3) applicability4(1) defined by (ServerRoot)\conf\httpd.conf's DACL HApache's log_config_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) log_config_module3(1) Apache configuration file: LoadModule directivejThe Windows permissions for all files specified by CustomLog directives should be configured appropriately"(1) defined by the object's DACL iThe Windows permissions for all files specified by ErrorLog directives should be configured appropriately\The Windows permissions of Apache's htpasswd.exe file(s) should be configured appropriately.sThe Windows permissions for all directories specified by ScriptAlias directives should be configured appropriately.xThe Windows permissions for all directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch directives should be configured appropriately.tThe Windows permissions for all directories specified by DocumentRoot directives should be configured appropriately.mThe Windows permissions for all directories specified by Alias directives should be configured appropriately.pThe Windows permissions for all directories specified by ServerRoot directives should be configred appropriatelyWThe Windows permissions of Apache's /config directory should be configred appropriatelyTThe Windows permissions of Apache's /bin directory should be configred appropriatelyUThe Windows permissions of Apache's /logs directory should be configred appropriatelyWThe Windows permissions of Apache's /htdocs directory should be configred appropriately]The Apache site's robots.txt should be configured to disallow paths and files as appropriate.-(1) User-Agent (2) Disallowed path(s)|file(s)(1) robots.txtAApache's ssl_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) ssl_moduleDThe Apache SSLProtocol directive should be configured appropriately.(1) SSLv2 / SSLv3 / TLSv1 / All4(1) Apache configuration file: SSLProtocol directiveBThe Apache SSLEngine directive should be configured appropriately. (1) On / Off2(1) Apache configuration file: SSLEngine directiveZThe requried permssions for the file %SystemRoot%\System32\wscript.exe should be assigned.;(1) defined by the %SystemRoot%\System32\wscript.exe DACL ZThe required permissions for the file %SystemRoot%\System32\cscript.exe should be assigned;(1) defined by the %SystemRoot%\System32\cscript.exe DACL GThe Apache "ServerTokens" directive should be configured appropriately.9(1) Prod[uctOnly] / Major / Minor / Min[imal] / OS / Full5(1) Apache configuration file: ServerTokens directive=The Apache web server be run with the appropriate privileges.1(1) Account type: ( privileged / non privileged )R(1) My Computer / Manage / Configuration / Local Users and Groups / IAll Apache's online manual should be available or removed as appropriate.'(1) manual in the Server Root directoryKApache's demo CGI printenv.pl should be available or removed as appropriateI(1) (ServerRoot)\cgi-bin\printenv.pl (2) (ServerRoot)/cgi-bin/printenv.pl^The Apache access log file data should be configured to contain the appropriate data elements.(1) LogFormat Format String2(1) Apache configuration file: LogFormat directiveBThe Apache "Timeout" directive should be configured appropriately.(1) Number value (in seconds)0(1) Apache configuration file: Timeout directiveDThe Apache "KeepAlive" directive should be configured appropriately.2(1) Apache configuration file: KeepAlive directiveKThe Apache "KeepAliveTimeout" directive should be configured appropriately.9(1) Apache configuration file: KeepAliveTimeout directivedThe Apache "FollowSymLinks" setting for all "Options" directives should be configured appropriately.=(1) FollowSymLinks / -FollowSymLinks / +FollowSymLinks / None0(1) Apache configuration file: Options directive^The Apache "Includes" setting for all "Options" directives should be configured appropriately.+(1) Includes / -Includes / +Includes / NonedThe Apache "IncludesNoExec" setting for all "Options" directives should be configured appropriately.=(1) IncludesNoExec / -IncludesNoExec / +IncludesNoExec / None`The Apache "MultiViews" setting for all "Options" directives should be configured appropriately.1(1) MultiViews / -MultiViews / +MultiViews / None]The Apache "Indexes" setting for all "Options" directives should be configured appropriately.((1) Indexes / -Indexes / +Indexes / NoneKThe Apache "LimitRequestBody" directive should be configured appropriately.(1) Number value (in bytes) 9(1) Apache configuration file: LimitRequestBody directiveLThe Apache "LimitRequestFields" directive should be configured appropriately;(1) Apache configuration file: LimitRequestFields directiveTThe Apache "LimitRequestFieldSizeBody" directive should be configured appropriately.(1) Number value (in bytes)B(1) Apache configuration file: LimitRequestFieldSizeBody directiveKThe Apache "LimitRequestline" directive should be configured appropriatley.9(1) Apache configuration file: LimitRequestLine directiveMThe path for Apache sites error log files should be configured appropriately. (1) File path1(1) Apache configuration file: ErrorLog directive=The Apache system logging should be configured appropriately./(1) File path | pipe (2) LogFormat | nickname 2(1) Apache configuration file: CustomLog directiveCThe Apache "LogLevel" directive should be configured appropriately.?