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我做出了最终决定接受以下候选人。如下所述,这些候选人现在被分配给CVE名称。此后提供投票详细信息和评论。最终决定的候选人的CVE名称应视为稳定。对于在此验证期内做出最终决定的这些和所有其他候选人的情况,在CVE完全公开之前,公认的候选人才能到达出版阶段。出版物和最终决定之间的唯一区别是,CVE名称在出版期间正式“宣布”了CVE名称。- 史蒂夫候选人CVE名称-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0612 CAN-1999-0626 CVE-1999-0626 CAN CANCEN-1999-0627 CVE-1999-0627 CAN-1999-0628 CVE-1999-0628 =====================================-1999-0612 Published: Final-Decision: 19990928 Interim-Decision: 19990925 Modified: 19990928-02 Proposed: 19990721 Assigned: 19990607 Category: SA Reference: XF:finger-out Reference: XF:finger-running A version of finger is running这将有效的用户信息公开了网络上的任何实体。修改:addRef XF:指定addref XF:手指运行的desc给出了为什么手指为曝光投票的原因:接受(5)墙,诺斯卡特,贝克,贝克,奥桑奇,穆尼尔修改(2)Frech,Spafford,Spafford,Spafford,Frech> XF:XF:XF:XF:XF:XF:XF:XF:手指伸出的Frech> XF:手指运转的Spafford> [更改描述以识别原始服务] ========================================================= Candidate: CAN-1999-0626 Published: Final-Decision: 19990928 Interim-Decision: 19990925 Modified: 19990928-02 Proposed: 19990721 Assigned: 19990607 Category: SA Reference: XF:rusersd Reference: XF:ruser A version of rusers is running that exposes valid user information to any entity on the network. Modifications: ADDREF XF:rusersd ADDREF XF:ruser DESC Say why rusers is an exposure VOTES: ACCEPT(4) Northcutt, Baker, Ozancin, Meunier MODIFY(1) Frech NOOP(1) Wall COMMENTS: Frech> XF:rusersd Frech> XF:ruser ================================= Candidate: CAN-1999-0627 Published: Final-Decision: 19990928 Interim-Decision: 19990925 Modified: 19990928-01 Proposed: 19990721 Assigned: 19990607 Category: SA Reference: XF:rexd The rexd service is running, which uses weak authentication that can allow an attacker to execute commands. Modifications: ADDREF XF:rexd Say why rexd is an exposure VOTES: ACCEPT(5) Wall, Northcutt, Baker, Ozancin, Meunier MODIFY(1) Frech COMMENTS: Frech> XF:rexd ================================= Candidate: CAN-1999-0628 Published: Final-Decision: 19990928 Interim-Decision: 19990925 Modified: 19990928-01 Proposed: 19990721 Assigned: 19990607 Category: SA Reference: XF:rwhod The rwho/rwhod service is running, which exposes machine status and user information. Modifications: ADDREF XF:rwhod DESC Say why rwho is an exposure VOTES: ACCEPT(4) Northcutt, Baker, Ozancin, Meunier MODIFY(1) Frech NOOP(1) Wall COMMENTS: Frech> XF:rwhod