
再保险:v 5.2 (Stuart)格式

嗯,“开源”和“商业”不一定是相互排斥的条款……你可能想说“免费软件”,或者类似:“公司和个人经常开发、使用和共享软件旨在利用漏洞。各种工具为系统管理员和安全专家(包括商业和免费)包括软件,利用漏洞。”- Jim > -----Original Message----- > From: Stuart Staniford [mailto: stuart@SILICONDEFENSE.COM]>发送:星期三,2000年5月10日下午若>:cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:5.2 v (Stuart)格式> > >啊——这是重置后,网景的自动换行更多> > >安德烈的最后是伟大的。这是我有史以来最好的经验>协作>的写作。> >这是另一个版本非常小作家删除几>语法旁边。只有重大变化:> > *之后添加”和开源”“商业”软件。> >亲爱的<公约起草者>:> >专家、教育者、实践者>的信息安全,我们希望>注册我们的担忧欧洲委员会草案>条约网络犯罪>。定罪的部分提出条约可能导致> >技术和软件通常用于制造计算机> >攻击系统的抵抗力。签署州通过立法来实现该条约> >危及安全的计算机系统。>专业人士不会>能够充分保护计算机系统,和教育> next >生成的信息保护专家将受阻。> >至关重要的保护计算机系统> >基础设施能力测试软件漏洞,验证现有系统中>漏洞的存在,和弱点>信息交换。专业人士和公司日常开发、>使用和共享>软件旨在利用漏洞。 Commercial and > open-source tools > for system administrators and security experts include software that > exploits vulnerabilities. Academic institutions use this software to > educate students and in research to develop and improve defenses. > > Our experience suggests that it is impossible to reliably distinguish > software used in computer crime from that used for legitimate > purposes. > > Article 6 of the treaty is vague regarding the use, distribution, or > possession of software that could be used to violate the security of > computer systems. Legislation that criminalizes exploit software use > would adversely impact security practitioners, researchers, and > educators. Article 6 would throttle important progress in computer > security research and engineering. > > We agree that breaking into computer systems is wrong and are strongly > in favor of criminalizing inappropriate behavior. Our goal is for the > treaty and resulting legislation to permit the development > and application of > good security measures. We urge the Council to avoid criminalizing the > development, use, and distribution of software important to > those of us > working to prevent misuse. > > We request that the treaty drafters specifically recognize legitimate > computer security activities and permit the creation and public > dissemination of software and techniques used to study and verify > computer security vulnerabilities. Moreover, we urge that > appropriate laws > criminalizing software misuse replace the ownership or > creation clauses > of the treaty. > > Signed, > >   > > > "Organizational affiliations are listed for identification purposes > only, > and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the affiliated > organization." > > > > > > -- > Stuart Staniford --- President --- Silicon Defense > stuart@silicondefense.com > (707) 445-4355 (707) 445-4222 (FAX) >
