大卫·勒布朗说:>我同意一些他什么,,感觉像他的担忧>应该长大。有部分>语句,我可能想要修改。我不知道>,我们可以达成共识,但我们应该考虑>输入创建草案时。有几个因素导致延迟。1)马库斯的最终批准他周五5月26日的声明中,一周后的董事会已经签署了文件。我没有感到舒适提高问题没有确保我正确地描述他的位置,这是最早的,它可能会被发送。注意,在那个时候,马库斯尚未编辑委员会的成员,所以他自己不可能公布名单。2)我想在周五发布的电子邮件可能会导致董事会成员在小姐的邮件量将收集上周末在每个人的邮箱。3)我一直小心翼翼地“空间”的重要主题,需要由董事会讨论,所以在某些情况下我有故意延迟抚养太多的重要问题。在早期,董事会成员的“抱怨”,从这个列表,信息过载和上个月是最繁忙的编辑委员会。 Since the statement had been signed, and Marcus didn't want to press the issue, and it wasn't a Board-level activity any more, I felt that the statement was a formality. I was concerned that this potentially sensitive topic could generate certain conversations on the list which would distract from certain "high priority" messages I intended to send out. I believed that CVE would be better served by posting the emails regarding the content decision adoption process, and requesting dates for the next Board meetings. Thus the delayed release of the statement was an "editorial judgment" on my part, but of course I would have released it as soon as possible if Marcus had asked me to; and as a new member of the Editorial Board, Marcus could have sent the statement himself if he had believed it was important enough. Of course I defer to Marcus if I misstated anything here ;-) 4) On Monday, when I proposed the modified version of the statement, I emailed Marcus to see if he agreed with the new version. If he had agreed, then there would have been no need to take the "risk" of posting a potentially controversial opinion which might distract from a number of other issues I've planned to bring up. Since he still disagreed, I forwarded his statement to the list. I do admit that I should have sent it yesterday, after I had received Marcus' response. These are the factors that contributed to this late release. I welcome any opinions regarding my "editorial approach" to this particular issue. It is extremely difficult to predict how Board members will react to any one email, so I only have past experience to rely on when determining the best way to bring up certain topics. - Steve