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> -----原始消息----->来自:Aleph One [smtp:aleph1@underground.org]>发送:1999年5月14日,星期五,下午12:12>> cve-review@linus.mitre。org > Subject: Re: Candidate numbering scheme > > > The only concern I have is that the candiate numbers never make it > outside the working group. If a vendor needs a CVE number for an advisory > they should get a proper CVE number and not a candidate number, or they > should wait. If we are going to add candidate numbers as a reference it > should be in the CMX where it wont be available to the public. Of curse [Craig Ozancin] Should a canadate be accessable to the public? > this screws the fact we will be using candidate numbers during our > discussion and the discussions will be public. > > -- > Aleph One / aleph1@underground.org >http://underground.org/> KeyID 1024/948FD6B5>指纹EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61 8C 39 EA 47 A8 A8 6A B8 01
