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Normal 86" Normal 87# Normal 88$ Normal 89 %Normal 9& Normal 9 2' Normal 9 3( Normal 9 4) Normal 90* Normal 91+ Normal 92, Normal 93- Normal 94. Normal 95/ Normal 960 Normal 97 1Noteb Note   2Note 2fNote 2   3OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???4$Percent 5Style 1 6Title1Title I}% 7TotalMTotal %OO8 Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`~ office2k7cce-COMBINED-5.xlsaix5.3 exchange2007 exchange2010 hpux11.23ie7ie8 office2k7 office2010polycom-hdx-3.xrhel4rhel5solaris8solaris9 solaris10weblogicserver11gwin2kwinxpwin2k3vistawin2k8win7win2k8r2b:B1\:G4b1:8 CCE IDCCE DescriptionCCE ParametersCCE Technical Mechanisms Old v4 CCE IDDMicrosoft Office 2007 Threats and Countermeasures guide Beta release[Microsoft Office 2007 Recommendations (Security Settings for Office 2007 Applications.xlsx)GNIST SCAP Microsoft Office 2007 OVAL (SCAP-Office2007-OVAL-Beta-v1.xml)JNIST SCAP Microsoft Office 2007 XCCDF (SCAP-Office2007-XCCDF-Beta-v1.xml ) CCE-116-4QThe "Disable VBA for Office applications" setting should be configured correctly.(1) enabled/disabled(1) 2007: GPO Settings:Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office 2007 System / Security Settings (2) Registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\VbaOff 2003: (3) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Disable VBA for Office applications (4) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common - VbaOff (5) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Disable VBA for Office applications (6) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common - VbaOff CCE-116`Table 1.124. Disable VBA for Office applications, Table 2.5. Disable VBA for Office applications User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable VBA for Office applications, Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\Disable VBA for Office applicationsoval:org.mitre.oval:def:771DisableVBAForOfficeApplications CCE-908-4MThe "ActiveX Control Initialization:" setting should be configured correctly.h(1) 1 = Do not prompt | 4 = Prompt user to use control defaults | 6 = Prompt user to use persisted data(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office 2007 system / Security /ActiveX Control InitializationSettings (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Security\UFIControls 2003: (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\ActiveX Control Initialization (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Security - UFIControls CCE-908)Table 1.3. ActiveX Control InitializationUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\ActiveX Control Initialization (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)oval:org.mitre.oval:def:814ActiveXControlInitialization CCE-184-2\The "Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program" setting should be configured correctly.(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office 2007 / Privacy / Trust Center , Registry Keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\QMEnableCCE-184;Table 1.148. Enable Customer Experience Improvement ProgramUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Privacy\Trust Center\Enable Customer Experience Improvement Programoval:org.mitre.oval:def:829*EnableCustomerExperienceImprovementProgram CCE-276-6(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office 2007 / Privacy / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\UpdateReliabilityDataCCE-276FTable 1.23. Automatically receive small updates to improve reliabilityUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Privacy\Trust Center\Automatically receive small updates to improve reliabilityoval:org.mitre.oval:def:14734AutomaticallyReceiveSmallUpdatesToImproveReliability CCE-967-0DThe "Online content options" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 0 = Never show online content or entry points | 1 = Search only offline content whenever available | 2 = Search online content whenever available.(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office 2007 system / Tools / Options / General / Service Options / Online Content (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Softtware\Polices\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Internet\UseOnlineContentCCE-967#Table 1.179. Online content options%User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Service Options...\Online Content\Online content options (Never show online content or entry points | Search only offline content whenever available | Search online content whenever available)oval:org.mitre.oval:def:1302OnlineContentOptions CCE-427-5XThe "VBA Macro Warning Settings" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) 1 = No Security checks for macros | 2 = Trust Bar warning for all macros | 3 = Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only | 4 = No Warnings for all macros but disable all macros(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Access 2007 / Application Settings / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security\VBAWarningsCCE-427'Table 1.234. VBA Macro Warning SettingsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\VBA Macro Warning Settings (Trust Bar warning for all macros | Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only (unsigned macros will be disabled) | No Warnings for all macros but disable all macros | No Security checks for macros (Not recommended, code in all documents can run))oval:org.mitre.oval:def:1403VBAMacroWarningSettings-Access CCE-649-4WThe "VBA Macro Warning Settings" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Excel 2007 / Excel Options / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\VBAWarningsCCE-649User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\VBA Macro Warning Settings (Trust Bar warning for all macros | Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only (unsigned macros will be disabled) | No Warnings for all macros but disable all macros | No Security checks for macros (Not recommended, code in all documents can run))oval:org.mitre.oval:def:649VBAMacroWarningSettings-Excel CCE-862-3jThe "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007 and 2003.(1) 2007GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Excel 2007 / Excel Options / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM 2003: (3) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Excel: Trust access to Visual Basic Project (4) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security - AccessVBOM (5) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Trust access to Visual Basic Project (6) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security - AccessVBOMCCE-8621Table 1.225. Trust access to Visual Basic ProjectUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Trust access to Visual Basic Projectoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1560%TrustAccessToVisualBasicProject-Excel CCE-567-8\The "VBA Macro Warning Settings" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.!(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 / PowerPoint Options / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\VBAWarningsCCE-567< User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\VBA Macro Warning Settings (Trust Bar warning for all macros | Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only (unsigned macros will be disabled) | No Warnings for all macros but disable all macros | No Security checks for macros (Not recommended, code in all documents can run))oval:org.mitre.oval:def:654"VBAMacroWarningSettings-PowerPointCCE-68-7fThe "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007. (1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 / PowerPoint Options / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\AccessVBOMCCE-68User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Trust access to Visual Basic Projectoval:org.mitre.oval:def:665*TrustAccessToVisualBasicProject-PowerPoint CCE-537-1YThe "Disable Remember Passwords" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Disable Remember Passwords (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\EnableRememberPwdCCE-537User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Disable Remember Passwords oval:org.mitre.oval:def:1298DisableRememberPassword CCE-786-4[The "Configure Add-In Trust Level" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) 0 = Trust all or use Exchange settings if present | 1 = Trust all loaded and installed COM addins | 2 = Do NOT trust loaded and installed COM addins(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Configure Add-In Trust Level (2) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\AddinTrustCCE-786%Table 1.72. Configure trusted add-insUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Trusted Add-insConfigure trusted add-insoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1390ConfigureAddInTrustLevel CCE-937-3!DEPRECATED in favor of CCE-537-1.CCE-937CCE-13-3IThe "Minimum encryption settings" setting should be configured correctly.(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\MinEncKeyCCE-13(Table 1.173. Minimum encryption settings{User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Minimum encryption settingsoval:org.mitre.oval:def:661MinimumEncryptionSettings CCE-316-0uThe "Do not check e-mail address against address of certificates being using" setting should be configured correctly. (1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\SupressNameChecksCCE-316TTable 1.134. Do not check e-mail address against address of certificates being usingUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Do not check e-mail address against address of certificates being usedoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1399;DoNotCheckEmailAddressAgainstAddressOfCertificatesBeingUsedCCE-14-1_The "Send all signed messages as clear signed messages" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\ClearSign 2003: (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\Send all signed messages as clear signed messages (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - ClearSign CCE-14>Table 1.214. Send all signed messages as clear signed messagesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Send all signed messages as clear signed messagesoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1388*SendAllSignedMessagesAsClearSignedMessages CCE-153-7fThe "Request an S/MIME receipt for all S/MIME signed messages" setting should be configured correctly.(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\RequestSecureReceiptCCE-153ETable 1.198. Request an S/MIME receipt for all S/MIME signed messagesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Request an S/MIME receipt for all S/MIME signed messagesoval:org.mitre.oval:def:705.RequestAnSMIMEReceiptForAllSMIMESignedMessages CCE-345-9TThe "Do not display 'Publish to GAL' button" setting should be configured correctly. (1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\PublishToGalDisabled 2003: (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\Disable 'Publish to GAL' button (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\11.0\outlook\Security - PublishToGalDisabled CCE-3453Table 1.135. Do not display 'Publish to GAL' buttonUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Do not display 'Publish to GAL' buttonoval:org.mitre.oval:def:741DoNotDisplayPublishToGALButton CCE-700-5?The "Signature Warning" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 0 = Let user decide if they want to be warned | 1 = Always warn about invalid signatures | 2 = Never warn about invalid signatures(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\WarnAboutInvalid 2003: (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\Signature Warning (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - WarnAboutInvalid CCE-700Table 1.220. Signature WarningUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Warning (Let user decide if they want to be warned | Always warn about invalid signatures | Never warn about invalid signatures)oval:org.mitre.oval:def:756SignatureWarning CCE-695-7GThe "Enable Cryptography Icons" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\ConvertSMIMEBlobSignedIcons 2003: (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\Enable cryptography icons (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - ConvertSMIMEBlobSignedIconsCCE-695yUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Enable Cryptography Iconsoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1716< EnableCryptographyIcons CCE-395-4\The "Retrieving CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists)" setting should be configured correctly.b(1) 0 = Use system Default | 1 = When online always retreive the CRL | 2 = Never retreive the CRL&(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 / Security / Cryptography / Signature Status Dialog Box (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\UseCRLChasingCCE-395;Table 1.204. Retrieving CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists)User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Retrieving CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) (Use system Default | When online always retreive the CRL | Never retreive the CRL)oval:org.mitre.oval:def:1700RetrievingCRLs CCE-659-3VThe "VBA Macro Warning Settings" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Word 2007 / Word Options / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\VBAWarningsCCE-6599User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\VBA Macro Warning Settings (Trust Bar warning for all macros | Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only (unsigned macros will be disabled) | No Warnings for all macros but disable all macros | No )oval:org.mitre.oval:def:1350VBMacroWarningSettings-Word CCE-703-9iThe "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007 and 2003.(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Word 2007 / Word Options / Security / Trust Center (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\AccessVBOM 2003: (3) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Word: Trust access to Visual Basic Project (4) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Security - AccessVBOM (5) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2003\Tools\Macro\Security\Trust access to Visual Basic Project (6) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Security - AccessVBOMCCE-703User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Trust access to Visual Basic Projectoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1713$TrustAccessToVisualBasicProject-Word CCE-173-5The "Warn before printing, saving or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 2007: GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office Word 2007 / Word Options / Security (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Options\vpref\fWarnRevisions_1805_1 2003: (2) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Warn before printing or saving or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments (3) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Options\vpreCCE-173oval:org.mitre.oval:def:788JWarnBeforePrintingSavingOrSendingAFileThatContainsTrackedChangesOrComments CCE-784-9eThe "Block updates from the Office Update Site from applying" setting should be configured correctly.(1) GPO Settings:User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Classic Administrative Templates / Microsoft Office 2007 / Miscellaneous (2) Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\OfficeUpdate\BlockUpdatesCCE-784CTable 1.64. Block updates from the Office Update Site from applyingUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Block updates from the Office Update Site from applyingoval:org.mitre.oval:def:1755/BlockUpdatesFromTheOfficeUpdateSiteFromApplying CCE-1395-3RThe "Underline hyperlinks" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Web Options\General\Underline hyperlinks (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\InternetCCE-1395!Table 1.230. Underline hyperlinksUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Web Options\General\Underline hyperlinks CCE-1137-9tThe "Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-9)" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\General\General\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-9) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\SettingsCCE-1137User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\General\General\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-9) CCE-1423-3}The "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\SecurityCCE-1423LTable 1.120. Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-insUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins CCE-1238-5]The "Disable all application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\SecurityCCE-1238+Table 1.87. Disable all application add-insUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins CCE-1476-1~The "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\SecurityCCE-1476MTable 1.200. Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted PublisherUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher CCE-1520-6[The "Disable all trusted locations" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-1520)Table 1.89. Disable all trusted locationsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Trusted Locations\Disable all trusted locations CCE-780-7iThe "Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Trusted Locations\Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-7807Table 1.11. Allow Trusted Locations not on the computerUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settin< gs\Security\Trust Center\Trusted Locations\Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer CCE-1214-6WThe "Modal Trust Decision Only" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Trusted Locations\Modal Trust Decision Only (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-1214&Table 1.176. Modal Trust Decision OnlyUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Application Settings\Security\Trust Center\Trusted Locations\Modal Trust Decision Only CCE-1370-6NThe "Disable commands" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1370Table 1.94. Disable commandsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands CCE-1268-2gThe "Disable commands - Office Button | E-Mail" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | E-Mail (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1268User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | E-Mail CCE-1400-1The "Disable commands - Office Button | Access Options | Customize | All Commands | Insert Hyperlink" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.*(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Access Options | Customize | All Commands | Insert Hyperlink (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1400User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Access Options | Customize | All Commands | Insert Hyperlink CCE-1440-7The "Disable commands - Database Tools | Database Tools | Encrypt with Password" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Database Tools | Encrypt with Password (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1440User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Database Tools | Encrypt with Password CCE-581-9The "Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permission | User and Group Permissions" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.-(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permission | User and Group Permissions (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-581User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permission | User and Group Permissions CCE-1480-3The "Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permissions | User and Group Accounts" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.