(1) debug / info / notice / warn / error / crit / alert / emerg1(1) Apache configuration file: LogLevel directivejWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDav) dav_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.< (1) dav_modulemWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDav) dav_fs_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) dav_fs_moduleBApache's info_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) info_moduleDApache's status_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) status_moduleCApache's proxy_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) proxy_moduleGApache's proxy_ftp_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) proxy_ftp_moduleHApache's proxy_http_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) proxy_http_moduleKApache's proxy_connect_module should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) proxy_connect_moduleGUser-specific directories should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) userdir_moduleYApache's process ID (PID) file's Windows permissions should be configured appropriately. RApache's Scoreboard file's Windows permissions should be configured appropriately.GThe Order directive for the OS root should be configured appropriately.,(1) Allow,Deny / Deny,Allow / Mutual-failure (1) Order directiveFThe Allow Directive for the OS root should be configured appropriately2(1) all | hostname/IP address/environment variable(1) Allow directiveEThe Deny Directive for the OS root should be configured appropriately(1) Deny directivemThe Apache "ExecCGI" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.'(1) ExecCGI / -ExecCGI/ +ExecCGI / NoneQ(1) Apache configuration file: Options directive (in OS root Directory directive)tThe Apache "FollowSymLinks" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.nThe Apache "Includes" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.tThe Apache "IncludesNoExec" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.mThe Apache "Indexes" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.pThe Apache "MultiViews" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.zThe Apache "SymLinksIfOwnerMatch" setting for all "Options" directives for the OS root should be configured appropriately.O(1) SymLinksIfOwnerMatch / -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch / +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch / NoneFThe Apache "TraceEnable" directive should be configured appropriatley.(1) on / off / extended4(1) Apache configuration file: TraceEnable directiveAApache's listening IP address should be configured appropriately.(1) IP-address/(1) Apache configuration file: Listen directive;Apache's listening port should be configured appropriately.(1) port numberOThe ScriptAlias for the specified directory should be configured appropriately.'(1) url-path (2) TARGET: directory path4(1) Apache configuration file: ScriptAlias directiveJAutomatic directory indexing should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) autoindex_modulelThe Apache AllowOverride Directive should be configured appropriately for operating system root directories.BPermitted HTTP request methods should be configured appropriately.)(1) methods (2) access control directives4(1) Apache configuration file: LimitExecpt directivebAnonymous sharing of Apache's web content directories with nfs should be configured appropriately.(1) via /etc/exportsbAnonymous sharing of Apache's web content directories with smb should be configured appropriately.(1) via /etc/samba/smb.conf8File permissions for httpd.conf should be set correctly.(1) permissions (1) via chmod<The httpd.conf file should be owned by the appropriate user.(1) user (1) via chown=The httpd.conf file should be owned by the appropriate group. (1) groupgThe file permissions for all files specified by CustomLog directives should be configured appropriatelySAll files specified by CustomLog directives should be owned by the appropriate userTAll files specified by CustomLog directives should be owned by the appropriate groupfThe Unix permissions for all files specified by ErrorLog directives should be configured appropriatelyRAll files specified by ErrorLog directives should be owned by the appropriate userSAll files specified by ErrorLog directives should be owned by the appropriate groupRThe Unix permissions of Apache's htpasswd file should be configured appropriately.5The htpasswd should be owned by the appropriate user.;The htpasswd file should be owned by the appropriate group.pThe Unix permissions for all directories specified by ScriptAlias directives should be configured appropriately.