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Topic How to Contact Us
To request CVE ID(s) from CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs) CNAs contact information
To request CVE ID(s) from the MITRE CNA of Last Resort (CNA-LR) CVE Request web form
To request CVE ID(s) from the CISA ICS CNA of Last Resort (CNA-LR) Report ICS or medical device vulnerabilities to CISA ICS
To update info in a CVE Record CVE Request web form
To notify CVE about a vulnerability publication CVE Request web form
* including about the CVE ID requesting process itself
CVE Request web form- select “Other” from dropdown
To become a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) CVE Request web form- select “Other” from dropdown
To become an Authorized Data Publisher (ADP) CVE Request web form- select “Other” from dropdown
To become a CVE Board member CVE Request web form- select “Other” from dropdown
CVE Blog responses CVE LinkedIn pageorCVE Request web form- select “Other” from dropdown

Page Last Updated or Reviewed:October 01, 2020