+(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permissions | User and Group Accounts (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1480User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permissions | User and Group Accounts CCE-1489-4The "Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permission | User-Level Security Wizard..." setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.0(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permission | User-Level Security Wizard... (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1489User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Administer | Users and Permission | User-Level Security Wizard... CCE-1392-0The "Disable commands - Database Tools | Database Tools | Encode/Decode Database" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Database Tools | Encode/Decode Database (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1392User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Database Tools | Encode/Decode Database CCE-1414-2vThe "Disable commands - Database Tools | Macro | Visual Basic" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Macro | Visual Basic (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1414User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Macro | Visual Basic CCE-1418-3sThe "Disable commands - Database Tools | Macro | Run Macro" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Macro | Run Macro (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1418User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Database Tools | Macro | Run Macro CCE-1405-0uThe "Database Tools | Macro | Convert Macros to Visual Basic" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Database Tools | Macro | Convert Macros to Visual Basic (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1405User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Database Tools | Macro | Convert Macros to Visual Basic CCE-1550-3vThe "Database Tools | Macro | Create Shortcut Menu from Macro" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Database Tools | Macro | Create Shortcut Menu from Macro (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1550User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Database Tools | Macro | Create Shortcut Menu from Macro CCE-1075-1SThe "Disable shortcut keys" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Admi< nistrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1075"Table 1.114. Disable shortcut keysUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys CCE-709-6The "Disable commands - Ctrl+K (Office Button | Access Options | Customize | All Commands | Insert Hyperlinks)" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.5(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Ctrl+K (Office Button | Access Options | Customize | All Commands | Insert Hyperlinks) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-709User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Ctrl+K (Office Button | Access Options | Customize | All Commands | Insert Hyperlinks) CCE-1502-4The "Disable commands - Alt+F11 (Database Tools | Macro | Visual Basic)" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Alt+F11 (Database Tools | Macro | Visual Basic) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1502User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Alt+F11 (Database Tools | Macro | Visual Basic) CCE-1260-9rThe "Default file format (Access 2007 | Access 2002-2003)" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Miscellaneous\Default file format (Access 2007 | Access 2002-2003) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\SettingsCCE-1260Table 1.80. Default file formatUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Miscellaneous\Default file format (Access 2007 | Access 2002-2003) CCE-1510-7fThe "Do not prompt to convert older databases" setting should be configured correctly for Access 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Miscellaneous\Do not prompt to convert older databases (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\SettingsCCE-15105Table 1.141. Do not prompt to convert older databasesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2007\Miscellaneous\Do not prompt to convert older databases CCE-1532-1eThe "Internet and network paths as hyperlinks" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Proofing\Autocorrect Options\Internet and network paths as hyperlinks (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-15325Table 1.164. Internet and network paths as hyperlinksUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Proofing\Autocorrect Options\Internet and network paths as hyperlinks CCE-1039-7The "Save Excel files as (Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) | Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb) | Web Page (*.htm; *.html) | Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) | Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls))" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.m(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Save\Save Excel files as (Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) | Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb) | Web Page (*.htm; *.html) | Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) | Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls)) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1039 Table 1.211. Save Excel files as-User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Save\Save Excel files as (Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) | Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb) | Web Page (*.htm; *.html) | Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) | Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls)) CCE-1295-5RThe "Disable AutoRepublish" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Save\Disable AutoRepublish (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1295!Table 1.91. Disable AutoRepublishpUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Save\Disable AutoRepublish CCE-1334-2The "AutoRepublish Warning Alert (Always show the alert before publishing | Never show the alert before publishing)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Save\AutoRepublish Warning Alert (Always show the alert before publishing | Never show the alert before publishing) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1334'Table 1.25. AutoRepublish Warning AlertUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Save\AutoRepublish Warning Alert (Always show the alert before publishing | Never show the alert before publishing) CCE-1308-6The "Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooks" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooks (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\SecurityCCE-1308kTable 1.81. Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooksUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooks CCE-616-3The "Force file extension to match file type (Allow different | Allow different, but warn | Always match file type)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Force file extension to match file type (Allow different | Allow different, but warn | Always match file type) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\SecurityCCE-6164Table 1.155. Force file extension to match file typeUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Force file extension to match file type (Allow different | Allow different, but warn | Always match file type) CCE-1246-8^The "Store macro in Personal Macro Workbook by default" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Store macro in Personal Macro Workbook by default (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\SecurityCCE-1246>Table 1.221. Store macro in Personal Macro Workbook by defaultUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Store macro in Personal Macro Workbook by default CCE-1251-8\The "Disable all application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\SecurityCCE-1251User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins CCE-1524-8}The "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Securi< ty\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\SecurityCCE-1524User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher CCE-1422-5|The "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\SecurityCCE-1422User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins CCE-1444-9hThe "Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsAllow Trusted Locations not on the computer (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-1444User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsAllow Trusted Locations not on the computer CCE-1449-8ZThe "Disable all trusted locations" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-1449User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations CCE-1471-2WThe "Ignore other applications " setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Ignore other applications (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options\BinaryOptionsCCE-1471&Table 1.159. Ignore other applicationsyUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Ignore other applications CCE-1119-7ZThe "Ask to update automatic links" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Ask to update automatic links (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1119)Table 1.17. Ask to update automatic links|User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Ask to update automatic links CCE-1378-9tThe "Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-17)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-17) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRUCCE-1378User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-17) CCE-1277-3tThe "Save any additional data necessary to maintain formulas" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Web Options& \GeneralSave any additional data necessary to maintain formulas (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\InternetCCE-1277DTable 1.210. Save any additional data necessary to maintain formulasUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Web Options& \GeneralSave any additional data necessary to maintain formulas CCE-1464-7nThe "Load pictures from Web pages not created in Excel" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Web Options& \GeneralLoad pictures from Web pages not created in Excel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\InternetCCE-1464>Table 1.169. Load pictures from Web pages not created in ExcelUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Excel Options\Advanced\Web Options& \GeneralLoad pictures from Web pages not created in Excel CCE-1094-2The "Do not show data extraction options when opening corrupt workbooks" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Recovery\Do not show data extraction options when opening corrupt workbooks (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1094OTable 1.143. Do not show data extraction options when opening corrupt workbooksUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Recovery\Do not show data extraction options when opening corrupt workbooks CCE-1129-6The "Assume structured storage format of workbook is intact when recovering data" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Recovery\Assume structured storage format of workbook is intact when recovering data (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1129User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Recovery\Assume structured storage format of workbook is intact when recovering data CCE-1389-6The "Corrupt formula conversion (Convert unrecoverable references to: values | #REF or #NAME)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Recovery\Corrupt formula conversion (Convert unrecoverable references to: values | #REF or #NAME) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1389User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Recovery\Corrupt formula conversion (Convert unrecoverable references to: values | #REF or #NAME) CCE-1433-2VThe "Connection File Locations" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Access Security\Connection File Locations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Server Links\PublishedCCE-1433vUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Access Security\Connection File Locations CCE-1323-5The "Automatic Query Refresh (Prompt for all workbooks | Do not prompt; do not allow auto refresh | Do not prompt; allow auto refresh)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.)(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Data Access Security\Automatic Query Refresh (Prompt for all workbooks | Do not prompt; do not allow auto refresh | Do not prompt; allow auto refresh) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Server Links\PublishedCCE-1323User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft O< ffice Excel 2007\Data Access Security\Automatic Query Refresh (Prompt for all workbooks | Do not prompt; do not allow auto refresh | Do not prompt; allow auto refresh) CCE-1469-6MThe "Disable commands" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1469User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands CCE-1473-8The "Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Save as Web Page" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.'(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Save as Web Page (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1473User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Save as Web Page CCE-1499-3The "Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.'(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1499User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview CCE-1024-9lThe "Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1024User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email CCE-1530-5jThe "Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1530User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink CCE-1120-5pThe "Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect Sheet" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect Sheet (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1120User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect Sheet CCE-1252-6sThe "Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect Workbook" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect Workbook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1252User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect Workbook CCE-1151-0}The "Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect and Share Workbook" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect and Share Workbook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1151User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Changes | Protect and Share Workbook CCE-1301-1fThe "Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1301User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros CCE-1310-2iThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1310User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros CCE-1213-8oThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Record Macro" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Record Macro (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1213User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Record Macro CCE-1362-3qThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1362User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security CCE-1156-9oThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1156User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic CCE-1429-0The "Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Document Location" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.((1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Document Location (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1429User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - O< ffice Button | Excel Options | Customize | All Commands | Document Location CCE-1182-5RThe "Disable shortcut keys" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1182User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys CCE-1525-5yThe "Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1525User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink) CCE-1547-9wThe "Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1547User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros) CCE-1300-3~The "Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1300User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic) CCE-1331-8The "Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1331PTable 1.34. Block opening of files created by pre-release versions of Excel 2007User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007 CCE-1468-8aThe "Block opening of Open XML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Open XML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-14680Table 1.38. Block opening of Open XML file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Open XML file types CCE-1490-2bThe "Block opening of Binary 12 file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary 12 file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-14901Table 1.29. Block opening of Binary 12 file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary 12 file types CCE-1512-3_The "Block opening of Binary file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1512.Table 1.30. Block opening of Binary file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary file types CCE-1543-8hThe "Block opening of Html and Xmlss files types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Html and Xmlss files types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-15437Table 1.35. Block opening of Html and Xmlss files typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Html and Xmlss files types CCE-1195-7\The "Block opening of Xml file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Xml file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1195+Table 1.49. Block opening of Xml file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Xml file types CCE-554-6eThe "Block opening of DIF and SYLK file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of DIF and SYLK file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-5544Table 1.32. Block opening of DIF and SYLK file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of DIF and SYLK file types CCE-1415-9]The "Block opening of Text file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Text file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1415,Table 1.46. Block opening of Text file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Text file types CCE-1437-3[The "Block opening of Xll file type" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Xll file type (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1437*Table 1.48. Block opening of Xll file type~User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Xll file type CCE-1446-4`The "Block saving of Open Xml file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Open Xml file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1446/Table 1.57. Block saving of Open Xml file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Open Xml file types CCE-1098-3`The "Block saving of Binary12 file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary12 file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1098/Table 1.52. Block saving of Binary12 file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary12 file types CCE-562-9< ^The "Block saving of Binary file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-562User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary file types CCE-1507-3fThe "Block saving of Html and Xmlss file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Html and Xmlss file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-15075Table 1.55. Block saving of Html and Xmlss file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Html and Xmlss file types CCE-1406-8XThe "Block saving Xml file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving Xml file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1406{User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving Xml file types CCE-573-6aThe "Block saving DIF and SYLK file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving DIF and SYLK file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-5730Table 1.50. Block saving DIF and SYLK file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving DIF and SYLK file types CCE-1336-7\The "Block saving of Text file types" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Text file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1336+Table 1.60. Block saving of Text file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Text file types CCE-1230-2`The "Locally cache network file storages" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\Locally cache network file storages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1230yUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\Locally cache network file storages CCE-1375-5]The "Locally cache PivotTable reports" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\Locally cache PivotTable reports (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1375vUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\Locally cache PivotTable reports CCE-1380-5The "OLAP PivotTable User Defined Function (UDF) security setting (Allow ALL UDFs | Allow safe UDFs only | Allow NO UDFs)" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\OLAP PivotTable User Defined Function (UDF) security setting (Allow ALL UDFs | Allow safe UDFs only | Allow NO UDFs) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1380User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\OLAP PivotTable User Defined Function (UDF) security setting (Allow ALL UDFs | Allow safe UDFs only | Allow NO UDFs) CCE-1376-3PThe "Recognize SmartTags" setting should be configured correctly for Excel 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\Recognize SmartTags (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1376iUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2007\Miscellaneous\Recognize SmartTags CCE-1398-7xThe "Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0 - 9)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Tools | Options\General\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0 - 9) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPathCCE-1398User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Tools | Options\General\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0 - 9) CCE-569-4The "Offline Mode status (Disabled | Enabled, InfoPath in Offline Mode | Enabled, InfoPath not in Offline Mode)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Tools | Options\Advanced\Offline\Offline Mode status (Disabled | Enabled, InfoPath in Offline Mode | Enabled, InfoPath not in Offline Mode) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Editor\OfflineCCE-569 Table 1.178. Offline Mode statusUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Tools | Options\Advanced\Offline\Offline Mode status (Disabled | Enabled, InfoPath in Offline Mode | Enabled, InfoPath not in Offline Mode) CCE-1065-2PThe "Disable commands" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1065User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands CCE-1361-5_The "Disable commands - File | Print" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Print (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1361User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Print CCE-1096-7pThe "Disable commands - File | Send to Mail Recipient" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Send to Mail Recipient (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1096User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Send to Mail Recipient CCE-1391-2sThe "Disable commands - File | Open from SharePoint Site" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Open from SharePoint Site (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1391User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Open from SharePoint Site CCE-1519-8gThe "Disable commands - File | Print Preview" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Print Preview (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1519User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Inf< oPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Print Preview CCE-1523-0dThe "Disable commands - File | Page Setup" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Page Setup (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1523User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - File | Page Setup CCE-1171-8iThe "Disable commands - Insert | Hyperlinks..." setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Hyperlinks... (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1171User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Hyperlinks... CCE-1457-1gThe "Disable commands - Tools | Set Language" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Tools | Set Language (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1457User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Tools | Set Language CCE-1426-6gThe "Disable commands - Tools | Customize..." setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Tools | Customize... (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1426User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Tools | Customize... CCE-805-2eThe "Disable commands - Tools | Options..." setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Tools | Options... (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-805User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Tools | Options... CCE-1453-0qThe "Disable commands - Help | Microsoft Office Online" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Help | Microsoft Office Online (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1453User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Help | Microsoft Office Online CCE-1351-6eThe "Disable commands - Office Diagnostics" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Diagnostics (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1351User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Diagnostics CCE-620-5mThe "Disable commands - Help | Activate Product..." setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Help | Activate Product... (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-620User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Help | Activate Product... CCE-1017-3`The "Disable commands - Print Default" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Print Default (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1017User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Print Default CCE-1021-5UThe "Disable shortcut keys" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1021User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys CCE-1299-7oThe "Disable shortcut keys - Print Shortcut (Ctrl+P)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Print Shortcut (Ctrl+P) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1299User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Print Shortcut (Ctrl+P) CCE-1197-3zThe "Disable shortcut keys - Insert Hyperlink Shortcut (Ctrl+K)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Insert Hyperlink Shortcut (Ctrl+K) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1197User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Insert Hyperlink Shortcut (Ctrl+K) CCE-704-7The "Control behavior for Windows SharePoint Services gradual upgrade (Allow redirections to any location | Allow redirections to Intranet only | Block all redirections)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.