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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}%54 Hyperlink   6InputuInput ̙ ??v% 7 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 8NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal9 Normal 10 2 :Noteb Note   ;OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???<$Percent =Title1Title I}% >TotalMTotal %OO? Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleMedium48dq:F3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`iTomcat48 3CCE IDCCE DescriptionCCE ParametersCCE Technical MechanismsFDISA STIG Web Server Version 7 Release: 1 Benchmark Date: 20 Sept 2010Rule Title: All interactive programs will be placed in a designated directory with appropriate permissions. STIG ID: WG400 Rule ID: SV-2228r4_rule Vuln ID: V-2228 Severity: CAT II Class: Unclass6http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/cgi-howto.htmlRule Title: Interactive scripts used on a web server will have proper access controls. STIG ID: WG410 Rule ID: SV-2229r5_rule Vuln ID: V-2229 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Backup interactive scripts on the production web server are prohibited. STIG ID: WG420 Rule ID: SV-2230r8_rule Vuln ID: V-2230 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: The service account ID used to run the web site will have its password changed at least annually. STIG ID: WG060 Rule ID: SV-2235r4_rule Vuln ID:V-2235 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: The number of allowed simultaneous requests will be limited for web sites. STIG ID: WG110 Rule ID: SV-2240r6_rule Vuln ID:V-2240 Severity: CAT II Class: Unclass:http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/coyote.htmlRule Title: Each readable web document directory will contain either default, home, index, or equivalent file. STIG ID: WG170 Rule ID: SV-2245r6_rule Vuln ID:V-2245 Severity: CAT III Class: Unclass;http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/context.htmlRule Title: Access to web administration tools is restricted to the web manager and the web manager s designees. STIG ID: WG220 Rule ID: SV-2248r5_rule Vuln ID:V-2248 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Logs of web server access and errors will be established and maintained STIG ID: WG240 Rule ID: SV-2250r6_rule Vuln ID:V-2250 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassNhttp://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/valve.html#Access%20Log%20ValveRule Title: Only auditors, SAs or web administrators may access web server log files. STIG ID: WG250 Rule ID: SV-2252r4_rule Vuln ID:V-2252 Severity: CAT II Class: Unclass:http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/logger.htmlRule Title: The web client account access to the content and scripts directories will be limited to read and execute. STIG ID: WG290 Rule ID: SV-2258r5_rule Vuln ID:V-2258 Severity: CAT I Class: Unclass2http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/README.txtRule Title: Web server system files will conform to minimum file permission requirements. STIG ID: WG300 Rule ID: SV-2259r7_rule Vuln ID:V-2259 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: A private web server will not respond to requests from public search engines. STIG ID: WG310 Rule ID: SV-2260r5_rule Vuln ID:V-2260 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRule Title: A private web server will utilize TLS v 1.0 or greater. STIG ID: WG340 Rule ID: SV-2262r6_rule Vuln ID:V-2262 Severity: CAT II Class: Unclass6http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/ssl-howto.htmlRule Title: Wscript.exe and Cscript.exe are accessible by users other than the SA and the web administrator. STIG ID: WG470 Rule ID: SV-2264r4_rule Vuln ID:V-2264 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: Web server and/or operating system information will be protected. STIG ID: WG520 Rule ID: SV-6938r4_rule Vuln ID:V-6724 Severity: CAT III Class: UnclassRhttp://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/coyote.html#Standard ImplementationRule Title: The web server, although started by superuser or privileged account, will run using a non-privileged account. STIG ID: WG275 Rule ID: SV-30685r1_rule Vuln ID:V-13619 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassRule Title: All web server documentation, sample code, example applications, and tutorials will be removed from a production web server. STIG