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羽毛鸟会议 - 跟进
首先,让我说,感谢我们在BOF中收到的所有出色反馈。让我特别感谢艾伦·帕勒(Alan Paller)以如此高的方式举办会议,罗布·科尔斯塔德(Rob Kolstad)保持诚实并为我们提供出色的笔记。非常感谢。正如史蒂夫(Steve)在上一封电子邮件中提到的那样,我们将与杰夫·塞布林(Jeff Sebring)和其他一些人在米特(Miter)会面,讨论我们在BOF上听到的内容,并将近期优先级设定。我会要求您对几件事的反馈:1)几个人建议他们在6月2日要求的截止日期之前就无法为MITER提供有关当前CVE的内容的重大反馈。我们希望宣布CVE的这一部分要尽快完成和稳定,以便可以开始其他工作。另一方面,只有在真正反映出社区的观点时,它才会稳定,因此我们需要您的反馈。您能建议您可以承诺的更合理的时间吗?2)当我们着手识别,优先级和解决CVE围绕的其余问题以及您参与其中时,我敦促我们所有人都在认真思考什么是“必须有”,什么是“对拥有者”。我强烈怀疑,直到我们所有人都能获得更多经验,我们将无法解决一些问题。 Further, I think we are all in agreement that we need to keep up the good momentum and produce something in this effort. I think a reasonable strategy for us to pursue is to get a CVE process in place that is workable and to allow unresolved issues to mature the process in the future. If we are all thinking about which issues are show-stoppers and which are not, then we more easily know when to make the decision to table issues for which agreement is not forthcoming. Drop us line on the schedule issues and again, thanks for all of your input and support. Dave Mann