

我读这篇文章。他们有一个问题,我同意我们需要关注的新漏洞CVE上市以来已经上升。克雷格> - - - - - - - - - - - >从原始信息:亚当Shostack [mailto: adam@HOMEPORT.ORG]>发送:星期四,1999年12月2日下午3:19 >:普罗塞,迈克>答:“damann@MITRE.ORG”;CVE >主题:Re:一个挑战的CVE网站> > >有一个项hackernews今天提到的CVE结束>“数据库已经错过一些关键报告>的公开发布。”万博下载包I suspect that there is disapointment that the > concordance doesn't contain more data. > > I think its important to stress that the CVE is not a database. I'll > send a note to Weld explaining, and cc' the board. > > Adam > > > On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 03:49:28PM -0600, Prosser, Mike wrote: > | Dave, > | Understand and agree that we have a lot of work that must > be done. However, > | I do have a quick question concerning the sender of the e-mail. > | > | Was he/she expecting more descriptive information on each > vulnerability ala > | securityfocus? Or is the expressed disappointment in the > number of entries > | in the current CVE db? The latter we can rectify with some > hard work, the > | former has never been the purpose of the CVE and just > indicates we need to > | work harder on informing the public I guess. > | > | cheers, > | mike > | -----Original Message----- > | From: Dave Mann [mailto: damann@MITRE.ORG]> |发送:星期四,12月02,1999下午3:10 > |:CVE > |主题:一个挑战的CVE网站> | | > > |,> | > |这是一个引用从一个电子邮件,我们最近收到> | CVE网站。当我们开始做繁重> |新一轮的投票候选人(面对繁忙> |假期),我们想起了是多么重要> |我们CVE增长到一个可信的大小。你的努力工作是> |让这发生!> | > |希望我们能满足雄心勃勃的目标得到500 > | Y2K条目。> | > |最好的> Dave > | | | > > | | > > | - - - - - - - - - -原始邮件- - - - - - - - > |亲爱的先生或女士,> | > |我最近做了一个搜索CVE dB,当我发现> |许多有趣的漏洞为特定主题> |,我必须承认我有点失望,> > |似乎很少深入实际上市的漏洞。> | - - - - - - - - - -原始邮件- - - - - - - > > >同事放缓你不累吗?让他们在后面。>http://jobs.zeroknowledge.com>