ID: WG385 Rule ID: SV-14207r2_rule Vuln ID:V-13621 Severity: CAT I Class: UnclassRule Title: Log file data must contain required data elements. STIG ID: WG242 Rule ID: SV-14282r3_rule Vuln ID:V-13688 Severity: CAT II Class: UnclassJhttp://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/valve.html#Access_Log_ValveSDID: AST0560 Category: 1 VULID: V0006215 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: ECRC-1 SDID Description: Application Security Manager is not turned on. Reference: Application Services STIG, Appendix B.3.5 ,SDID: APS0560 Category: II VULID: V0012322 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: DCFA-1 SDID Description: Interfaces between the application server and external systems are not identified and secured. Reference: Application Services STIG, Section 3.2.6 >http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/config/connectors.html$SDID: APS0140 Category: II VULID: V0006202 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: IAIA-1, ECLO-2 SDID Description: Application server s client authentication process is inadequate. Reference: Application Services STIG, Appendix B.4.2, B.4.3, B.4.4SDID: AST0820 Category: II VULID: V0006225 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: ECLP-1 SDID Description: Admin and Manager Web Applications are not adequately restrictive. Reference: Application Services STIG, Section 3.4.1 SDID: AST0340 Category: II VULID: V0006207 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: ECCR-1, ECCR-2 SDID Description: OS level file permissions are not adequately restrictive. Reference: Application Services STIG, Appendix B.2 SDID: AST0310 Category: II VULID: V0006204 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: ECCR-1, ECCR-2 SDID Description: Sensitive application data is not adequately protected at rest. Reference: Application Services STIG, Appendix B.3 :http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.0-doc/config/logger.htmlSDID: AST0610 Category: II VULID: V0006217 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: DCSQ-1 SDID Description: Application server default content has not been re< moved. Reference: Application Services STIG, Appendix B.6 &SDID: ASG0520 Category: II VULID: V0006211 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: ECLP-1 SDID Description: The application server process runs with privileges not necessary for proper operation. Reference: Application Services STIG, Appendix B.3.5 Chttp://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/security-manager-howto.htmlKThe CGI scripts for Apache Tomcat should be installed in designated folders(1) file system(1) path to CGI scriptsQAccess to Apache Tomcat's interactive scripts should be configured appropriately.s(1) defined by (ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/*'s DACL where cgiPathPrefix is defined in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml?(1) set of accounts (2) list of permissions (3) applicability%(1) ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/*.bak%(1) ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/*.old&(1) ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/*.temp%(1) ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/*.tmp((1) ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/*.backup*(1) ServerRoot)\(cgiPathPrefix)/copy of*.*ITomcat Apache's backup CGI *.bak files should exist or not as appropriateITomcat Apache's backup CGI *.old files should exist or not as appropriateJTomcat Apache's backup CGI *.temp files should exist or not as appropriateITomcat Apache's backup CGI *.tmp files should exist or not as appropriateLTomcat Apache's backup CGI *.backup files should exist or not as appropriatePTomcat Apache's backup CGI "copy of*.*" files should exist or not as appropriate(1) exist/not existaThe maximum password age setting for Tomcat's service account should be configured appropriately.(1) number of days$(1) defined by Local or Group PolicyOThe Apache Tomcat "maxProcessors" attribute should be configured appropriately.<(1) Apache Tomcat configuration file:maxProcessors attribute(1) Number valuepAll readable Tomcat Apache web document directories should have their default webpage configured appropriately. H(1) Directories (from Apache Tomcat web.xml configuration file: docBase)(1) exist / not exist?