

>一个想法,虽然我们有点内斜接的概念是“顶级> 20名单”最严重的,通常利用漏洞,我喜欢这个主意。我不知道你会建立,是什么。前20名尝试吗?前20名用来砍人吗?> RPC服务就这样发生在可预见的未来将主导位>;-)但它也可以让NT的空间。我相信对每个人都有一个点或另一个。一般来说,当我在国际空间站,有人开始了我的操作系统是比你的安全操作系统“辩论是当他们的操作系统将第二天想出了一个可怕的错误。>前20名列表可以用来提高酒吧实际上定义>。符合前20名就变成了一个需求列表。>将会建立一个绝对最小,任何人都应该确定他们>从保护。我喜欢这个。 It would also give the auditing and IDS vendors significant incentive to make sure that their tools contain checks for the top 20. > Other lists could contain less "important" > problems, and would imply additional levels of protection. It would also help end-users, since the auditing tool vendors all check for hundreds of items, and users don't always know what to start fixing. > The list > could be updated on a periodic basis, with input from across the > community. As we begin to get a grip on how to model "policy," there > could be different lists for different policies. Very interesting ideas.
