

拉斯写道:> >国际海事组织,我们应该只准备一个演示情况(或>更多的人)是被告。拉斯-这是一个条约。这意味着每个国家将拿出自己的法律实现。在加拿大当他们起诉你,例如,在美国产生的先例将为我们做什么(它实际上是一个欧洲理事会条约,但很显然美国司法部在起草)采取了强有力的作用。如果愚蠢的规定的条约开始,这将是很难得到的不是愚蠢的规定所有的实现在个别国家立法。除此之外,国际条约网络犯罪并不是一个坏主意。一些规定(如确保它是非法进入计算机在另一缔约国的国家)是一个很好的主意。但它需要失去“非法”的工具参与第六条。不工作,会做弊大于利。这是唯一与CVE的一部分。 The treaty calls for laws that make it a crime to <> (Putting together several strands of the draft treaty language). If that doesn't make it illegal to write or distribute exploit scripts, I don't know what would. > If we shot this down what will come afterwards? If we're listened to, what > would prefer it to say? How about making it a crime to distribute an exploit script without first giving two weeks notice to affected vendors? Think of this: if it was in an international treaty, you wouldn't have to defend your policy on NTBugtraq :-) Stuart. -- Stuart Staniford --- President --- Silicon Defense stuart@silicondefense.com (707) 445-4355 (707) 445-4222 (FAX)