(1) set of accounts (2) list of permissions (3) applicabilityq(1) Logger element defined in Apache Tomcat configuration file: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml # Engine container(1) enabled / disabledo(1) Logger element defined in Apache Tomcat configuration file: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml # Host containerr(1) Logger element defined in Apache Tomcat configuration file: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml # Context container"(1) defined by the object's DACL JThe permissions for \cgi-bin directory should be configured appropriately.JThe permissions for \webapps directory should be configured appropriately.[The permissions of Apache Tomcat's installation directory should be configred appropriatelySThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /bin directory should be configred appropriatelyVThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /common directory should be configred appropriatelyTThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /conf directory should be configred appropriatelyTThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /logs directory should be configred appropriatelyVThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /server directory should be configred appropriatelyVThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /shared directory should be configred appropriatelyWThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /webapps directory should be configred appropriatelyTThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /work directory should be configred appropriatelyTThe permissions of Apache Tomcat's /temp directory should be configred appropriately^(1) Logger element defined in Apache Tomcat configuration file: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xmldThe Apache Tomcat site's robots.txt should be configured to disallow paths and files as appropriate.(1) via robots.txt-(1) User-Agent (2) Disallowed path(s)|file(s)JThe Apache Tomcat SSLProtocol atribute should be configured appropriately.SThe Apache Tomcat Connector SSLEngine attribute should be configured appropriately.MThe Apache Tomcat Listener SSLEngine attribute should be configured correctly<(1) Apache Tomcat configuration file: SSLProtocol attribute C(1) Apache Tomcat configuration file: Connector\SSLEngine attributeC(1) Apache Tomcat configuration file: Listener\SSLEngine attribute (1) SSLv2 / SSLv3 / TLSv1 / All (1) On / Off(1) true / falseZThe requried permssions for the file %SystemRoot%\System32\wscript.exe should be assigned.ZThe required permissions for the file %SystemRoot%\System32\cscript.exe should be assigned;(1) defined by the %SystemRoot%\System32\wscript.exe DACL ;(1) defined by the %SystemRoot%\System32\cscript.exe DACL TThe Apache Tomcat server attribute for all Connectors should be configured correctly`(1) server attribute defined in Apache Tomcat configuration file: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml(1) custom string valuePThe account running the Apache Tomcat service should be configured appropriatelyXThe Apache Tomcat's server documentation should be available or removed as appropriate.NThe Apache Tomcat's js examples should be available or removed as appropriate.SThe Apache Tomcat's servlet examples should be available or removed as appropriate.PThe Apache Tomcat's webdav folder should be available or removed as appropriate.RThe Apache Tomcat's examples folder should be available or removed as appropriate.RThe Apache Tomcat's balancer folder should be available or removed as appropriate.]The Apache Tomcat pattern attribute should be configured to log the appropriate data elementsR(1) My Computer / Manage / Configuration / Local Users and Groups / &(1) $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/tomcat-docs&(1) $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/js-examples*(1) $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/servlet-example!