\All directories specified by ScriptAlias directives should be owned by the appropriate user.]All directories specified by ScriptAlias directives should be owned by the appropriate group.uThe Unix permissions for all directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch directives should be configured appropriately.aAll directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch directives should be owned by the appropriate user.bAll directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch directives should be owned by the appropriate group.qThe Unix permissions for all directories specified by DocumentRoot directives should be configured appropriately.]All directories specified by DocumentRoot directives should be owned by the appropriate user.^All directories specified by DocumentRoot directives should be owned by the appropriate group.jThe Unix permissions for all directories specified by Alias directives should be configured appropriately.VAll directories specified by Alias directives should be owned by the appropriate user.WAll directories specified by Alias directives should be owned by the appropriate group.mThe Unix permissions for all directories specified by ServerRoot directives should be configred appropriately[All directories specified by ServerRoot directives should be owned by the appropriate user.\All directories specified by ServerRoot directives should be owned by the appropriate group.ZThe Unix permissions of Apache's configuration directory should be configred appropriatelyIApache's configuration directory should be owned by the appropriate user.JApache's configuration directory should be owned by the appropriate group.QThe Unix permissions of Apache's /bin directory should be configred appropriately@Apache's /bin directory should be owned by the appropriate user.AApache's /bin directory should be owned by the appropriate group.RThe Unix permissions of Apache's /logs directory should be configred appropriatelyAApache's /logs directory should be owned by the appropriate user.BApache's /logs directory should be owned by the appropriate group.TThe Unix permissions of Apache's /htdocs directory should be configred appropriatelyCApache's /htdocs directory should be owned by the appropriate user.DApache's /htdocs directory should be owned by the appropriate group.UThe Unix permissions of Apache's /cgi-bin directory should be configred appropriatelyDApache's /cgi-bin directory should be owned by the appropriate user.EApache's /cgi-bin directory should be owned by the appropriate group.GThe Apache "StartServers" directive should be configured appropriately.5(1) Apache configuration file: StartServers directiveJThe Apache "MinSpareServers" directive should be configured appropriately.8(1) Apache configuration file: MinSpareServers directiveJThe Apache "MaxSpareServers" directive should be configured appropriately.8(1) Apache configuration file: MaxSpareServers directiveEThe Apache "MaxClients" directive should be configured appropriately.3(1) Apache configuration file: MaxClients directiveVApache's process ID (PID) file's Unix permissions should be configured appropriately. GApache's process ID (PID) file should be owned by the appropriate user.HApache's process ID (PID) file should be owned by the appropriate group.OApache's Scoreboard file's Unix permissions should be configured appropriately.AApache's scoreboard file should be owned by the appropriate user.HApache's scoreboard (PID) file should <be owned by the appropriate group.AThe location of the Apache htpasswd file should be set correctly.(1) directory path(1) Directory of htpasswd file2The Apache User directive should be set correctly. (1) user name-(1) Apache configuration file: User directive3The Apache Group directive should be set correctly.(1) group name.(1) Apache configuration file: Group directiveAThe Apache ServerSignature directive should be set appropriately.(1) On/Off/EMail8(1) Apache configuration file: ServerSignature directiveQThe Apache runtime rewriting engine should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. (1) off/on6(1) Apache configuration file: RewriteEngine directiveOThe Apache ErrorDocument directive should be set correctly for HTTP 400 errors.(1) message/document<(1) Apache configuration file: 'ErrorDocument 400' directiveNThe ApacheErrorDocument directive should be set correctly for HTTP 401 errors.<(1) Apache configuration file: 'ErrorDocument 401' directiveNThe ApacheErrorDocument directive should be set correctly for HTTP 403 errors.<(1) Apache configuration file: 'ErrorDocument 403' directiveNThe ApacheErrorDocument directive should be set correctly for HTTP 404 errors.<(1) Apache configuration file: 'ErrorDocument 404' directiveNThe ApacheErrorDocument directive should be set correctly for HTTP 405 errors.<(1) Apache configuration file: 'ErrorDocument 405' directiveNThe ApacheErrorDocument directive should be set correctly for HTTP 500 errors.<(1) Apache configuration file: 'ErrorDocument 500' directiveDThe Apache user account should be locked or unlocked as appropriate.(1) locked/unlocked(1) via /etc/passwdIThe Apache user account should be allowed root privileges as appropriate.(1) allowed/not allowedHThe group membership of the Apache user account should be set correctly.