:在过去两周,我们一直在处理1392年总提交。922个来自8个董事会成员,而剩下的470来自一些基本的斜方收集努力4月以来发现的问题。工作还没有完成,超过300个新的候选人准备的建议和讨论。522年提交仍有待处理。所有其他的提交处理(827年由我的计算,“神秘43”这将使总1392但似乎是错误的;-)提交被处理时,它意味着:(a)提交导致建立一个候选人,或者(b)提交已经由一个候选人或CVE条目。800 +提交最终创造了301个新的候选人。在转换期间,提交的是优先考虑:(一)在多个董事会成员共享(应便于快速批准),和/或(b)有坚实的引用。而显然有很多重复的800 +提交处理,没有明显的重复剩下的522人。换句话说,这些提交可能产生另一个500 +的候选人。转换将会随着时间的推移。 All Board members who sent in data will receive back-maps which link their internal database identifiers to the new candidate numbers. This is expected to facilitate voting because these members will be able to easily look up the associated record in their own database. Candidate clusters will be proposed beginning today. I will concentrate mostly on the candidates that have the best chance of rapid approval, so that we may still be able to reach our 500-by-Y2K goal. Some existing candidates are very close to being approved, so I will also attempt to get those resolved. In addition, over the next few weeks, we will be moving towards slightly more "real-time" candidate assignment by posting one candidate cluster per week for new problems (from a day to a few weeks old). This will help all of us begin to identify the issues that are related to handling new candidates. - Steve