(1) $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/webdav#(1) $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples#(1) $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/balancerE(1) $CATALINA_BASE\\METAINF\context.xml # pattern attribute1(1) Account type: ( privileged / non privileged )3(1) %a/%A/%b/%B/%h/%H/%l/%m/%p/%q/%r/%s/%t/%u/%U/%vMThe Java Security Manager (JSM) should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.,(1) catalina.policy file under Catalina HomeZTomcat should be configured to run with or without the Java Security Manager upon startup.k(1) '-security' command-line parameter on Tomcat startup (2) -Djava.security.manager command line parameter>The Tomcat server shutdown port number should be set correctly(1) port number3(1) server.xml: Port atribute in the Server element[The Tomcat Legacy JK AJP 1.3 protocol handler should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.f(1) server.xml: '' element]The port number for the specified Tomcat Legacy JK AJP 1.3 connector should be set correctly.M(1) TARGET: Connector (org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector) (2) port number(1) server.xml: port attributeYThe Tomcat Legacy HTTP/1.1 protocol handler should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.q(1) server.xml: '' element[The port number for the specified Tomcat Legacy HTTP/1.1 connector should be set correctly.X(1) TARGET: Connector (org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector) (2) port number?The Tomcat login authentication method should be set correctly.!(1) BASIC/FORM/DIGEST/CLIENT_CERT)(1) Tomcat web.xml: elementBSecurity roles for the Tomcat manager app should be set correctly.(1) security role nameL(1) Tomcat manager.xml: element inside a element@Security roles for the Tomcat admin app should be set correctly.J(1) Tomcat admin.xml: element inside a element?Access to the Tomcat Admin app should be denied as appropriate.(1) list of IPs<p(1) Tomcat admin.xml: element inside the @Access to the Tomcat Admin app should be allowed as appropriate.x(1) Tomcat admin.xml: element inside the elementAAccess to the Tomcat manager app should be denied as appropriate.r(1) Tomcat manager.xml: element inside the BAccess to the Tomcat manager app should be allowed as appropriate.z(1) Tomcat manager.xml: element inside the elementGThe owner of the Tomcat installation directory should be set correctly. (1) owner (1) via chownJThe group of the Tomcat installation installation should be set correctly. (1) group (1) via chgrpSThe Unix permissions for the Tomcat installation directory should be set correctly.(1) permissions@The owner of the Tomcat conf/ directory should be set correctly.@The group of the Tomcat conf/ directory should be set correctly.GThe permissions for the Tomcat conf/ directory should be set correctly.?The owner of the tomcat-users.xml file should be set correctly.?The group of the tomcat-users.xml file should be set correctly.FThe permissions for the tomcat-users.xml file should be set correctly.pThe password digest algorithm for JDBCRealm (database) connections should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.k(1) 'digest' attribute inside '' element in server.xmlJThe JDBCRealm (database) password digest algorithm should be set correctly(1) SHA/MD2/MD5lThe password digest algorithm for JNDIRealm (LDAP) connections should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.k(1) 'digest' attribute inside '' element in server.xmlHThe JNDIRealm (LDAP) password digest should be configured appropriately.KThe Tomcat HTTP/1.1 connector should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.(1) exist/not exist ^(1) '' element in server.xmlUThe port number for the specified Tomcat HTTP/1.1 connector should be set correctly.S(1) TARGET: Connector (org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector) (2) port number ^The secure attribute for the specified Tomcat HTTP/1.1 connector should be set as appropriate.P(1) TARGET: Connector (org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector) (2) true/falser(1) server.xml: secure attribute in a '' elementXThe Tomcat JK/JK2 AJP 1.3 protocol handler should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.f(1) server.xml: '' elementTThe port number for the specified JK/JK2 AJP 1.3 connector should be set correctly.M(1) TARGET: Connector (org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler) (2) port numberNThe Tomcat WARP protocol handler should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.r(1) server.xml: '' elementIThe port number for the specified WARP connector should be set correctly.X(1) TARGET: Connector (org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector) (2) port numberbThe location of the log files directory for the specified Logger element should be set correctly. (1) Logger element (2) path#(1) server.xml: directory attribute?The example server.xml file should be installed as appropriate.