(1) via /etc/groupPThe ownership of the Apache /etc/httpd/conf/passwd file should be set correctly. (1) ownerWThe group membership of the Apache /etc/httpd/conf/passwd file should be set correctly. (1) via chgrpSThe permissions for the Apache /etc/httpd/conf/passwd file should be set correctly.GThe ownership of the Apache /var/www/html file should be set correctly.NThe group membership of the Apache /var/www/html file should be set correctly.IThe permissions for the Apache/var/www/html file should be set correctly.MThe ownership of log files in Apache /var/log/httpd/ should be set correctly.TThe group membership of any Apache files in /var/log/httpd/ should be set correctly.OThe permissions of any Apache files in /var/log/httpd/ should be set correctly.KThe ownership of the Apache /etc/httpd/conf.d file should be set correctly.RThe group membership of the Apache /etc/httpd/conf.d file should be set correctly.NThe permissions for the Apache /etc/httpd/conf.d file should be set correctly.JThe ownership of the Apache /usr/sbin/httpd file should be set correctly. QThe group membership of the Apache /usr/sbin/httpd file should be set correctly. MThe permissions for the Apache /usr/sbin/httpd file should be set correctly. MThe ownership of the Apache /usr/sbin/apachectl file should be set correctly.TThe group membership of the Apache /usr/sbin/apachectl file should be set correctly.PThe permissions for the Apache /usr/sbin/apachectl file should be set correctly.^The "FollowSymLinks" setting of the DocumentRoot should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.V(1) Apache configuration file: Options directive (in DocumentRoot Directory directive)XThe"Includes" setting of the DocumentRoot should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. ^The "IncludesNOEXEC" setting of the DocumentRoot should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.WThe "Indexes" setting of the DocumentRoot should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.YThe"MultiViews" setting of the DocumentRoot should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.]The Allow directive for the specified Directory directive should be configured appropriately.\The Deny directive for the specified Directory directive should be configured appropriately.+testcgi should be installed as appropriate.(1) exist/not exist(1) cgi-script directory>The Apache Action directive shoud be configured appropriately.(1) action-type (2) cgi-script/(1) Apache configuration file: Action directiveCThe Apache AddHandler directive should be configured appropriately.(1) handler-name (2) extension3(1) Apache configuration file: AddHandler directiveFThe Apache Server Administrator email address should be set correctly.(1) email address3(1) 'ServerAdmin' line in Apache configuration file CCE-28025-5 CCE-28092-5 CCE-28000-8 CCE-27251-8 CCE-28090-9 CCE-27660-0 CCE-28122-0 CCE-27490-2 CCE-28118-8 CCE-27952-1 CCE-27955-4 CCE-27967-9 CCE-27906-7 CCE-27976-0 CCE-28059-4 CCE-27888-7 CCE-27889-5 CCE-27795-4 CCE-28071-9 CCE-27981-0 CCE-28013-1 CCE-28141-0 CCE-28020-6 CCE-28084-2 CCE-27611-3 CCE-28146-9 CCE-27811-9 CCE-28107-1 CCE-27499-3 CCE-27620-4 CCE-27933-1 CCE-28117-0 CCE-27957-0 CCE-27871-3 CCE-27647-7 CCE-28055-2 CCE-28119-6 CCE-28069-3 CCE-28006-5 CCE-27742-6 CCE-27914-1 CCE-28046-1 CCE-28126-1 CCE-27979-4 CCE-27643-6 CCE-28035-4 CCE-27984-4 CCE-28115-4 CCE-28068-5 CCE-28030-5 CCE-28044-6 CCE-28137-8 CCE-28104-8 CCE-27980-2 CCE-27821-8 CCE-27835-8 CCE-28034-7 CCE-28010-7 CCE-28143-6 CCE-27148-6 CCE-27938-0 CCE-27479-5 CCE-27989-3 CCE-28133-7 CCE-27188-2 CCE-28066-9 CCE-28183-2 CCE-28101-4 CCE-28100-6 CCE-27737-6 CCE-28089-1 CCE-27646-9 CCE-27907-5 CCE-28106-3 CCE-27847-3 CCE-27798-8 CCE-27814-3 CCE-27207-0 CCE-27946-3 CCE-28200-4 CCE-27789-7 CCE-28182-4 CCE-28075-0 CCE-27846-5 CCE-28067-7 CCE-27827-5 CCE-28120-4 CCE-28038-8 CCE-27670-9 CCE-27999-2 CCE-27715-2 CCE-27606-3 CCE-28102-2 CCE-27572-7 CCE-27853-1 CCE-27982-8 CCE-28113-9 CCE-28064-4 CCE-28037-0 CCE-27762-4 CCE-28206-1 CCE-27769-9 CCE-27748-3 CCE-28152-7 CCE-27419-1 CCE-28163-4 CCE-28111-3 CCE-28070-1 CCE-28091-7 CCE-28033-9 CCE-28007-3 CCE-27628-7 CCE-27412-6 CCE-28042-0 CCE-27990-1 CCE-28114-7 CCE-27605-5 CCE-27226-0 CCE-27575-0 CCE-28134-5 CCE-27271-6 CCE-28147-7 CCE-28005-7 CCE-28188-1 CCE-28195-6 CCE-28056-0 CCE-27816-8 CCE-27732-7 CCE-27466-2 CCE-28229-3 CCE-27438-1 CCE-28235-0 CCE-27975-2 CCE-27783-0 CCE-27765-7 CCE-28057-8 CCE-27894-5 CCE-27953-9 CCE-27454-8 CCE-27927-3 CCE-27530-5 CCE-28220-2 CCE-28191-5 CCE-28003-2 CCE-28224-4 CCE-28002-4 CCE-28159-2 CCE-28024-8 CCE-28259-0 CCE-27834-1 CCE-28187-3 CCE-28151-9 CCE-27645-1 CCE-28132-9 CCE-28249-1 CCE-27281-5 CCE-27346-6 CCE-27945-5 CCE-28210-3 CCE-28211-1 CCE-28157-6 CCE-28230-1 CCE-28173-3 CCE-28263-2 CCE-28260-8 CCE-27653-5 CCE-28080-0 CCE-28165-9 CCE-28252-5 CCE-28045-3Last modfied: 2013-02-11Version: 5.20130214J. /@1>)36Q_< C!'IqNSzY ^DdxipRur?w_[y{ { 4hˆ͊MKӑɕƘ PN ge ٟ¥|zڪM']2 83 м b3 }]c=C#msMS-3 }]cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VMԯNDJ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? 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