

>如果N将成为CVE-N,我认为这将会正常工作。>否则,我们需要添加引用可以- netect - 19990514 - > cve - 00666参考讨论,导致其>验收。嗯,这意味着“可以netect - 19990514”将成为CVE-A,不是吗?…;-)假设NTBugtraq分配的< id >“01”。从我今天将候选人的建议;可以- 01 - 1999051401,今天晚些时候,将会得到;可以- 01 - 1999051402等等。明天会得到;可以- 01 - 1999051501,最后一个数量将开始再次增加。这个工作如果可以- 01 - 1999051401时如果它成了CVE - 01 - 1999051401作为CVE接受。我不认为它应该得到其他一些数字,否则我们必须包括一个可以在CVE数量的引用。 This allows everyone to assign numbers as needed without having to use any central numbering system or wait for someone to respond. It allows people to assign the number internally before disclosing it to the CVE-review list. It make the CAN number directly and obviously associated to the CVE number (when/if accepted) and makes revisions to any internal dBs far less work. The CVE numbers would always increment (meaning they wouldn't be lower than any that came before it). I vote for this numbering mechanism. Cheers, Russ - NTBugtraq Editor
