:永无止境的方便董事会成员投票,下面的增强。注意,在线投票通过网站长期计划,但这是目前较低的优先级比其他一些活动。在此之前,将采取其他措施,比如我的下面。使用url引用的候选人- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -访问时,引用url将包括候选人。这应该让董事会成员更容易更快速访问引用,尤其是对邮件列表信息。广义CVE所使用的引用,也就是说。来源:ID,通常是非常有用的快速视觉相关的数据查找一个特定的漏洞时,他们减少维护的链接。但是,广义引用不方便一些投票活动,那里的选民在投票前可能需要直接咨询参考。未来的候选人将因此包括url尽可能。这些url将被剥夺和/或转化为广义引用当候选人接受和转换成一个正式的条目。感谢凯文Ziese建议我们将直接引用到选票。 This is a bit smaller scale than his idea, but it's a start ;-) Customized, Prioritized Voting Ballots ---------------------------------------- With the large number of candidates and clusters to deal with, it can be difficult for a Board member to prioritize which problems to tackle first. Some members prefer to work on an entire cluster all at once, but the size of the clusters makes this more difficult. Members with specialized knowledge may find it difficult to wade through clusters to find the problems that they can vote on. "High-priority" problems can also get lost in the mix, and may take longer than they "should." For example, most candidates that are confirmed by a Microsoft or Sun advisory should be approved within two or three weeks of the initial proposal, but that does not always happen, especially in recent months. To address this, customized voting ballots will be made available to each Board member. They only identify the issues that the member hasn't voted on yet. All the ballots are packaged and made accessible by a single HTML document. Each cluster has a separate entry. Within each cluster, the ballots are further broken down by OS family (NT/Unix/Misc) and a rough notion of "priority" with respect to votes. For example, candidates that are associated with advisories get a higher priority (and a separate ballot) than candidates where there is a posting to a mailing list, but no confirmation by a vendor. Thus each individual ballot may identify a more manageable set of candidates to vote on. Because CVE isn't supported by a database, the division by OS and priority are not necessarily completely accurate. However, this is a reasonable first effort. If successful, it may form the basis of a web-based voting package. A sample voting ballot will be posted in the next email. Please review it and let me know what you think and, while you're at it, toss in a few votes ;-) - Steve