<(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior for Windows SharePoint Services gradual upgrade (Allow redirections to any location | Allow redirections to Intranet only | Block all redirections) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-704LTable 1.73. Control behavior for Windows SharePoint Services gradual upgradeUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior for Windows SharePoint Services gradual upgrade (Allow redirections to any location | Allow redirections to Intranet only | Block all redirections) CCE-1105-6|The "Disable opening of solutions from the Internet security zone" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Disable opening of solutions from the Internet security zone (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1105ITable 1.109. Disable opening of solutions from the Internet security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Disable opening of solutions from the Internet security zone CCE-1114-8wThe "Disable fully trusted solutions full access to computer" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 200< 7.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Disable fully trusted solutions full access to computer (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1114DTable 1.102. Disable fully trusted solutions full access to computerUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Disable fully trusted solutions full access to computer CCE-761-7zThe "Allow the use of ActiveX Custom Controls in InfoPath forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Allow the use of ActiveX Custom Controls in InfoPath forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPathCCE-761User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Allow the use of ActiveX Custom Controls in InfoPath forms CCE-739-3The "Run forms in restricted mode if they do not specify a publish location and use only features introduced before InfoPath 2003 SP1" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Run forms in restricted mode if they do not specify a publish location and use only features introduced before InfoPath 2003 SP1 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-739User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Run forms in restricted mode if they do not specify a publish location and use only features introduced before InfoPath 2003 SP1 CCE-1259-1hThe "Allow file types as attachments to forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Allow file types as attachments to forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-12593Table 1.7. Allow file types as attachments to forms|User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Allow file types as attachments to forms CCE-1267-4qThe "Block specific file types as attachments to forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Block specific file types as attachments to forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1267=Table 1.62. Block specific file types as attachments to formsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Block specific file types as attachments to forms CCE-1060-3The "Prevent users from allowing unsafe file types to be attached to forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Prevent users from allowing unsafe file types to be attached to forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1060RTable 1.186. Prevent users from allowing unsafe file types to be attached to formsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Prevent users from allowing unsafe file types to be attached to forms CCE-955-5qThe "Display a warning that a form is digitally signed" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Display a warning that a form is digitally signed (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-955User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Display a warning that a form is digitally signed CCE-1479-5The "Control behavior when opening forms in the Internet security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Internet security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Open BehaviorsCCE-1479MTable 1.74. Control behavior when opening forms in the Internet security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Internet security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) CCE-1360-7The "Control behavior when opening forms in the Intranet security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Intranet security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Open BehaviorsCCE-1360MTable 1.75. Control behavior when opening forms in the Intranet security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Intranet security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) CCE-1386-2The "Control behavior when opening forms in the Local Machine security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Local Machine security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Open BehaviorsCCE-1386User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Local Machine security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) CCE-893-8The "Control behavior when opening forms in the Trusted Site security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Trusted Site security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Open BehaviorsCCE-893QTable 1.76. Control behavior when opening forms in the Trusted Site security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Control behavior when opening forms in the Trusted Site security zone (Block | Prompt | Allow) CCE-1290-6The "Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath (Never show beaconing UI | Always show beaconing UI | Show UI if Form Template is from Internet Zone)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.'(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath (Never show beaconing UI | Always show beaconing UI | Show UI if Form Template is from Internet Zone) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-12905Table 1.26. Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPathUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath (Never show beaconing UI | Always show beaconing UI | Show UI if Form Template is from Internet Zone) CCE-1381-3The "Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath Editor ActiveX (Never show beaconing UI | Always show beaconing UI | Show UI if Form Template is from Internet Zone)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.6(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath Editor ActiveX (Never show beaconing UI | Always show beaconing UI | Show UI if Form Template is from Internet Zone) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1381DTable 1.27. Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath Editor ActiveXUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Beaconing UI for forms opened in InfoPath Editor ActiveX (Never show beaconing UI | Always show beaconing UI | Show UI if Form Template is from Internet Zone) CCE-1135-3< _The "Disable all application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1135User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins CCE-1157-7The "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1157User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher CCE-1434-0The "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1434User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins CCE-1315-1The "Control behavior when opening InfoPath e-mail forms containing code or script (Run without prompting | Prompt before running | Never run)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.8(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Control behavior when opening InfoPath e-mail forms containing code or script (Run without prompting | Prompt before running | Never run) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1315YTable 1.77. Control behavior when opening InfoPath e-mail forms containing code or scriptUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Control behavior when opening InfoPath e-mail forms containing code or script (Run without prompting | Prompt before running | Never run) CCE-1210-4oThe "Disable sending form template with e-mail forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable sending form template with e-mail forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DeploymentCCE-1210<Table 1.112. Disable sending form template with e-mail formsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable sending form template with e-mail forms CCE-1236-9The "Disable dynamic caching of the form template in InfoPath e-mail forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable dynamic caching of the form template in InfoPath e-mail forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\DeploymentCCE-1236QTable 1.97. Disable dynamic caching of the form template in InfoPath e-mail formsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable dynamic caching of the form template in InfoPath e-mail forms CCE-884-7sThe "Disable sending InfoPath 2003 Forms as e-mail forms" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable sending InfoPath 2003 Forms as e-mail forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPathCCE-884@Table 1.113. Disable sending InfoPath 2003 Forms as e-mail formsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable sending InfoPath 2003 Forms as e-mail forms CCE-1518-0yThe "Disable e-mail forms running in restricted security level" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms running in restricted security level (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1518FTable 1.101. Disable e-mail forms running in restricted security levelUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms running in restricted security level CCE-1170-0tThe "Disable e-mail forms from the Internet security zone" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms from the Internet security zone (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1170@Table 1.99. Disable e-mail forms from the Internet security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms from the Internet security zone CCE-1316-9tThe "Disable e-mail forms from the Intranet security zone" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms from the Intranet security zone (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1316ATable 1.100. Disable e-mail forms from the Intranet security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms from the Intranet security zone CCE-1567-7vThe "Disable e-mail forms from the Full Trust security zone" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms from the Full Trust security zone (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1567BTable 1.98. Disable e-mail forms from the Full Trust security zoneUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable e-mail forms from the Full Trust security zone CCE-1265-8hThe "Disable InfoPath e-mail forms in Outlook" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable InfoPath e-mail forms in Outlook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-12655Table 1.106. Disable InfoPath e-mail forms in OutlookUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Disable items in user interface\Disable InfoPath e-mail forms in Outlook CCE-1538-8]The "Information Rights Management" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Restricted Features\Information Rights Management (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Designer\RestrictedFeaturesCCE-1538*Table 1.163. Information Rights Management|User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Restricted Features\Information Rights Management CCE-1564-4KThe "Custom code" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Restricted Features\Custom code (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Designer\RestrictedFeaturesCCE-1564Table 1.79. Custom codejUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Restricted Features\Custom code CCE-1212-0< The "Email Forms Beaconing UI (Never show UI | Always show UI | Show UI if XSN is in Internet Zone)" setting should be configured correctly for InfoPath 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Miscellaneous\Email Forms Beaconing UI (Never show UI | Always show UI | Show UI if XSN is in Internet Zone) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1212%Table 1.147. Email Forms Beaconing UIUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007\Miscellaneous\Email Forms Beaconing UI (Never show UI | Always show UI | Show UI if XSN is in Internet Zone) CCE-1344-1fThe "Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1344FTable 1.122. Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UIUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI CCE-723-7yThe "Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Word" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Word (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-723User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Word CCE-1384-7zThe "Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Excel" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Excel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1384User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Excel CCE-1159-3The "Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in PowerPoint" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in PowerPoint (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1159User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in PowerPoint CCE-1146-0{The "Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Access" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Access (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1146User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Access CCE-1542-0|The "Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Outlook" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Outlook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1542User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable user customization of Quick Access Toolbar via UI - Disallow in Outlook CCE-582-7cThe "Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-582BTable 1.90. Disable all user customization of Quick Access ToolbarUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar CCE-1291-4vThe "Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Word" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Word (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1291User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Word CCE-1326-8wThe "Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Excel" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Excel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1326User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Excel CCE-1330-0|The "Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in PowerPoint" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in PowerPoint (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1330User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in PowerPoint CCE-1335-9xThe "Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Access" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Access (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1335User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Access CCE-1229-4yThe "Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Outlook" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Outlook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1229User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable all user customization of Quick Access Toolbar - Disallow in Outlook CCE-630-4^The "Disable UI extending from documents and templates" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-630>Table 1.121. Disable UI extending from documents and templatesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates CCE-1154-4qThe "Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Word" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administr< ative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Word (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1154User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Word CCE-1410-0rThe "Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Excel" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Excel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1410User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Excel CCE-1432-4wThe "Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in PowerPoint" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in PowerPoint (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1432User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in PowerPoint CCE-1198-1sThe "Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Access" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Access (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-1198User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Access CCE-929-0tThe "Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Outlook" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Outlook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\ToolbarsCCE-929User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Global Options\Customize\Disable UI extending from documents and templates - Disallow in Outlook CCE-1074-4JThe "Recognize smart tags in Excel" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | AutoCorrect Options... (Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access)\Recognize smart tags in Excel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\OptionsCCE-1074*Table 1.194. Recognize smart tags in ExcelUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | AutoCorrect Options... (Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access)\Recognize smart tags in Excel CCE-1458-9The "Disable Clip Art and Media downloads from the client and from Office Online website" setting should be configured correctly (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable Clip Art and Media downloads from the client and from Office Online website (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1458_Table 1.93. Disable Clip Art and Media downloads from the client and from Office Online websiteUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable Clip Art and Media downloads from the client and from Office Online website CCE-1233-6vThe "Disable template downloads from the client and from Office Online website" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable template downloads from the client and from Office Online website (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1233VTable 1.117. Disable template downloads from the client and from Office Online websiteUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable template downloads from the client and from Office Online website CCE-1379-7yThe "Disable access to updates, add-ins, and patches on the Office Online website" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable access to updates, add-ins, and patches on the Office Online website (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1379XTable 1.85. Disable access to updates, add-ins, and patches on the Office Online websiteUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable access to updates, add-ins, and patches on the Office Online website CCE-1401-9}The "Prevents users from uploading document templates to the Office Online community." setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Prevents users from uploading document templates to the Office Online community. (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1401\Table 1.188. Prevents users from uploading document templates to the Office Online communityUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Prevents users from uploading document templates to the Office Online community. CCE-1528-9oThe "Disable training practice downloads from the Office Online website" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable training practice downloads from the Office Online website (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1528OTable 1.119. Disable training practice downloads from the Office Online websiteUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable training practice downloads from the Office Online website CCE-1533-9nThe "Disable customer-submitted templates downloads from Office Online" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable customer-submitted templates downloads from Office Online (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1533MTable 1.95. Disable customer-submitted templates downloads from Office OnlineUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Disable customer-submitted templates downloads from Office Online CCE-646-0_The "Open Office documents as read/write while browsing" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Files\Open Office documents as read/write while browsing (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-646?Table 1.180. Open Office documents as read/write while browsingUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Files\Open Office documents as read/write while browsing CCE-1438-1\The "Rely on VML for displaying graphics in browsers" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Browsers\Rely on VML for displaying graphics in browsers (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Internet< CCE-1438<Table 1.195. Rely on VML for displaying graphics in browsersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Browsers\Rely on VML for displaying graphics in browsers CCE-711-2JThe "Allow PNG as an output format" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Browsers\Allow PNG as an output format (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-711(Table 1.9. Allow PNG as an output formatUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | General | Web Options...