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回复:羽毛鸟会议 - 跟进

我建议,使用高质量的产品比在6月2日提出的东西更重要。到下周中旬,我将能够评估何时可以将资源添加到整个数据库中,这将使我们能够提供有关根据需要看到的更改量的有用的质量反馈。如果在尝试使用CVE时,我们会发现问题,那么我建议我们考虑持有它,直到可以解决此类问题为止。我喜欢您将每个人都视为候选人的建议,但建议每天8个月每天都没有考虑我们许多人的其他责任。Adam在THU,1999年5月13日,上午09:07:55 AM -0400,Russ写道:|> 1)几个人建议他们无法||我的建议是避免任何陈述|任何“发布日期”的“完整性”。您提出的机制是| that potential CVE candidates would be discussed in a forum, and then, | if acceptable, added to the CVE. Let's just take that approach with the | items currently in your CVE. Depreciate them to candidates and put them | out to the list one at a time. It gives us a basis upon which to test | the mechanisms for review. You might want to meter them, that is, | release 1 per hour for 8 hours a day, or some such thing to avoid | overflow. | | I can't remember how many entries you currently have in there, but it | may be that we might get through them all before your June 2nd deadline. | Give each one, say, 2 weeks of forum time and then declare it unless | discussion is fervent about it. | | The deadline should be "when its agreed by the forum or arbitrarily | declared by Mitre". | | Cheers, | Russ - NTBugtraq Editor
