:在过去提到过,大量的候选人被内容决定了尚未完全由编辑部讨论。有超过40内容决定。提出了许多内容决定(CD)的1999年夏天,但只有少数人获得足够的编辑委员会的审查,因为这发生在CVE公开发布。额外的讨论发生在AXENT会议于2000年3月。这篇博文,近300活跃候选人受到未解决的内容决定。这几乎是所有活跃的候选人的一半。50名候选人来自信任组织记录在安全报告。70现在可以接受如果他们不受到未解决的CD,另有100人一个投票。然而,最关心的是这些候选人的事实,170年以来一直活跃在1999年9月。近60人将6月份的一年! Unresolved content decisions are a critical bottleneck at this time, since they are holding back important candidates for serious problems that should be official entries by now. Past experience indicates that some of these CD's could be debated for months, leaving candidates languishing in the process. On the other hand, I believe it is important that the Editorial Board at least review these issues so that the finalized content decisions are well thought out and consistent. With this in mind, I propose the following approach: 1) Several content decisions will be proposed to the Board per week, with the most critical ones first. The [CD] tag will be used in the Subject lines. Specific examples will be provided. Affected candidates will be labeled in the voting record so that non-Board members can see why some year-old candidates are languishing. The new Board voting site, when published, will list the associated CD's with the candidate. CD's are already listed in vote summaries. 2) The Board will be given 1 month to review and discuss the CD's. This reduces the chance that vacations or deadlines prevent a Board member from reviewing the CD, but it also allows us to finalize them quickly and allow the associated candidates to move into Interim and Final Decisions. 3) CD's will be modified appropriately as the Board reaches consensus. Dissenting opinions will also be recorded. 4) After one month, MITRE will hold a vote to adopt the CD. The voting period will last 2 week. MITRE will then use the vote to guide its Final Decision (it is expected that very few CD's will receive unanimous approval). A minimum of 5 votes will be required, and the majority of those votes will be deemed sufficient for adoption of the CD. The completed CD will be published on the CVE web site so that interested individuals can obtain this information. Dissenting opinions will also be included. 5) Affected candidates will be "released" and processed according to normal voting rules. The first set of content decisions will be proposed next week. Feedback on this process is welcome. - Steve