

首先,我想感谢马库斯提高问题。我怀疑这是类似“供养穷人”。它可能是一个目标,我们都分享,同时不同意如何实现它。我想我们都是在激烈的协议目标,攻击工具的使用不当应当犯罪化。吉姆Magdych写道:>这回到枪类比…这将是有趣的征求输入有人更喜欢一位检察官了解法律处理问题围绕着枪使用。例如,有抢劫和武装抢劫的区别。有法律规范使用和持有枪支的许可限制。我可以很容易地看到(支持)类似的关于攻击工具的区别和限制。清单写道:>这里有滑坡参数表明没有>明确的分界线,我们可以说之前>好的,之后的一切都是犯罪。 This is especially true in today's > world of IT. Indeed. I am reminded that the idea of CVE was first discussed publicly at the 2nd Workshop on Research with Security Vulnerability Databases, which was held by Spaf at COAST in Jan '99. The keynote, if I recall correctly, was Bob Abbott, who shared scary stories about documentation of "bugs" being left on doorsteps in plain manilla envelops under the cover of night. At the risk of reopening discussion on the content of the letter, I note that the current letter read (in part): ... We agree that damaging or breaking into computer systems is wrong and we unequivocally support laws against such inappropriate behavior. We affirm that a goal of the treaty ... Perhaps we could strengthen this statement along the lines of: ... inappropriate behavior. In particular, we support the criminalization of the use of so-called attack tools when they are used in the commission of a cyber crime. We affirm that a goal of the treaty ... Dave -- ============================================================== Dave Mann || e-mail: dmann@bos.bindview.com Senior Security Analyst || phone: 508-485-7737 x254 BindView Corporation || fax: 508-485-0737