\Browsers\Allow PNG as an output format CCE-1292-2CThe "Improve Proofing Tools" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | Spelling\Proofing Data Collection\Improve Proofing Tools (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\PTWatsonCCE-1292#Table 1.160. Improve Proofing ToolsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Tools | Options | Spelling\Proofing Data Collection\Improve Proofing Tools CCE-1615-4PThe "Disable Opt-in Wizard on first run" setting should be configured correctly.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007\Privacy \Trust Center\Disable Opt-in Wizard on first run (2) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\QMEnableCCE-1615/Table 1.110. Disable Opt-in Wizard on first runUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Privacy\Trust Center\Disable Opt-in Wizard on first run CCE-1191-6DThe "Microsoft Office Online" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Help\Microsoft Office Online (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1191eUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Help\Microsoft Office Online CCE-1587-5EThe "Disable Password Caching" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable Password Caching (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1587sUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable Password Caching CCE-1486-0dThe "Disable all Trust Bar notifications for security issues" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable all Trust Bar notifications for security issues (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\TrustCenterCCE-1486CTable 1.88. Disable all Trust Bar notifications for security issuesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable all Trust Bar notifications for security issues CCE-1508-1oThe "Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML Files" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML Files (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1508OTable 1.191. Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML FilesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML Files CCE-1640-2dThe "Protect document metadata for password protected files." setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Protect document metadata for password protected files. (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1640CTable 1.190. Protect document metadata for password protected filesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Protect document metadata for password protected files. CCE-1539-6iThe "Encryption type for password protected Office Open XML files" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Encryption type for password protected Office Open XML files (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1539ITable 1.153. Encryption type for password protected Office Open XML filesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Encryption type for password protected Office Open XML files CCE-1561-0hThe "Encryption type for password protected Office 97-2003 files" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Encryption type for password protected Office 97-2003 files (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1561HTable 1.152. Encryption type for password protected Office 97-2003 filesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Encryption type for password protected Office 97-2003 files CCE-1068-6TThe "Load Controls in Forms3 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4)" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Load Controls in Forms3 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\VBA\SecurityCCE-1068$Table 1.168. Load Controls in Forms3User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Load Controls in Forms3 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) CCE-1574-3The "Automation Security (Disable macros by default | Use application macro security level | Macros enabled)" setting should be configured correctly2007: (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Automation Security (Disable macros by default | Use application macro security level | Macros enabled) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Security 2003: (1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Automation Security (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\Security - AutomationSecurityCCE-1574Table 1.24. Automation SecurityUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Automation Security (Disable macros by default | Use application macro security level | Macros enabled) CCE-1239-3hThe "Prevent Word and Excel from loading managed code extensions" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Prevent Word and Excel from loading managed code extensions (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Smart TagCCE-1239User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Prevent Word and Excel from loading managed code extensions CCE-1623-8GThe "Disable hyperlink warnings" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable hyperlink warnings (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1623'Table 1.103. Disable hyperlink warningsuUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable hyperlink warnings CCE-1083-5HThe "Disable password to open UI" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable password to open UI (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SecurityCCE-1083(Table 1.111. Disable password to open UIvUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable password to open UI CCE-1343-3EThe "Download< Office Controls" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Download Office Controls (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1343sUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Download Office Controls CCE-1242-7@The "Disable All ActiveX" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable All ActiveX (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\SecurityCCE-1242Table 1.86. Disable All ActiveXnUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Disable All ActiveX CCE-770-8SThe "Allow mix of policy and user locations" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Trust Center\Allow mix of policy and user locations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-7701Table 1.8. Allow mix of policy and user locationsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Security Settings\Trust Center\Allow mix of policy and user locations CCE-903-5VThe "Disable Smart Document's use of manifests" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Smart Documents (Word, Excel)\Disable Smart Document's use of manifests (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Smart TagCCE-9036Table 1.116. Disable Smart Document's use of manifestsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Smart Documents (Word, Excel)\Disable Smart Document's use of manifests CCE-1555-2mThe "Completely disable the Smart Documents feature in Word and Excel" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Smart Documents (Word, Excel)\Completely disable the Smart Documents feature in Word and Excel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\Smart TagCCE-1555User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Smart Documents (Word, Excel)\Completely disable the Smart Documents feature in Word and Excel CCE-1061-1IThe "Disable Internet Fax feature" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Services\Fax\Disable Internet Fax feature (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Services\FaxCCE-1061)Table 1.107. Disable Internet Fax featurerUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Services\Fax\Disable Internet Fax feature CCE-1603-0nThe "Prevent users from changing permissions on rights managed content" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Prevent users from changing permissions on rights managed content (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRMCCE-1603NTable 1.187. Prevent users from changing permissions on rights managed contentUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Prevent users from changing permissions on rights managed content CCE-1612-1qThe "Allow users with earlier versions of Office to read with browsers..." setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Allow users with earlier versions of Office to read with browsers... (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRMCCE-1612NTable 1.13. Allow users with earlier versions of Office to read with browsers& User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Allow users with earlier versions of Office to read with browsers... CCE-1493-6aThe "Always require users to connect to verify permission" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Always require users to connect to verify permission (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRMCCE-1493@Table 1.15. Always require users to connect to verify permissionUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Always require users to connect to verify permission CCE-1409-2uThe "Always expand groups in Office when restricting permission for documents" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Always expand groups in Office when restricting permission for documents (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRM\AutoExpandDlsCCE-1409TTable 1.14. Always expand groups in Office when restricting permission for documentsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Always expand groups in Office when restricting permission for documents CCE-1589-1zThe "Never allow users to specify groups when restricting permission for documents" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Never allow users to specify groups when restricting permission for documents (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRMCCE-1589ZTable 1.177. Never allow users to specify groups when restricting permission for documentsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Never allow users to specify groups when restricting permission for documents CCE-1237-7vThe "Disable Microsoft Passport service for content with restricted permission" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Disable Microsoft Passport service for content with restricted permission (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRMCCE-1237VTable 1.108. Disable Microsoft Passport service for content with restricted permissionUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Disable Microsoft Passport service for content with restricted permission CCE-1404-3vThe "Do not allow users to upgrade Information Rights Management configuration" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Do not allow users to upgrade Information Rights Management configuration (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DRMCCE-1404User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Manage Restricted Permissions\Do not allow users to upgrade Information Rights Management configuration CCE-1396-1@The "Key Usage Filtering" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Key Usage Filtering (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\GeneralCCE-1396 Table 1.166. Key Usage FilteringdUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Key Usage Filtering CCE-1167-6:The "EKU filtering" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\EKU filtering (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SignaturesCCE-1167Table 1.146. EKU filtering^User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\EKU filtering CCE-1585-9EThe "Legacy format signatures" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Legacy < format signatures (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SignaturesCCE-1585%Table 1.167. Legacy format signaturesiUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Legacy format signatures CCE-1572-7The "Suppress Office Signing Providers (Enable Western and East Asian | Suppress default Western | Suppress default East Asian | Suppress both Western and East Asian)" setting should be configured correctly6(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Suppress Office Signing Providers (Enable Western and East Asian | Suppress default Western | Suppress default East Asian | Suppress both Western and East Asian) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SignaturesCCE-1572.Table 1.223. Suppress Office Signing ProvidersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Suppress Office Signing Providers (Enable Western and East Asian | Suppress default Western | Suppress default East Asian | Suppress both Western and East Asian) CCE-1220-3[The "Suppress external signature services menu item" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Suppress external signature services menu item (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\SignaturesCCE-1220;Table 1.222. Suppress external signature services menu itemUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Signing\Suppress external signature services menu item CCE-1634-5HThe "Disable Check For Solutions" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office Diagnostics\Disable Check For Solutions (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\OffDiagCCE-1634'Table 1.92. Disable Check For SolutionswUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office Diagnostics\Disable Check For Solutions CCE-1643-6kThe "Disable inclusion of document properties in PDF and XPS output" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Microsoft Save As PDF and XPS add-ins\Disable inclusion of document properties in PDF and XPS output (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\FixedFormatCCE-1643KTable 1.105. Disable inclusion of document properties in PDF and XPS outputUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Microsoft Save As PDF and XPS add-ins\Disable inclusion of document properties in PDF and XPS output CCE-1546-1OThe "Disable Document Information Panel" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Document Information Panel\Disable Document Information Panel (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DocumentInformationPanelCCE-1546.Table 1.96. Disable Document Information PanelUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Document Information Panel\Disable Document Information Panel CCE-1505-7The "Document Information Panel Beaconing UI (Never show UI | Always show UI | Show UI if XSN is in Internet Zone)" setting should be configured correctly#(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Document Information Panel\Document Information Panel Beaconing UI (Never show UI | Always show UI | Show UI if XSN is in Internet Zone) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DocumentInformationPanelCCE-15054Table 1.144. Document Information Panel Beaconing UIUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Document Information Panel\Document Information Panel Beaconing UI (Never show UI | Always show UI | Show UI if XSN is in Internet Zone) CCE-1545-3yThe "Disable the Office client from polling the Office server for published links" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Server Settings\Disable the Office client from polling the Office server for published links (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\PortalCCE-1545YTable 1.118. Disable the Office client from polling the Office server for published linksUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Server Settings\Disable the Office client from polling the Office server for published links CCE-1549-5The "Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Word 2007 Open XML/Word 97-2003 Format Converter" setting should be configured correctlyc(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office 2007 Converters\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Word 2007 Open XML/Word 97-2003 Format Converter (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1549Table 1.44. Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Word 2007 Open XML/Word 97-2003 Format ConverterUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office 2007 Converters\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Word 2007 Open XML/Word 97-2003 Format Converter CCE-1431-6The "Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Excel 2007 Converter" setting should be configured correctlyI(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office 2007 Converters\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Excel 2007 Converter (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1431Table 1.40. Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Excel 2007 ConverterUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office 2007 Converters\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and Excel 2007 Converter CCE-1594-1The "Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and PowerPoint 2007 Converter" setting should be configured correctlyX(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office 2007 Converters\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and PowerPoint 2007 Converter (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1594Table 1.42. Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and PowerPoint 2007 ConverterUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office 2007 Converters\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 through the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system and PowerPoint 2007 Converter CCE-1241-9The "Control Blogging (Enabled | Only SharePoint blogs allowed | All blogging disabled)" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Control Blogging (Enabled | Only SharePoint blogs allowed | All blogging disabled) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\BlogCCE-1241Table 1.78. Control bloggingUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Control Blogging (Enabled | Only SharePoint blogs allowed | All< blogging disabled) CCE-1607-1@The "Enable Smart Resume" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Enable Smart Resume (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Restore WorkspaceCCE-1607jUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Enable Smart Resume CCE-752-6FThe "Do not upload media files" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Do not upload media files (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-752pUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Do not upload media files CCE-1166-8mThe "Disable hyperlinks to web templates in File | New and task panes" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Disable hyperlinks to web templates in File | New and task panes (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InternetCCE-1166_Table 1.104. Disable hyperlinks to web templates from the client and from Office Online websiteUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Disable hyperlinks to web templates in File | New and task panes CCE-654-4UThe "Prevent access to Web-based file storage" setting should be configured correctly(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Prevent access to Web-based file storage (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\WebServicesCCE-654User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Miscellaneous\Prevent access to Web-based file storage CCE-1192-4lThe "Do not allow attachment previewing in Outlook" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\E-mail Options\Do not allow attachment previewing in Outlook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PreferencesCCE-1192:Table 1.128. Do not allow attachment previewing in OutlookUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\E-mail Options\Do not allow attachment previewing in Outlook CCE-791-4XThe "Read e-mail as plain text" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\E-mail Options\Read e-mail as plain text (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-791&Table 1.192. Read e-mail as plain textUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\E-mail Options\Read e-mail as plain text CCE-1456-3_The "Read signed e-mail as plain text" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\E-mail Options\Read signed e-mail as plain text (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1456-Table 1.193. Read signed e-mail as plain textUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\E-mail Options\Read signed e-mail as plain text CCE-1478-7bThe "Prevent publishing to Office Online" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServicePrevent publishing to Office Online (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCalCCE-14780Table 1.185. Prevent publishing to Office OnlineUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServicePrevent publishing to Office Online CCE-1368-0aThe "Prevent publishing to a DAV server" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServicePrevent publishing to a DAV server (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCalCCE-1368/Table 1.184. Prevent publishing to a DAV serverUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServicePrevent publishing to a DAV server CCE-1641-0The "Restrict level of calendar details users can publish (All options are available | Disables 'Full details' | Disables 'Full details' and 'Limited details')" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServiceRestrict level of calendar details users can publish (All options are available | Disables 'Full details' | Disables 'Full details' and 'Limited details') (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCalCCE-1641ATable 1.202. Restrict level of calendar details users can publish;User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServiceRestrict level of calendar details users can publish (All options are available | Disables 'Full details' | Disables 'Full details' and 'Limited details') CCE-1266-6\The "Access to published calendars" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServiceAccess to published calendars (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCalCCE-1266(Table 1.1. Access to published calendarsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServiceAccess to published calendars CCE-1399-5UThe "Restrict upload method" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServiceRestrict upload method (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCalCCE-1399#Table 1.203. Restrict upload methodUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Calendar Options\Microsoft Office Online Sharing ServiceRestrict upload method CCE-1187-4PThe "Hide Junk Mail UI" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Hide Junk Mail UI (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OutlookCCE-1187Table 1.158. Hide Junk Mail UIUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Hide Junk Mail UI CCE-1588-3The "Junk E-mail protection level (No Protection, Low, High, Trusted Lists Only)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Junk E-mail protection level (No Protection, Low, High, Trusted Lists Only) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1588)Table 1.165. Junk E-mail protection levelUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Junk E-mail protection level (No Protection, Low, High, Trusted Lists