(1) located at conf/server.xml/Tomcat should be run by the appropriate account;Tomcat should be run with the appropriate group membership.TThe file prefix for the specified Logger element should be configured appropriately.%(1) TARGET: Logger element (2) string(1) server.xml: prefixRThe verbosity for the specified Logger element should be configured appropriately.o(1) TARGET: Logger element (2) 0 (fatal messages only), 1 (errors), 2 (warnings), 3 (information), or 4 (debug)(1) server.xml: verbosityEAll permissions for the specified codebase should exist or not exist.((1) TARGET: codebase (2) exist/not existE(1) catalina.policy: java.security.AllPermissions in a grant element.~APPLICATION SERVICES SECURITY CHECKLIST Version 1, Release 1.1 31 July 2006 Section 3A App_sService_Checklist_Sec3A_V1R1-1.doc SDID: APS0410 Category: II VULID: V0006209 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: ECAR-1, ECAR-2, ECAR-3 SDID Description: Application server does not adequately log security related events. Reference: Application Services STIG, Section 3.4.3 The permissions for all files located in the folder specified by the Logger component (server.xml) should be configured appropriately.lThe access log valve for the Apache Tomcat's Context container should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.iThe access log valve for the Apache Tomcat's Host container should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.kThe access log valve for the Apache Tomcat's Engine container should be enabled or disabled as appropriate.SDID: APS0110 Category: II VULID: V0006199 MAC/Confidentiality Levels: MAC I  CSP, MAC II  CSP, MAC III  CSP IA Controls: DCBP-1, IATS-2 SDID Description: Application server does not utilize a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Reference: Application Services STIG, Section 3.5 8Apache Software Foundation Apache Tomcat 4 Documentation CCE-26926-6 CCE-27734-3 CCE-27625-3 CCE-27691-5 CCE-27562-8 CCE-27513-1 CCE-27669-1 CCE-27266-6 CCE-27675-8 CCE-27171-8 CCE-27535-4 CCE-27573-5 CCE-27712-9 CCE-27483-7 CCE-26804-5 CCE-27728-5 CCE-27735-0 CCE-27248-4 CCE-27649-3 CCE-26996-9 CCE-27621-2 CCE-27683-2 CCE-27698-0 CCE-27587-5 CCE-27569-3 CCE-27453-0 CCE-27298-9 CCE-27630-3 CCE-27344-1 CCE-27711-1 CCE-26790-6 CCE-27613-9 CCE-27416-7 CCE-27640-2 CCE-27284-9 CCE-27718-6 CCE-27518-0 CCE-27436-5 CCE-27744-2 CCE-27322-7 CCE-27549-5 CCE-27720-2 CCE-27369-8 CCE-27671-7 CCE-27242-7 CCE-27716-0 CCE-27697-2 CCE-27616-2 CCE-27702-0 CCE-27441-5 CCE-27678-2 CCE-27663-4 CCE-27517-2 CCE-27622-0 CCE-27650-1 CCE-27604-8 CCE-27631-1 CCE-27501-6 CCE-27546-1 CCE-27578-4 CCE-27695-6 CCE-27725-1 CCE-27312-8 CCE-26893-8 CCE-27591-7 CCE-27730-1 CCE-27865-5 CCE-27420-9 CCE-27796-2 CCE-27836-6 CCE-27719-4 CCE-27405-0 CCE-27560-2 CCE-27368-0 CCE-27202-1 CCE-27693-1 CCE-27658-4 CCE-27383-9 CCE-27431-6 CCE-27253-4 CCE-27523-0 CCE-27721-0 CCE-27559-4Last modfied: 2013-02-11Version: 5.20130214:-1 2{8Z< AnOMTVSXZV ] _4bcKfhEjvl29oqs32uTwyR|N B Ӏv58uUŋh5H(cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VMԯNDJ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? dXiJF8,nx (MKoP(\HbWϿ})zg'8yV#x'˯?oOz3?^?O?~B,z_=yǿ~xPiL$M>7Ck9I#L nꎊ)f>\<|HL|3.ŅzI2O.&e>Ƈ8qBۙ5toG1sD1IB? }J^wi(#SKID ݠ1eBp{8yC]$f94^c>Y[XE>#{Sq c8 >;-&~ ..R(zy s^Fvԇ$*cߓqrB3' }'g7t4Kf"߇ފAV_] 2H7Hk;hIf;ZX_Fڲe}NM;SIvưõ[H5Dt(?]oQ|fNL{d׀O&kNa4%d8?L_H-Ak1h fx-jWBxlB -6j>},khxd׺rXg([x?eޓϲكkS1'|^=aѱnRvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0ktheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  g2 Vi?  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M \\MBPS1\1S153A-LX(S odXXLetterPRIV0''''d"\KhC>i$SMTJLexmark Universal PS3Resolution600dpiOutputBinPrinterSettingStapleLocationFalseHolePunchFalseJogFalseFoldLocationFalseCollateTrueBookletNoCoverFalseBookletFFrontCoverFalseBookletBFrontCoverFalseBookletFBackCoverFalseBookletBBackCoverFalseBookletMaintainFalseBasicLayoutTrueFinisherBookletNoFoldJCLTonerDarknessNoneMediaTypeNoneBookletMediaTypeNoneAllColorsToBlackFalseDuplexNoneJCLPortRotationNoneHasKeepPreviousPHJobsTrueHasPrintandHoldTrueAdvancedBoookletAlgorithmTrueStatusWindowFalseShowStatusWindowAfterPrintingFalseHasPrintQualityTrueBitmapIDNoneSmallFontEnhancerFalsePixelBoostTrueNewDuplexTrueIsCustomPageTruePageSizeLetterPageRegionInputSlot*UseFormTrayTableBookletInputSlotAutoSelect"KMXLArialHdArialHd< UseSameSize"d,,??&U} } $4} } 2} } %X} %P} %T} VII@@         @ @ @             J1KULQ J2KULQ G G G G H V M R F A, A. 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