v 5.4 -戴夫·曼
修补Spaf最后的版本。变化包括:*单词计数下降到368(我试图挽留的意思)——特别是,注意段落的黑客工作我做2和5 *试图加强一些几个段落,取代了“注册我们的意见”和“注册我们的疑虑”引导的句子-取代“计算机用户…可能无法充分保护”与“计算机用户……将无法充分保护”在第二段*添加(过度?)的影响营销”添加说话”——缩短/分裂句子和段落添加子弹添加强调所有的工作我超级满意,昨晚因为我离开工作。我(不)拙见,我认为这是非常好的,我将考虑它非常接近决赛。我唯一的建议以提高会进一步压低的单词计数。最好的,戴夫——= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =戴夫·曼| |电子邮件:dmann@bos.bindview.com高级安全分析师| |电话:508-485-7737 x254 BindView公司| |传真:508-485-0737 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =问候:作为主要安全从业者,教育者,供应商和用户的信息安全,我们希望注册我们的担忧欧洲理事会的条约草案犯罪在网络空间。我们担心的部分提出条约可能导致起诉技术和软件常用的计算机系统抗攻击。签署州通过立法来实现该条约可能危及安全的计算机系统从计算机用户在这些国家将无法充分保护自己的计算机系统和信息保护的教育专家可能阻碍。保护计算机系统的关键和基础设施是弱点* *测试软件的能力验证缺陷的存在在计算机系统脆弱性信息交换系统管理员、研究人员、顾问和公司都定期开发、使用和共享软件旨在锻炼和疑似漏洞。 Academic institutions use these tools to educate students and in research to develop improved defenses. Our combined experience suggests that it is impossible to reliably distinguish software used in computer crime from that used for these legitimate purposes. In fact, they are often identical. Currently, article 6 of the draft treaty is vague regarding the use, distribution, and possession of software that could be used to violate the security of computer systems. We agree that damaging or breaking into computer systems is wrong and we unequivocally support laws against such inappropriate behavior. We affirm that a goal of the treaty and resulting legislation should be to permit the development and application of good security measures. However, legislation that criminalizes security software development, distribution and use is counter to that goal, since it would adversely impact security practitioners, researchers, and educators. Therefore, we respectfully request that the treaty drafters remove section a.1 from article 6, and modify section b accordingly; the articles on computer intrusion and damage (viz., articles 1-5) are already sufficient to proscribe any improper use of security-related software or information. Please do not hesitate to call on us for technical advice in your future deliberations. Signed, "Organizational affiliations are listed for identification purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the affiliated organization."