Only) CCE-1117-1YThe "Trust E-mail from < Contacts" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Trust E-mail from Contacts (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1117'Table 1.226. Trust E-mail from ContactsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Trust E-mail from Contacts CCE-1130-4qThe "Add e-mail recipients to users' Safe Senders Lists" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Add e-mail recipients to users' Safe Senders Lists (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1130=Table 1.4. Add e-mail recipients to users' Safe Senders ListsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Preferences\Junk E-mail\Add e-mail recipients to users' Safe Senders Lists CCE-1093-4NThe "Dial-up options" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1093Table 1.84. Dial-up optionswUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options CCE-1599-0yThe "Dial-up options - Warn before switching dial-up connection" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options - Warn before switching dial-up connection (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1599User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options - Warn before switching dial-up connection CCE-1621-2The "Dial-up options - Hang up when finished sending, receiving, or updating" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options - Hang up when finished sending, receiving, or updating (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1621User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options - Hang up when finished sending, receiving, or updating CCE-1269-0The "Dial-up options - Automatically dial during a background Send/Receive" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options - Automatically dial during a background Send/Receive (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1269User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Setup\Dial-up options - Automatically dial during a background Send/Receive CCE-1419-1The "Do not allow creating, replying, or forwarding signatures for e-mail messages" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Do not allow creating, replying, or forwarding signatures for e-mail messages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettingsCCE-1419ZTable 1.129. Do not allow creating, replying, or forwarding signatures for e-mail messagesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Do not allow creating, replying, or forwarding signatures for e-mail messages CCE-1551-1The "Send copy of pictures with HTML messages instead of reference to Internet location" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Send copy of pictures with HTML messages instead of reference to Internet location (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1551User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Send copy of pictures with HTML messages instead of reference to Internet location CCE-655-1The "Outlook Rich Text options (Convert to HTML | Convert to Plain Text format | Send Using Outlook Rich Text format)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.4(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Outlook Rich Text options (Convert to HTML | Convert to Plain Text format | Send Using Outlook Rich Text format) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-655&Table 1.181. Outlook Rich Text optionsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Outlook Rich Text options (Convert to HTML | Convert to Plain Text format | Send Using Outlook Rich Text format) CCE-1592-5QThe "Plain text options" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Plain text options (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1592Table 1.183. Plain text optionsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Plain text options CCE-1614-7The "Plain text options - Encode attachments in UUENCODE format when sending a plain text message" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Plain text options - Encode attachments in UUENCODE format when sending a plain text message (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1614User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Plain text options - Encode attachments in UUENCODE format when sending a plain text message CCE-1526-3qThe "Set message format (HTML | Rich Text | Plain Text)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Message FormatSet message format (HTML | Rich Text | Plain Text) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1526Table 1.217. Set message formatUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Mail Format\Internet Formatting\Message FormatSet message format (HTML | Rich Text | Plain Text) CCE-1111-4The "Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar (2) software\policies\microsoft\office\12.0\outlook\options\generalCCE-1111PTable 1.171. Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and CalendarUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar CCE-1494-4The "Do not allow folders in non-default stores to be set as folder home pages" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Do not allow folders in non-default stores to be set as < folder home pages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1494VTable 1.130. Do not allow folders in non-default stores to be set as folder home pagesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Do not allow folders in non-default stores to be set as folder home pages CCE-1287-2}The "Use Unicode format when dragging e-mail message to file system" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Use Unicode format when dragging e-mail message to file system (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\GeneralCCE-1287KTable 1.233. Use Unicode format when dragging e-mail message to file systemUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Use Unicode format when dragging e-mail message to file system CCE-1529-7The "Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1529PTable 1.132. Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared foldersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders CCE-1560-2The "Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1560PTable 1.131. Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public foldersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Advanced\Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders CCE-1596-6The "Set maximum level of online status on a person name (Do not allow | Allow everywhere except To and CC field | Allow everywhere)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.,(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Person Names\Set maximum level of online status on a person name (Do not allow | Allow everywhere except To and CC field | Allow everywhere) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\IMCCE-1596@Table 1.216. Set maximum level of online status on a person nameUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Person Names\Set maximum level of online status on a person name (Do not allow | Allow everywhere except To and CC field | Allow everywhere) CCE-1604-8The "Display online status on a person name (Never | Everywhere except To and CC field | Everywhere)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Person Names\Display online status on a person name (Never | Everywhere except To and CC field | Everywhere) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\IMCCE-16043Table 1.126. Display online status on a person nameUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Person Names\Display online status on a person name (Never | Everywhere except To and CC field | Everywhere) CCE-1648-5pThe "Turn off Enable the Person Names Smart Tag option" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Person Names\Turn off Enable the Person Names Smart Tag option (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\IMCCE-1648>Table 1.227. Turn off Enable the Person Names Smart Tag optionUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Options...\Other\Person Names\Turn off Enable the Person Names Smart Tag option CCE-1516-4The "Outlook Security Mode (Outlook Default Security | Use Security Form from 'Outlook Security Settings' Public Folder | Use Security Form from 'Outlook 10 Security Settings' Public Folder | Use Outlook Security Group Policy)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Outlook Security Mode (Outlook Default Security | Use Security Form from 'Outlook Security Settings' Public Folder | Use Security Form from 'Outlook 10 Security Settings' Public Folder | Use Outlook Security Group Policy) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1516"Table 1.182. Outlook Security ModeGUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Outlook Security Mode (Outlook Default Security | Use Security Form from 'Outlook Security Settings' Public Folder | Use Security Form from 'Outlook 10 Security Settings' Public Folder | Use Outlook Security Group Policy) CCE-1296-3ZThe "Display Level 1 attachments" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Display Level 1 attachments (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1296(Table 1.125. Display Level 1 attachmentsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Display Level 1 attachments CCE-1388-8kThe "Allow users to demote attachments to Level 2" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Allow users to demote attachments to Level 2 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-13888Table 1.12. Allow users to demote attachments to Level 2User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Allow users to demote attachments to Level 2 CCE-1652-7{The "Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when sending an item" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when sending an item (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1652ITable 1.140. Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when sending an itemUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when sending an item CCE-1569-3{The "Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when closing an item" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when closing an item (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1569ITable 1.139. Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when closing an itemUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Do not prompt about Level 1 attachments when closing an item CCE-1459-7pThe "Allow in-place activation of embedded OLE objects" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\< Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Allow in-place activation of embedded OLE objects (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1459User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Allow in-place activation of embedded OLE objects CCE-1608-9ZThe "Display OLE package objects" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Display OLE package objects (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1608User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Display OLE package objects CCE-1617-0fThe "Add file extensions to block as Level 1" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Add file extensions to block as Level 1 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-16172Table 1.5. Add file extensions to block as Level 1User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Add file extensions to block as Level 1 CCE-1631-1hThe "Remove file extensions blocked as Level 1" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Remove file extensions blocked as Level 1 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-16316Table 1.196. Remove file extensions blocked as Level 1User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Remove file extensions blocked as Level 1 CCE-1155-1fThe "Add file extensions to block as Level 2" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Add file extensions to block as Level 2 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-11552Table 1.6. Add file extensions to block as Level 2User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Add file extensions to block as Level 2 CCE-1556-0hThe "Remove file extensions blocked as Level 2" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Remove file extensions blocked as Level 2 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-15566Table 1.197. Remove file extensions blocked as Level 2User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Attachment Security\Remove file extensions blocked as Level 2 CCE-1595-8eThe "Allow scripts in one-off Outlook forms" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Custom Form Security\Allow scripts in one-off Outlook forms (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-15952Table 1.10. Allow scripts in one-off Outlook formsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Custom Form Security\Allow scripts in one-off Outlook forms CCE-1436-5The "Set Outlook object model Custom Actions execution prompt (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.^(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Custom Form Security\Set Outlook object model Custom Actions execution prompt (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1436ETable 1.218. Set Outlook object model Custom Actions execution promptUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Custom Form Security\Set Outlook object model Custom Actions execution prompt (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1586-7The "Set control ItemProperty prompt (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctlyE(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Custom Form Security\Set control ItemProperty prompt (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1586,Table 1.215. Set control ItemProperty promptUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Custom Form Security\Set control ItemProperty prompt (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1590-9The "Configure Outlook object model prompt when sending mail (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.^(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when sending mail (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1590CTable 1.71. Configure Outlook object model prompt when sending mailUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when sending mail (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1004-1The "Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing an address book (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.k(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing an address book (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1004PTable 1.65. Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing an address book(User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing an address book (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1273-2The "Configure Outlook object model prompt when reading address information (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.m(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when reading address information (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1273RTable 1.69. C< onfigure Outlook object model prompt when reading address information*User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when reading address information (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1172-6The "Configure Outlook object model prompt when responding to meeting and task requests (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.y(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when responding to meeting and task requests (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1172^Table 1.70. Configure Outlook object model prompt when responding to meeting and task requests6User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when responding to meeting and task requests (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1568-5The "Configure Outlook object model prompt when executing Save As (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.c(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when executing Save As (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1568HTable 1.68. Configure Outlook object model prompt when executing Save As User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when executing Save As (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1573-5The "Configure Outlook object model prompt When accessing the Formula property of a UserProperty object (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt When accessing the Formula property of a UserProperty object (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1573nTable 1.67. Configure Outlook object model prompt When accessing the Formula property of a UserProperty objectFUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt When accessing the Formula property of a UserProperty object (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1454-8The "Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing address information via UserProperties.Find (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing address information via UserProperties.Find (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1454lTable 1.66. Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing address information via UserProperties.FindDUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing address information via UserProperties.Find (Prompt User | Automatically Approve | Automatically Deny | Prompt user based on computer security) CCE-1498-5]The "Required Certificate Authority" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Required Certificate Authority (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1498+Table 1.201. Required Certificate Authority~User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Required Certificate Authority CCE-1630-3The "S/MIME interoperability with external clients: (Handle internally | Handle externally | Handle if possible)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME interoperability with external clients: (Handle internally | Handle externally | Handle if possible) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1630;Table 1.207. S/MIME interoperability with external clients:User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME interoperability with external clients: (Handle internally | Handle externally | Handle if possible) CCE-1626-1qThe "Always use Rich Text formatting in S/MIME messages" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Always use Rich Text formatting in S/MIME messages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1626User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Always use Rich Text formatting in S/MIME messages CCE-1163-5WThe "S/MIME password settings" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME password settings (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Exchange Cryptographic Provider v1.0CCE-1163%Table 1.208. S/MIME password settingsxUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME password settings CCE-1445-6The "S/MIME password settings - Default S/MIME password time (minutes): (0 - 2147483647)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.'(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME password settings - Default S/MIME password time (minutes): (0 - 2147483647) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Exchange Cryptographic Provider v1.0CCE-1445User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME password settings - Default S/MIME password time (minutes): (0 - 2147483647) CCE-1582-6The "S/MIME password settings - Maximum S/MIME password time (minutes): (0 - 2147483647)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.'(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME password settings - Maximum S/MIME password time (minutes): (0 - 2147483647) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Exchange Cryptographic Provider v1.0CCE-1582User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME password settings - Maximum S/MIME password time (minutes): (0 - 2147483647) CCE-1357-3< NThe "Message Formats" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Message Formats (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1357Table 1.172. Message FormatsoUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Message Formats CCE-1132-0The "Message Formats - Support the following message formats: (S/MIME | Exchange | Fortezza | S/MIME and Exchange | S/MIME and Fortezza | Exchange and Fortezza | S/MIME, Exchange, and Fortezza)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007._(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Message Formats - Support the following message formats: (S/MIME | Exchange | Fortezza | S/MIME and Exchange | S/MIME and Fortezza | Exchange and Fortezza | S/MIME, Exchange, and Fortezza) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1132User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Message Formats - Support the following message formats: (S/MIME | Exchange | Fortezza | S/MIME and Exchange | S/MIME and Fortezza | Exchange and Fortezza | S/MIME, Exchange, and Fortezza) CCE-1511-52007: The "Do not provide Continue option on Encryption warning dialog boxes" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007. 