Re: [CVEPRI] CVE准确性、一致性、稳定性和及时性
现在!“Steven m . Christey”写道:>帕斯卡默问:>比尔Fithen补充道:[戴夫,刚从假期,提示肥皂箱上的一面和步骤…]我强烈赞成横切放松其分析关于候选人的形成。我也建议大大简化整个组内容决定少量(不超过6)的指导方针。最后,我建议有疑问时,CVE宁可更高的特异性。有几个原因。我将打开彻底进攻笑话。咆哮。上看到一件t恤与美国海军陆战队的标志:“杀死他们所有,让上帝把新兴市场。”1) CVE was founded on the belief that we, as a community, do not know enough about this space to formalize it to point of agreeing on a taxonomy or a database. While I applaud the desire to achieve consistency with respect to enumeration issues, I think it is crystal clear that consistency is only achievable if know enough to formalize things properly. And if we understood things to that level, we wouldn't be involved in CVE -- we would be involved in a joint database effort instead. The most important things for us to do from an academic standpoint is to admit the limitations of our knowledge. Given how immature our field is, I think it is overreaching to believe than any decisions we make now will hold up to scrutiny in the long run. I reject the assertion that we can achieve greater consistency by being more careful because I don't believe that anybody knows enough to decide on consistency in a rational manner. I think we have only 2 rational choices. Either we accept that CVE will contain (possibly annoying) inconsistencies or we give up. 2) Our recent experience with the SANS Priority One Top Ten list gives us a concrete example of why CVE should put a higher priority on completeness than on consistency. The Top Ten list, of which many of us provided input, was written at such a high level that it was terribly ambiguous. For example, when the SANS list identified cgi sample files, the expected follow-on question on many lips was certainly, "Which cgi sample files?" More clarity and meaning was added to the the SANS list as soon as they incorporated CVE names. "Oh. These cgi files." But all is not perfect. CVE falls short, literally, with respect to the SANS list because it does not adequately cover all of the known issues identified by the SANS list. Witness the large number of CAN numbers instead of CVE numbers that are reference to by the SANS list. I draw two immediate conclusions from the SANS Priority One exercise with regards to CVE. a) CVE must put a higher priority on timeliness and completeness, even at the price of less consistancy. b) When in doubt, CVE should strive for greater specificity and avoid high level generalization. 3) Speaking as a vendor, CVE has greater value to me the more coverage it has. I do not expect one to one mappings to my peers. CVE is an enabling technology that makes life easier. I do not expect, nor do I need consistancy. Again, our internal experience with CVE here at BindView is that the more precision or specificity, the better. So, I propose that we create a new T-shirt. The CVE logo with the following: "Name 'em all and let the taxonomists sort 'em out." Dave -- ============================================================== Dave Mann || e-mail: dmann@bos.bindview.com Senior Security Analyst || phone: 508-485-7737 x254 BindView Corporation || fax: 508-485-0737