

我一直忙于分级决赛和菲尔丁“爱情错误”问题,和我的方式在邮件,所以原谅我的没有反应。我需要查看该语言澄清之前,在我的脑海里,怎么说我做任何行为或主张。然而,我认为你人错过一个重要的观点——如果CVE董事会而言,其他人也会。利用你的关心和活动家在让人们知道而不是简单地试图获得所有权。1)吉姆·戴维斯在爱荷华州即将推出另一个IEEE密码问题。之一,你应该立即* *写几段,包括URL和敦促人们开始与他们的立法者在本国。让它尽快吉姆这样其他人可以开始。2)发送相同的材料先寄给我,我将发送,我属于第一个成员的团队)。他们是国际和一般同执法部门建立了良好的关系。他们还依赖这些工具。 3) After I look at the treaty myself, I can send the same material on to people in Washington. I'm not sure who all is on this list, but I think I am at least as well connected as anyone else here, and maybe more so. In two weeks or less I'll be seeing Jeff Hunker and Dick Clarke, so I will raise the topic with them. I also have contacts inside OSTP, DoD, DoE, DoJ and elsewhere. If we get a *succinct* statement, I can plant it where it will generate some buzz. I have a pretty deep mailing list at this point. 4) I am also chair of ACM's public policy committee. I can lob it in there to see if it sticks. 5) I can get it in front of other security educators. Besides Matt and myself (on this list) there are dozens of other educators who would be horrified if they could not use tools in classes and research. 6) Get it in front of Bruce Schneier, Peter Neumann and Dave Farber to get out to their mailing lists (Cryptogram, Risks, and Interesting People, respectively). Those have major international coverage. 7) Each of us has other contacts. Let's start getting them in on the act if there is indeed a reason for concern. As someone who has been trying to be a bit of an activist for some time, including DCMA and UCITA issues, I can tell you that your best strategy is to get a short, factually accurate statement put together, and get it out to other parties -- amplify your voice by getting other reasonable (and sometimes not-so-reasonable) voices heard along with your own. The longer you take to polish it internally, the more you have lost a chance to get outside voices swelling in unison with your own. Cheers, --spaf