2003: The "Disable Continue button on all Encryption warning dialogs" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 2007: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Do not provide Continue option on Encryption warning dialog boxes (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security 2003: (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\Disable Continue button on all Encryption warning dialogs (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\11.0\outlook\Security - DisableContinueCCE-1511NTable 1.142. Do not provide Continue option on Encryption warning dialog boxesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Do not provide Continue option on Encryption warning dialog boxes CCE-1018-1YThe "Run in FIPS compliant mode" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Run in FIPS compliant mode (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1018'Table 1.205. Run in FIPS compliant modezUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Run in FIPS compliant mode CCE-1181-7cThe "Encrypt all e-mail messages" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007 and 2003.2007: (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Encrypt all e-mail messages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security 2003: (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\Encrypt all e-mail messages (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - AlwaysEncryptCCE-1181(Table 1.151. Encrypt all e-mail messages{User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Encrypt all e-mail messages CCE-1639-4WThe "Sign all e-mail messages" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Sign all e-mail messages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1639%Table 1.219. Sign all e-mail messagesxUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Sign all e-mail messages CCE-677-5ZThe "URL for S/MIME certificates" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\URL for S/MIME certificates (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-677(Table 1.232. URL for S/MIME certificates{User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\URL for S/MIME certificates CCE-687-4mThe "Ensure all S/MIME signed messages have a label" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Ensure all S/MIME signed messages have a label (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-687;Table 1.154. Ensure all S/MIME signed messages have a labelUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Ensure all S/MIME signed messages have a label CCE-1613-9The "S/MIME receipt requests (Open message if receipt can't be sent | Don't open message if receipt can't be sent | Always prompt before sending receipt | Never send S/MIME )" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.L(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME receipt requests (Open message if receipt can't be sent | Don't open message if receipt can't be sent | Always prompt before sending receipt | Never send S/MIME ) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1613$Table 1.209. S/MIME receipt requests User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME receipt requests (Open message if receipt can't be sent | Don't open message if receipt can't be sent | Always prompt before sending receipt | Never send S/MIME ) CCE-1402-7\The "Fortezza certificate policies" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Fortezza certificate policies (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1402*Table 1.156. Fortezza certificate policies}User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Fortezza certificate policies CCE-1658-4nThe "Require SuiteB algorithms for S/MIME operations" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Require SuiteB algorithms for S/MIME operations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1658<Table 1.199. Require SuiteB algorithms for S/MIME operationsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Require SuiteB algorithms for S/MIME operations CCE-1662-6KThe "Missing CRLs" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing CRLs (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1662Table 1.174. Missing CRLsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing CRLs CCE-1080-1The "Missing CRLs - Indicate a missing CRL as a(n): (warning | error)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing CRLs - Indicate a missing CRL as a(n): (warning | error) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1080User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing CRLs - Indicate a missing CRL as a(n): (warning | error) CCE-1076-9XThe "Missing root certificates" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Te< mplates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing root certificates (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1076&Table 1.175. Missing root certificatesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing root certificates CCE-1636-0The "Missing root certificates - Indicate a missing root certificate as a(n): (neither error nor warning | warning | error)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.5(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing root certificates - Indicate a missing root certificate as a(n): (neither error nor warning | warning | error) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1636User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Missing root certificates - Indicate a missing root certificate as a(n): (neither error nor warning | warning | error) CCE-943-1mThe "Promote Level 2 errors as errors, not warnings" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Promote Level 2 errors as errors, not warnings (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-943;Table 1.189. Promote Level 2 errors as errors, not warningsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Promote Level 2 errors as errors, not warnings CCE-1591-7aThe "Attachment Secure Temporary Folder" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Attachment Secure Temporary Folder (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1591.Table 1.18. Attachment Secure Temporary FolderUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Cryptography\Signature Status dialog box\Attachment Secure Temporary Folder CCE-1133-8sThe "Display pictures and external content in HTML e-mail" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Display pictures and external content in HTML e-mail (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1133ATable 1.127. Display pictures and external content in HTML e-mailUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Display pictures and external content in HTML e-mail CCE-725-2The "Automatically download content for e-mail from people in Safe Senders and Safe Recipients Lists" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Automatically download content for e-mail from people in Safe Senders and Safe Recipients Lists (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-725kTable 1.22. Automatically download content for e-mail from people in Safe Senders and Safe Recipients ListsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Automatically download content for e-mail from people in Safe Senders and Safe Recipients Lists CCE-1347-4pThe "Do not permit download of content from safe zones" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Do not permit download of content from safe zones (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1347>Table 1.138. Do not permit download of content from safe zonesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Do not permit download of content from safe zones CCE-1475-3RThe "Block Trusted Zones" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Block Trusted Zones (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1475Table 1.63. Block Trusted ZonesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Block Trusted Zones CCE-1497-7|The "Include Internet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Include Internet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1497JTable 1.161. Include Internet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture DownloadUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Include Internet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download CCE-1501-6|The "Include Intranet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Include Intranet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1501JTable 1.162. Include Intranet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture DownloadUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Automatic Picture Download Settings\Include Intranet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download CCE-1030-6The "Security setting for macros (Always warn | Never warn, disable all | Warn for signed, disable unsigned | No security check)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Trust Center\Security setting for macros (Always warn | Never warn, disable all | Warn for signed, disable unsigned | No security check) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1030(Table 1.213. Security setting for macrosUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Trust Center\Security setting for macros (Always warn | Never warn, disable all | Warn for signed, disable unsigned | No security check) CCE-1052-0^The "Enable links in e-mail messages" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Trust Center\Enable links in e-mail messages (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1052,Table 1.149. Enable links in e-mail messagesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Trust Center\Enable links in e-mail messages CCE-1462-1~The "Apply macro security settings to macros, add-ins, and SmartTags" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Trust Center\Apply macro security settings to macros, add-ins, and SmartTags (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1462KTable 1.16. Apply macro security settings to macros, add-ins, and SmartTagsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Trust Center\Apply macro security settings to macros, add-ins, and SmartTags CCE-1281-5The "Automatically configure profile based on Active Directory Primary SMTP address" setting should be configured correctly for Outlo< ok 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Automatically configure profile based on Active Directory Primary SMTP address (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\AutoDiscoverCCE-1281ZTable 1.20. Automatically configure profile based on Active Directory Primary SMTP addressUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Automatically configure profile based on Active Directory Primary SMTP address CCE-1303-7rThe "Do not allow users to change permissions on folders" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Do not allow users to change permissions on folders (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\FoldersCCE-1303@Table 1.133. Do not allow users to change permissions on foldersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Do not allow users to change permissions on folders CCE-1082-7TThe "Enable RPC encryption" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Enable RPC encryption (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPCCCE-1082"Table 1.150. Enable RPC encryptionUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Enable RPC encryption CCE-1712-9The "Authentication with Exchange Server (Kerberos/NTLM Password Authentication | Kerberos Password Authentication | NTLM Password Authentication)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.<(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Authentication with Exchange Server (Kerberos/NTLM Password Authentication | Kerberos Password Authentication | NTLM Password Authentication) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\SecurityCCE-1712/Table 1.19. Authentication with Exchange ServerUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Exchange\Authentication with Exchange Server (Kerberos/NTLM Password Authentication | Kerberos Password Authentication | NTLM Password Authentication) CCE-1131-2rThe "Synchronize Outlook RSS Feeds with Common Feed List" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Synchronize Outlook RSS Feeds with Common Feed List (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSSCCE-1131@Table 1.224. Synchronize Outlook RSS Feeds with Common Feed ListUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Synchronize Outlook RSS Feeds with Common Feed List CCE-1620-4SThe "Turn off RSS feature" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Turn off RSS feature (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSSCCE-1620!Table 1.228. Turn off RSS featureUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Turn off RSS feature CCE-1541-2`The "Automatically download enclosures" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Automatically download enclosures (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSSCCE-1541User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Automatically download enclosures CCE-1311-0qThe "Download full text of articles as HTML attachments" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Download full text of articles as HTML attachments (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSSCCE-1311?Table 1.145. Download full text of articles as HTML attachmentsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\RSS Feeds\Download full text of articles as HTML attachments CCE-1682-4aThe "Automatically download attachments" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Internet Calendars\Automatically download attachments (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WebCalCCE-1682.Table 1.21. Automatically download attachmentsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Internet Calendars\Automatically download attachments CCE-1461-3vThe "Do not include Internet Calendar integration in Outlook" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Internet Calendars\Do not include Internet Calendar integration in Outlook (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WebCalCCE-1461DTable 1.137. Do not include Internet Calendar integration in OutlookUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Tools | Account Settings\Internet Calendars\Do not include Internet Calendar integration in Outlook CCE-1041-3The "Disable user entries to server list (Publish default, allow others | Publish default, disallow others)" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Meeting Workspace\Disable user entries to server list (Publish default, allow others | Publish default, disallow others) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Meetings\ProfileCCE-10410Table 1.123. Disable user entries to server listUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Meeting Workspace\Disable user entries to server list (Publish default, allow others | Publish default, disallow others) CCE-1565-1_The "Do not expand distribution lists" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Miscellaneous\Do not expand distribution lists (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MailCCE-1565-Table 1.136. Do not expand distribution listsxUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Miscellaneous\Do not expand distribution lists CCE-1719-4The "Save files in this format (PowerPoint Presentation (*.pptx) | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (*.pptm) | PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (*.ppt))" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.A(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Save\Save files in this format (PowerPoint Presentation (*.pptx) | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (*.pptm) | PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (*.ppt)) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\OptionsCCE-1719&Table 1.212. Save files in this formatUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Save\Save files in this format (PowerPoint Presentation (*.pptx) | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (*.pptm) | PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (*.ppt)) CCE-1477-9{The "Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0 - 50)" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Advanced\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0 - 50) (< 2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\File MRUCCE-1477User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Advanced\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0 - 50) CCE-1142-9The "Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML presentations" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML presentations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-1142tTable 1.82. Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML presentationsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML presentations CCE-1649-3The "Run Programs (disable (don't run any programs) | enable (prompt user before running) | enable all (run without prompting))" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.)(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Run Programs (disable (don't run any programs) | enable (prompt user before running) | enable all (run without prompting)) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-1649Table 1.206. Run ProgramsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Run Programs (disable (don't run any programs) | enable (prompt user before running) | enable all (run without prompting)) CCE-1279-9\The "Make hidden markup visible" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Make hidden markup visible (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-1279'Table 1.170. Make hidden markup visibleUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Make hidden markup visible CCE-1451-4mThe "Unblock automatic download of linked images" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Unblock automatic download of linked images (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-14518Table 1.229. Unblock automatic download of linked imagesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Unblock automatic download of linked images CCE-1204-7aThe "Disable all application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-1204User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins CCE-1107-2The "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-1107User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher CCE-743-5The "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\SecurityCCE-743User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins CCE-747-6mThe "Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsAllow Trusted Locations not on the computer (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-747User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsAllow Trusted Locations not on the computer CCE-782-3_The "Disable all trusted locations" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-782User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\PowerPoint Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations CCE-1327-6RThe "Disable commands" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1327User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands CCE-1723-6The "Disable commands - Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.6(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1723User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview CCE-1366-4qThe "Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1366User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email CCE-1679-0oThe "Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1679User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink CCE-1173-4qThe "Disable commands - Review | Proofing | Language" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\M< icrosoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Proofing | Language (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1173User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Proofing | Language CCE-1714-5kThe "Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1714User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros CCE-1485-2nThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1485User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros CCE-1687-3vThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1687User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security CCE-1709-5tThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1709User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic CCE-1463-9The "Disable commands - Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Customize | All Commands | Document Location" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.7(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Customize | All Commands | Document Location (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1463User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Customize | All Commands | Document Location CCE-1467-0jThe "Disable commands - Disable shortcut keys" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Disable shortcut keys (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1467@Table 1.94. Disable commands, Table 1.114. Disable shortcut keysUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Disable shortcut keys CCE-1740-0yThe "Disable commands - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink)" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1740User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink) CCE-1780-6wThe "Disable commands - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros)" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1780User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros) CCE-1661-8~The "Disable commands - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic)" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1661User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic) CCE-1688-1The "Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1688XTable 1.41. Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 CCE-1701-2gThe "Block opening of Open Xml files types" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Open Xml files types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1701User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Open Xml files types CCE-1348-2dThe "Block opening of Binary file types" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1348User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary file types CCE-1644-4bThe "Block opening of Html file types" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Html file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1644,Table 1.36. Block opening of HTML file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Html file types CCE-1194-0[The "Block opening of Outlines" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\B< lock file formats\Open\Block opening of Outlines (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1194%Table 1.39. Block opening of Outlines~User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Outlines CCE-1216-1]The "Block opening of Converters" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Converters (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1216'Table 1.31. Block opening of ConvertersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Converters CCE-1506-5eThe "Block saving of Open Xml file types" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Open Xml file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1506User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Open Xml file types CCE-1136-1cThe "Block saving of Binary file types" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1136-Table 1.51. Block saving of Binary file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary file types CCE-1766-5aThe "Block saving of Html file types" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Html file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1766+Table 1.56. Block saving of HTML file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Html file types CCE-1180-9ZThe "Block saving of Outlines" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Outlines (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1180$Table 1.58. Block saving of Outlines}User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Outlines CCE-1722-8`The "Block saving of GraphicFilters" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of GraphicFilters (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1722*Table 1.54. Block saving of GraphicFiltersUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of GraphicFilters CCE-1731-9VThe "Disable Slide Update" setting should be configured correctly for PowerPoint 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Miscellaneous\Disable Slide Update (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\slide librariesCCE-1731!Table 1.115. Disable Slide UpdateUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007\Block file formats\Miscellaneous\Disable Slide Update CCE-885-4GThe "Hidden text" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Display\Hidden text (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Options\vprefCCE-885Table 1.157. Hidden textgUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Display\Hidden text CCE-1656-8xThe "Save files in this format (Word document (*.docx) | Single Files Web Page (*.mht) | Web Page (*.htm; *.html) | Web Page, Filtered (*.htm, *.html) | Rich Text Format (*.rtf) | Plain Text (*.txt) | Word 6.0/95 (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Chinese (Simplified) (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Chinese (Traditional) (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Japanese (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Korean (*.doc) | Word 97-2002 & 6.0/95 - RTF | Word 5.1 for Macintosh (*.mcw) | Word 5.0 for Macintosh (*.mcw) | Word 2.x for Windows (*.doc) | Works 4.0 for Windows (*.wps) | WordPerfect 5.x for Windows (*.doc) | WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS (*.doc) | Word 2007 Macro Enabled Document (*.docm) | Word 2007 Macro Free Template (*.dotx) | Word 2007 Macro Enabled Template (*.dotm) | Word 97 - 2003 Document (*.doc) | Word 97 - 2003 Template (*.dot) | Flat XML Document (*.xml))" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Save\Save files in this format (Word document (*.docx) | Single Files Web Page (*.mht) | Web Page (*.htm; *.html) | Web Page, Filtered (*.htm, *.html) | Rich Text Format (*.rtf) | Plain Text (*.txt) | Word 6.0/95 (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Chinese (Simplified) (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Chinese (Traditional) (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Japanese (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Korean (*.doc) | Word 97-2002 & 6.0/95 - RTF | Word 5.1 for Macintosh (*.mcw) | Word 5.0 for Macintosh (*.mcw) | Word 2.x for Windows (*.doc) | Works 4.0 for Windows (*.wps) | WordPerfect 5.x for Windows (*.doc) | WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS (*.doc) | Word 2007 Macro Enabled Document (*.docm) | Word 2007 Macro Free Template (*.dotx) | Word 2007 Macro Enabled Template (*.dotm) | Word 97 - 2003 Document (*.doc) | Word 97 - 2003 Template (*.dot) | Flat XML Document (*.xml)) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\OptionsCCE-1656User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Save\Save files in this format (Word document (*.docx) | Single Files Web Page (*.mht) | Web Page (*.htm; *.html) | Web Page, Filtered (*.htm, *.html) | Rich Text Format (*.rtf) | Plain Text (*.txt) | Word 6.0/95 (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Chinese (Simplified) (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Chinese (Traditional) (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Japanese (*.doc) | Word 6.0/95 - Korean (*.doc) | Word 97-2002 & 6.0/95 - RTF | Word 5.1 for Macintosh (*.mcw) | Word 5.0 for Macintosh (*.mcw) | Word 2.x for Windows (*.doc) | Works 4.0 for Windows (*.wps) | WordPerfect 5.x for Windows (*.doc) | WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS (*.doc) | Word 2007 Macro Enabled Document (*.docm) | Word 2007 Macro Free Template (*.dotx) | Word 2007 Macro Enabled Template (*.dotm) | Word 97 - 2003 Document (*.doc) | Word 97 - 2003 Template (*.dot) | Flat XML Document (*.xml)) CCE-1537-0sThe "Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-50)" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.enabled/disabled(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Advanced\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-50) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\File MRUCCE-1537User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Advanced\Number of documents in the Recent Documents list (0-50) CCE-1249-2ZThe "Update automatic links at Open" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Advanced\Update automatic links at Open (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\OptionsCCE-1249+Table 1.231. Update automatic links at Open{User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Advanced\Update automatic links at Open CCE-1509-9UThe "Save smart tags in e-mail" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration< \Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Advanced\E-mail Options\Save smart tags in e-mail (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Options\vprefCCE-1509User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Advanced\E-mail Options\Save smart tags in e-mail CCE-1280-7The "Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Word Open XML documents" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Word Open XML documents (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\SecurityCCE-1280jTable 1.83. Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Word Open XML documentsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Word Open XML documents CCE-1681-6[The "Disable all application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\SecurityCCE-1681User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable all application add-ins CCE-1562-8|The "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\SecurityCCE-1562User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher CCE-1333-4{The "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\SecurityCCE-1333User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins CCE-1355-7gThe "Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsAllow Trusted Locations not on the computer (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-1355User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsAllow Trusted Locations not on the computer CCE-1637-8YThe "Disable all trusted locations" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\Trusted LocationsCCE-1637User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Word Options\Security\Trust Center\Trusted LocationsDisable all trusted locations CCE-1659-2LThe "Disable commands" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1659User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands CCE-1329-2The "Disable commands - Office Button | Word Options | Customize | All Commands | Save As Web Page" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.$(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Word Options | Customize | All Commands | Save As Web Page (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1329User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Word Options | Customize | All Commands | Save As Web Page CCE-1632-9The "Disable commands - Office Button | Word Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.$(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Word Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1632User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Word Options | Customize | All Commands | Web Page Preview CCE-1425-8kThe "Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1425User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Office Button | Send | Email CCE-1196-5iThe "Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1196User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Insert | Links | Hyperlink CCE-936-5rThe "Disable commands - Review | Protect | Protect Document" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Protect | Protect Document (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-936User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Review | Protect | Protect Document CCE-1354-0eThe "Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1354User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - View | Macros | Macros CCE-1125-4hThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1125User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefi< ned\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macros CCE-1742-6nThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Record Macro" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Record Macro (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1742User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Record Macro CCE-1782-2pThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1782User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Macro Security CCE-1306-0nThe "Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1306User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Code | Visual Basic CCE-1548-7xThe "Disable commands - Developer | Templates | Document Template" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Templates | Document Template (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxesCCE-1548User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable commands - Developer | Templates | Document Template CCE-1716-0QThe "Disable shortcut keys" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1716User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys CCE-1597-4rThe "Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+F (Home | Editing | Find)" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+F (Home | Editing | Find) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1597User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+F (Home | Editing | Find) CCE-1689-9wThe "Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink)" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1689User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Ctrl+K (Insert | Links | Hyperlink) CCE-1570-1vThe "Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros)" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1570User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F8 (Developer | Code | Macros) CCE-1720-2}The "Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic)" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007. (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxesCCE-1720User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Disable items in user interface\Predefined\Disable shortcut keys - Alt+F11 (Developer | Code | Visual Basic) CCE-1746-7The "Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007 (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1746RTable 1.43. Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Word 2007 CCE-1504-0`The "Block opening of Open XML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Open XML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1504User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Open XML file types CCE-1654-3^The "Block opening of Binary file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1654User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Binary file types CCE-1160-1\The "Block opening of HTML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of HTML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1160User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of HTML file types CCE-958-9eThe "Block opening of Word 2003 XML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Word 2003 XML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-9585Table 1.47. Block opening of Word 2003 XML file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Word 2003 XML file types CCE-1579-2[The "Block opening of RTF file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of RTF file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1579+Table 1.45. Block opening of RTF file types~User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of RTF file types CCE-984-5QThe "Block < open Converters" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block open Converters (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-984!Table 1.28. Block open ConverterstUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block open Converters CCE-1072-8\The "Block opening of Text file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Text file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-1072User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Text file types CCE-1503-2`The "Block opening of Internal file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Internal file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-15030Table 1.37. Block opening of Internal file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of Internal file types CCE-1371-4aThe "Block opening of files before version" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of files before version (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileOpenBlockCCE-13711Table 1.33. Block opening of files before versionUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Open\Block opening of files before version CCE-1019-9_The "Block saving of Open XML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Open XML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1019User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Open XML file types CCE-1684-0]The "Block saving of Binary file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1684User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Binary file types CCE-1675-8[The "Block saving of HTML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of HTML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1675~User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of HTML file types CCE-1200-5dThe "Block saving of Word 2003 XML file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Word 2003 XML file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-12004Table 1.61. Block saving of Word 2003 XML file typesUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Word 2003 XML file types CCE-1741-8ZThe "Block saving of RTF file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of RTF file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1741*Table 1.59. Block saving of RTF file types}User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of RTF file types CCE-1231-0VThe "Block saving of Converters" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Converters (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1231&Table 1.53. Block saving of ConvertersyUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Converters CCE-1755-8[The "Block saving of Text file types" setting should be configured correctly for Word 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Text file types (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileSaveBlockCCE-1755~User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2007\Block file formats\Save\Block saving of Text file types CCE-1169-2MThe InfoPath APTCA Assembly Whitelist setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (Machine)\Security\InfoPath APTCA Assembly Whitelist (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\Security\APTCACCE-11691Table 2.6. InfoPath APTCA Assembly allowable listComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (Machine)\Security\InfoPath APTCA Assembly Whitelist CCE-1735-0The Windows Internet Explorer Feature Control Opt-In (None | InfoPath.exe, Document Information Panel and Workflow forms | InfoPath.exe, Document Information Panel, Workflow forms and 3rd Party Hosting) setting should be configured correctly.l(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (Machine)\Security\Windows Internet Explorer Feature Control Opt-In (None | InfoPath.exe, Document Information Panel and Workflow forms | InfoPath.exe, Document Information Panel, Workflow forms and 3rd Party Hosting) (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1735(Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (Machine)\Security\Windows Internet Explorer Feature Control Opt-In (None | InfoPath.exe, Document Information Panel and Workflow forms | InfoPath.exe, Document Information Panel, Workflow forms and 3rd Party Hosting) CCE-1739-2YThe InfoPath APTCA Assembly Whitelist Enforcement setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (Machine)\Security\InfoPath APTCA Assembly Whitelist Enforcement (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InfoPath\SecurityCCE-1739=Table 2.7. InfoPath APTCA Assembly Allowable List EnforcementComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (Machine)\Security\InfoPath APTCA Assembly Whitelist Enforcement CCE-933-2BThe Disable Package Repair setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\Disable Package Repair (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\OpenXMLFormatCCE-933!Table 2.3. Disable Package RepairComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\Disable Package Repair CCE-1563-6JThe Disable user name and password setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1563)Table 2.4. Disable user name and passwordComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Sett< ings\IE Security\Disable user name and password CCE-1215-3VThe Disable user name and password - excel.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - excel.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1215Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - excel.exe CCE-1484-5YThe Disable user name and password - powerpnt.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - powerpnt.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1484Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - powerpnt.exe CCE-1629-5XThe Disable user name and password - pptview.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - pptview.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1629Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - pptview.exe CCE-1762-4XThe Disable user name and password - winword.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - winword.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1762Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - winword.exe CCE-1660-0XThe Disable user name and password - outlook.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - outlook.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1660Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - outlook.exe CCE-1057-9YThe Disable user name and password - spDesign.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - spDesign.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1057Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - spDesign.exe CCE-1285-6YThe Disable user name and password - msaccess.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - msaccess.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLECCE-1285Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Disable user name and password - msaccess.exe CCE-1669-1:The Bind to object setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1669Table 2.1. Bind to objectComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object CCE-1691-5FThe Bind to object - excel.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - excel.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1691Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - excel.exe CCE-1338-3IThe Bind to object - powerpnt.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - powerpnt.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1338Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - powerpnt.exe CCE-1717-8HThe Bind to object - pptview.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - pptview.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1717Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - pptview.exe CCE-1488-6HThe Bind to object - winword.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - winword.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1488Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - winword.exe CCE-1638-6HThe Bind to object - outlook.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - outlook.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1638Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - outlook.exe CCE-1647-7IThe Bind to object - spDesign.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - spDesign.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1647Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - spDesign.exe CCE-1294-8IThe Bind to object - msaccess.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - msaccess.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECTCCE-1294Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Bind to object - msaccess.exe CCE-1193-2:The Saved from URL setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVED< FILECHECKCCE-1193Table 2.9. Saved from URLComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL CCE-1352-4FThe Saved from URL - excel.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - excel.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-1352Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - excel.exe CCE-928-2IThe Saved from URL - powerpnt.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - powerpnt.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-928Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - powerpnt.exe CCE-1576-8HThe Saved from URL - pptview.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - pptview.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-1576Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - pptview.exe CCE-1100-7(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - winword.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-1100Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - winword.exe CCE-1232-8HThe Saved from URL - outlook.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - outlook.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-1232Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - outlook.exe CCE-1774-9IThe Saved from URL - spDesign.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - spDesign.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-1774Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - spDesign.exe CCE-906-8IThe Saved from URL - msaccess.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - msaccess.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECKCCE-906Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Saved from URL - msaccess.exe CCE-1034-88The Navigate URL setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1034Table 2.8. Navigate URLComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL CCE-1435-7DThe Navigate URL - excel.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - excel.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1435Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - excel.exe CCE-1708-7GThe Navigate URL - powerpnt.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - powerpnt.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1708Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - powerpnt.exe CCE-808-6FThe Navigate URL - pptview.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - pptview.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-808Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - pptview.exe CCE-1650-1FThe Navigate URL - winword.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - winword.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1650Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - winword.exe CCE-1223-7FThe Navigate URL - outlook.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - outlook.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1223Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - outlook.exe CCE-1764-0GThe Navigate URL - spDesign.