

亚当Shostack说:>有一个项hackernews今天提到的CVE结束>“数据库已经错过一万博下载包些关键报告>的公开发布。”I suspect that there is disapointment that the >concordance doesn't contain more data. I hope that we will be able to address this concern in the next month or so by going "live" with candidate numbers for new information. Also, the first candidate clusters to be proposed next week will be addressing many of the critical advisories. Granted, we need to be more responsive, but I think that will happen as time goes on. In the last teleconference, someone (was it Mike or Andre?) suggested attaching a "turnaround time" for assigning candidate names to submissions. Perhaps we could extend this approach to attach "special" priority for approving CVE names for high-visibility problems. - Steve
