:这个编号方案的讨论使我更仔细地检查其他领域如何处理发展的术语。我在网络和看例子从动物学,空间地理、遗传学、酶研究和生物化学。一些观察:1)所有这些领域官员董事会处理命名法。一般来说,这些其他领域比我们更丰富的术语谈论(即。,它通常只是一个多)。通常有指南提出一个候选人的名字,通常一个或多个分类编码元素。2)所有这些领域依赖提供名字的发现者。他们给强烈偏好第一次使用一个名字在出版工作。通常是一个方法有人提交批准的名称命名权限(以及随后的上级),批准的标准之一是,它已经被用于出版的作品。我不认为标准应用在我们的领域。那里似乎是普遍认为的命名来自于一些控制中性机制。 3) Most of these fields have a much slower time line than we do. For example, a zoological name doesn't become fully "official" for at least three years. Names often go through several committees before there is field-wide acceptance. 4) Zoology is moving towards standards that should be followed when someone uses a "candidate" name in literature, namely: (a) the name should be clearly identified as a proposed new name; and (b) a standard code is used to mark the name as a proposed name, e.g. (sp.nov) for species or (fam.nov) for families. This is similar to "encoding" the status of a vulnerability in some of the CVE candidate numbering schemes that have been proposed. 5) A database for planetary nomenclature has a field which reflects the status of the nomenclature, with values such as "suggested," "approved by group X (and increasingly higher level groups)," and "dropped/disallowed." Planetary nomenclature is updated about yearly. 6) Gene naming may be the closest analogue. (Consider an article titled "An increasingly urgent need for standardized gene nomenclature" that has very similar themes with "Towards a Common Enumeration of Vulnerabilities" ;-) About 70 human genes per month are named, 100 or more per month for the mouse. The gene naming includes references to other (apparently) standard databases. The naming is updated monthly and appears very much like the virus WildList, i.e. it identifies new names, modified names, and withdrawn names. 7) For yeast genes, that naming registry has a mechanism to allow someone to "reserve" a gene name, e.g. when they're about to publish a journal article. This registry appears to have similar guidelines and mechanisms for resolving conflicts that the CVE input forum may wind up having. 8) All the nomenclature sites I've looked at allow you to search for a particular entity, either using alternate names (references) or well-known taxonomical information. - Steve