

,我们有许多与各种人谈话今天。以下几点我希望澄清,解决人们的担忧。这种情况将会是第一个主题在这周四的电话会议。提出了大量的问题,我们发现很难应对任何凝聚力时尚,所以他们并不都是在这里解决。我们的希望是,交互式电话会议的性质将会更有效率。1)清单将接管网站和签名的操作集合。下一个电子邮件将包括一份我们已经创建了,这样大家都可以检查和提供反馈。虽然我不能提交Spaf任何具体的日期,我相信他的目标是有一个可用的网站这个周末左右。2)虽然横切已经决定离开托管网站,从来就不是我们的目的,试图阻止这种说法前进,或防止董事会成员追求它。我们认识到,许多董事会成员坚信这活动应该前进。 Individual Board members from MITRE will continue to sign the statement as they see fit (I will continue to sign). 3) As this activity is (a) not directly related to CVE, and (b) not an "official" Editorial Board activity, we encountered some delays because we had to move higher up the management chain than we would with "normal" CVE-specific activities. (For those of you who have been working to get your company to support this statement, that is effectively what we have had to do with respect to publishing the web site; and some aspects of this activity are different from the way MITRE normally operates, which is one of the reasons why we are transitioning the web site). In the future, MITRE will be more careful to prevent non-CVE activities from getting tied up by MITRE's own internal processes, so that it does not adversely affect Board members who have strong interest in such activities. Please don't read more into that last sentence than what was said; we just don't want this situation to happen again. 4) MITRE did not provide any copies of the statement to our contacts at the Department of Justice, nor did we say that this effort was being spearheaded by the Editorial Board. While DoJ's opinions bolstered those of MITRE's own legal counsel, our decision to give up control of the web site was made independently of DoJ. 5) MITRE will still be working on this treaty, albeit from a different angle. Our counsel (within MITRE and outside of it) has suggested that a way to reduce the risk of misinterpretation is to help craft a "document of record" or amplification of the treaty. These documents, which are included with the treaty, provide background information so that legislators can understand what the treaty signers' intentions were. We will continue to work this "legal angle" with other organizations who would like to pursue this approach. I hope this has addressed the most serious concerns. - Steve
