

:我希望我们将采取分阶段方法完全在线支持董事会成员的投票活动。下面是第一阶段,需要一些董事会在AXENT反馈会议。我已经创建了一个“编辑的首要任务”,确定哪些候选人应该专注于早期。未来的候选人选票将组织候选人优先配屋计划。一个“ED_PRI”标签会给你个人的优先候选人。优先级计划如下:优先级1 -供应商发布了一个顾问和/或发表了一个高度可靠的来源。优先级2 -供应商已经承认在其他一些时尚的问题。优先级3 -问题没有明确确认,决定*或*未解决的相关内容。接近董事会批准的候选人(即在一票)得到提高优先级。任何候选人,与一个未解决的内容决定分配优先级3,是否一个顾问已经发布。 URLs for vendor acknowledgement are included with each candidate, as well as the original sources. I also hope to regularly send in a "To-Do" list of 10 or more Priority 1 or Priority 2 candidates from earlier clusters that are close to being approved by the Board. Hopefully these and future efforts will pay off and help the Board to vote more regularly, and to more rapidly accept candidates that are related to serious, well-known problems. - Steve
