
再保险(CD): CD建议:投票(投票需求)

以利亚利维说:> > 7)如果选票上候选人投票成员中发现的安全问题> >产品属于一个组织竞争,那么> >成员的投票不能计入法定人数,除非> >竞争组织已经公开承认这个问题。> >这是愚蠢的。所以如果奈没有承认的问题挑战>然后几乎没有供应商CVE董事会成员可以投票。这个问题是在AXENT会议上,这就是为什么这颗子弹在这里。但现在我不记得确切的原因的一些供应商想要这个,虽然我认为这和“利益冲突”。Note that it's not just security vendors who suggested this. David LeBlanc and Jim Magdych, not to single you out, but I believe you were strong proponents of this approach? As Elias points out, it does narrow down which members can vote on the problem, especially if the notion of "competitor" is applied broadly. However, as we continue to expand the diversity of the Board, this may become less of a problem. - Steve