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - spDesign.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1764Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - spDesign.exe CCE-1769-9GThe Navigate URL - msaccess.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - msaccess.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URLCCE-1769Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Navigate URL - msaccess.exe CCE-1152-88The Block popups setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1152Table 2.2. Block popupsComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups CCE-1566-9DThe Block popups - excel.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security< \Block popups - excel.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1566Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - excel.exe CCE-1077-7GThe Block popups - powerpnt.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - powerpnt.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1077Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - powerpnt.exe CCE-1606-3FThe Block popups - pptview.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - pptview.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1606Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - pptview.exe CCE-1738-4FThe Block popups - winword.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - winword.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1738Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - winword.exe CCE-1262-5FThe Block popups - outlook.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - outlook.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1262Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - outlook.exe CCE-1663-4GThe Block popups - spDesign.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - spDesign.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1663Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - spDesign.exe CCE-1544-6GThe Block popups - msaccess.exe setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - msaccess.exe (2) Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENTCCE-1544Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2007 system (Machine)\Security Settings\IE Security\Block popups - msaccess.exe CCE-1443-1iThe "Prevent users from customizing attachment security settings" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 1 = Enabled(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Prevent users from customizing attachment security settings (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook - DisallowAttachmentCustomizationCCE-1443User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Prevent users from customizing attachment security settings CCE-1161-9KThe "Access: Macro Security Level" setting should be configured correctly.A(1) 1 = Enabled - Low | 2 = Enabled - Medium | 3 = Enabled - High(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Access: Macro Security Leve (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security - Level (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Security level (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security - LevelCCE-1161 CCE-1421-7aThe "Access: Trust all installed add  ins and templates" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Access: Trust all installed add  ins and templates (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security - DontTrustInstalledFiles (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Access 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Trust all installed add-ins and templates (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security - DontTrustInstalledFilesCCE-1421 CCE-1571-9IThe "Excel: Macro Security Level" setting should be configured correctly.B(1) 1 = Enabled - Low | 2 = Enabled - Medium | 3 = Enabled - High(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Excel: Macro Security Level (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security - Level (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Security level (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security - Level CCE-1571 CCE-1721-0`The "Excel: Trust all installed add  ins and templates" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Excel: Trust all installed add  ins and templates (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security - DontTrustInstalledFiles (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Excel 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Trust all installed add-ins and templates (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Excel\Security - DontTrustInstalledFilesCCE-1721 CCE-1602-2KThe "Outlook: Macro Security Level" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Outlook: Macro Security Level (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - Level (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Security Level (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook - Security\LevelCCE-1602 CCE-1624-6`The "Outlook: Trust all installed add-ins and templates" setting should be configured correctly.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Macros\Security\Outlook: Trust all installed add-ins and templates (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - DontTrustInstalledFilesCCE-1624 CCE-1522-2MThe "Outlook virus security settings" setting should be configured co< rrectly.(1) 0 = Uses default administrative settings | 1 = Look in the Outlook Security Settings folder | 2 = Look in the Outlook 10 Security Settings folder(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Outlook virus security settings (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Security - CheckAdminSettingsCCE-1522 CCE-1183-3EThe "S/MIME receipt requests" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 0 = Open message if receipt can't be sent | 1 = Always prompt before sending receipt | 2 = Never send S/MIME receipts | 3 = Don't open message if receipt can't be sent(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Cryptography\S/MIME receipt requests (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security - RespondToReceiptRequestsCCE-1183 CCE-1611-3NThe "PowerPoint: Macro Security Level" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\PowerPoint: Macro Security Level (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\PowerPoint\Security - Level (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003\Tools\Macro\Security\Security Level (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\PowerPoint - Security\LevelCCE-1611 CCE-1633-7eThe "PowerPoint: Trust all installed add  ins and templates" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\PowerPoint: Trust all installed add  ins and templates (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\PowerPoint\Security - DontTrustInstalledFiles (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003\Tools\Macro\Security\Trust all installed add  ins and templates (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\PowerPoint\Security - DontTrustInstalledFilesCCE-1633 CCE-822-7NThe "Publisher: Macro Security Level" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Publisher: Macro Security Level (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Publisher\Security - LevelCCE-822 CCE-1734-3bThe "Publisher: Trust all installed add ins and templates" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Publisher: Trust all installed add ins and templates (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Publisher\Security - DontTrustInstalledFilesCCE-1734 CCE-1628-7HThe "Word: Macro Security Level" setting should be configured correctly.y(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Word: Macro Security Level (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Security - Level (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2003\Tools\Macro\Security\Security Level (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word - Security\LevelCCE-1628 CCE-1761-6]The "Word: Trust all installed add ins and templates" setting should be configured correctly.(1) Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Word: Trust all installed add ins and templates (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Security - DontTrustInstalledFiles (3) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2003\Tools\Macro\Security\Trust all installed add  ins and templates (4) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Security - DontTrustInstalledFilesCCE-1761 CCE-1302-9[The "Store random number to improve merge accuracy" setting should be configured correctly.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Word 2003\Tools\Options\Security\Store random number to improve merge accuracy (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Options\vpref - fDontSaveRSID_1804_1CCE-1302 CCE-1307-8dThe "Prevent Users from Changing Office Encryption Settings" setting should be configured correctly.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2003\Security Settings\Prevent Users from Changing Office Encryption Settings (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\Security - DisableCustomEncryptionCCE-1307 CCE-4277-0HThe "Disable Update Diagnostics" setting should be configured correctly.(1) 0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled(1)Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office Diagnostics\Disable Update Diagnostics (2) HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common\OffDiag\DisableOffDiagnosticsComputer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)\Microsoft Office 2007 system\Office Diagnostics\Disable Update Diagnostics CCE-4280-4[The "Allow Active X One Off Forms" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) 0 = Enabled (Load only Outlook Controls) | 1 = Enabled (Allows only Safe Controls) | 2 = Enabled (Allows all ActiveX Controls) (1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Allow Active X One Off Forms (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\AllowActiveXOneOffFormsUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Allow Active X One Off Forms CCE-4283-8aThe "Allow access to e-mail attachments" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Allow access to e-mail attachments (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\Level1AddUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Allow access to e-mail attachments CCE-5276-1`The "Do not automatically sign replies" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Do not automatically sign replies (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\NoSignOnReplyUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Do not automatically sign replies CCE-4440-4The "Prompt user to choose security settings if defau< lt settings fail" setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Prompt user to choose security settings if default settings fail (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\ForceDefaultProfileUser Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Prompt user to choose security settings if default settings fail T Configure trusted add-ins setting should be configured correctly for Outlook 2007.Enabled | Disabled(1) User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007\Security\Security Form Settings\Programmatic Security\Trusted Add-ins (2) HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security\TrustedAddinstSTIG ID: DTOO256 - Outlook Rule ID: SV-18689r2_rule Vuln ID: V-17575: Configure trusted add-ins behavior for eMail. STIG ID: DTOO104 - Access Rule ID: SV-19429r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17173: Disable user name and password syntax from being used in URLssSTIG ID: DTOO136 - Access Rule ID: SV-18706r2_rule Vuln ID: V-17584: Set the default saved file format for Access. \STIG ID: DTOO111 - Access Rule ID: SV-18190r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17174: Bind to Object - AccessSTIG ID: DTOO131 - Access Rule ID: SV-18219r2_rule Vuln ID: V-17187: Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins - AccessXSTIG ID: DTOO129 - Access Rule ID: SV-18215r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17184: No pop-ups - AccessSTIG ID: DTOO123 - Access Rule ID: SV-18603r4_rule Vuln ID: V-17183: Block navigation to URL embedded in Office products to protect against attack by malformed URL. STIG ID: DTOO304 - Access Rule ID: SV-18637r2_rule Vuln ID: V-17545: Enable Warning Bar settings for VBA macros contained in Access Files.\STIG ID: DTOO117 - Access Rule ID: SV-18205r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17175: Saved from URL - AccessSTIG ID: DTOO104 - Excel Rule ID: SV-18567r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17173: Disable user name and password syntax from being used in URLs. ZSTIG ID: DTOO111 - Excel Rule ID: SV-18185r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17174: Bind to Object - ExcelySTIG ID: DTOO117 - Excel Rule ID: SV-18200r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17175: Evaluate Saved from URL mark when launched from ExcelSTIG ID: DTOO123 - Excel Rule ID: SV-18207r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17183: Block navigation to URL embedded in Office products to protect against attack by malformed URL.STIG ID: DTOO129 - Excel Rule ID: SV-18210r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17184: Block pop-ups for links that invoke instances of IE from within ExcelSTIG ID: DTOO304 - Excel Rule ID: SV-18638r2_rule Vuln ID: V-17545: Enable Warning Bar settings for VBA macros contained in Excel Files.STIG ID: DTOO104 - InfoPath Rule ID: SV-18182r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17173 Disable user name and password syntax from being used in URLsSTIG ID: DTOO111 - InfoPath Rule ID: SV-18189r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17174: Enable IE Bind to Object functionality for instances of IE launched from InfoPath.STIG ID: DTOO117 - InfoPath Rule ID: SV-18204r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17175: Evaluate Saved from URL mark when launched from InfoPath.STIG ID: DTOO123 - InfoPath Rule ID: SV-18601r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17183: Block navigation to URL embedded in Office products to protect against attack by malformed URL. STIG ID: DTOO129 - InfoPath Rule ID: SV-18214r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17184: Block pop-ups for links that invoke instances of IE from within InfoPath.STIG ID: DTOO196 - Office Rule ID: SV-18659r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17560: Do not allow a mix of policy and user locations for Office Products. STIG ID: DTOO181 - Office Rule ID: SV-18661r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17561: Do not allow choice of output to include PNG (Portable Network Graphics)STIG ID: DTOO213 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18669r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17565: Block Office from receiving updates from the Office Update Site. STIG ID: DTOO212 - Office Rule ID: SV-18701r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17581: Control Blogging entries created from inside Office products. STIG ID: DTOO200 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18782r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17583: Allow users with earlier versions of Office to read with browsers - SystemSTIG ID: DTOO177 - Office Rule ID: SV-18714r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17588: Disable access to updates, add-ins, and patches on the Office Online Website - Office. STIG ID: DTOO186 - Office Rule ID: SV-18717r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17590: Disable the ability for users to Disable Trust Bar notifications for Security messages - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO207 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18740r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17605: Always show Document Information Panel Beaconing UI - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO184 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18747r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17612: Disable the "Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program" for Office. STIG ID: DTOO190 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18755r6_rule Vuln ID: V-17617: Set encryption type for password protected Office 97 thru Office 2003 files - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO189 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18758r5_rule Vuln ID: V-17619: Encryption type for password protected Open XML files - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO182 - Office Rule ID: SV-18770r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17627: Configure the Help Improve Proofing Tools feature for Office. ~STIG ID: DTOO205 - Office 2007 Rule ID: SV-18802r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17653: Enable the "Disable Check for Solutions" in Office. STIG ID: DTOO194 - Office Rule ID: SV-18814r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17659: Configure the "disable hyperlink warnings" for Office to Disable. STIG ID: DTOO206 - Office Rule ID: SV-18816r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17660: Disable inclusion of document properties for PDF and XPS output - Office. STIG ID: DTOO198 - Office Rule ID: SV-18818r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17661: Disable the ability for Office users to use the Internet Fax Feature. STIG ID: DTOO202 - Office Rule ID: SV-18820r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17662: Disable Microsoft passport Service for content with restricted permissions - Office. STIG ID: DTOO183 - Office Rule ID: SV-18824r1_rule Vuln ID: V-17664: Disable the Opt-In Wizard that enables first time users to opt into Internet based Microsoft services. STIG ID: DTOO195 - Office Rule ID: SV-18826r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17665: Configure the "Disable Password to Open UI" for password secured documents. wSTIG ID: DTOO197 - Office Rule ID: SV-18834r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17669: Disable Smart Documents use of Manifests in OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO208 - Office Rule ID: SV-18836r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17670: Disable the Office client from polling the Sharepoint server for published links. STIG ID: DTOO201 - Office Rule ID: SV-18906r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17731: Always require users to connect to verify permissions - Office. STIG ID: DTOO185 - Office Rule ID: SV-18922r1_rule Vuln ID: V-17740: Disable Automatic receiving of small updates to improve reliability - Office. STIG ID: DTOO193 - Office Rule ID: SV-18924r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17741: Enable Automation Security to enforce macro level security in Office documentsxSTIG ID: DTOO203 - Office Rule ID: SV-18937r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17749: Legacy format signatures should be enabled - OfficemSTIG ID: DTOO192 - Office Rule ID: SV-18939r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17750: Enable Load controls in forms3 - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO179 - Office Rule ID: SV-18956r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17759: Disable "Open documents as Read Write when browsing" feature. - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO199 - Office Rule ID: SV-18968r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17765: Prevent permissions change on 'rights managed' content - Office|STIG ID: DTOO178 - Office Rule ID: SV-18972r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17767: Prevent upload of document templates to Office Online. STIG ID: DTOO188 - Office Rule ID: SV-18974r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17768: Protect document metadata for password protected files - OfficeSTIG ID: DTOO187 - Office Rule ID: SV-18976r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17769: Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML fiiles - O<8 fficeSTIG ID: DTOO180 - Office Rule ID: SV-18983r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17773: Do Not rely on Vector markup Language (VML) for displaying graphics in browsers. STIG ID: DTOO204 - Office Rule ID: SV-19036r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17805: Enable the feature to suppress external Signature Services Menu for Office. STIG ID: DTOO104 - Outlook Rule ID: SV-18181r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17173 Disable user name and password syntax from being used in URLsSTIG ID: DTOO111 - Outlook Rule ID: SV-18188r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17174: Enable IE Bind to Object functionality for instances of IE launched from Outlook}STIG ID: DTOO117 - Outlook Rule ID: SV-18203r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17175: Evaluate Saved from URL mark when launched from OutLookSTIG ID: DTOO123 - Outlook Rule ID: SV-18602r4_rule Vuln ID: V-17183: Block navigation to URL embedded in Office products to protect against attack by malformed URL. STIG ID: DTOO129 - Outlook Rule ID: SV-18213r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17184: Block pop-ups for links that invoke instances of IE from within Outlook.STIG ID: DTOO104 - PowerPoint Rule ID: SV-18179r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17173: Disable user name and password syntax from being used in URLs. STIG ID: DTOO111 - PowerPoint Rule ID: SV-18186r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17174: Enable IE Bind to Object functionality for instances of IE launched from PowerPoint. STIG ID: DTOO117 - PowerPoint Rule ID: SV-18201r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17175: Evaluate Saved from URL mark when launched from PowerPointSTIG ID: DTOO123 - PowerPoint Rule ID: SV-18208r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17183: Block navigation to URL embedded in Office products to protect against attack by malformed URL.STIG ID: DTOO129 - PowerPoint Rule ID: SV-18211r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17184: Block pop-ups for links that invoke instances of IE from within PowerPoint.kSTIG ID: DTOO104 - Word Rule ID: SV-18180r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17173: Disable user name and password for Word.STIG ID: DTOO111 - Word Rule ID: SV-18187r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17174: Enable IE Bind to Object functionality for instances of IE launched from Word.EThe Saved from URL - word.exe setting should be configured correctly.XSTIG ID: DTOO117 - Word Rule ID: SV-18202r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17175: Saved from URL - WordSTIG ID: DTOO123 - Word Rule ID: SV-18604r3_rule Vuln ID: V-17183: Block navigation to URL embedded in Office products to protect against attack by malformed URL. STIG ID: DTOO129 - Word Rule ID: SV-18212r4_rule Vuln ID: V-17184: Block pop-ups for links that invoke instances of IE from within Word. CCE-19659-2Last modified: 2013-02-11Version: 5.20130214 Microsoft Office 2007 DISA STIGs{ ~ 6z 5+ I~'0C;+C)L[UO `j5tC}$2 ݣ`& }- PN}4 Nt_ R!+ 4O=9Hx5RX[dblu~%/E+ sYNA m5? 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