:根据最近的讨论,特别是在最后编辑委员会会议,以下更改CVE候选人和投票过程。这些变化开始下一轮新的候选人,明天将提议。1)每个候选人都有一个特殊的“分析”槽,提供分析和评论的提交阶段,即原始数据转化为候选人。包括在分析受影响的内容决定和内容决定适用的理由。(见下文)。分析结果将不可用在公共网站目前,由于工程需求。然而,编辑部投票的网站将包括这些,将各自向董事会建议邮件列表。分析结果将向公众提供在稍后的日期。2)投票投票,现在发送到邮件列表包括一个额外的字段,ACCEPT_REASON。如果你接受或修改一个候选人,你应该提供一个在这个领域的理由。 These reasons mirror those that are on the voting web site. 3) Based on feedback from the Editorial Board over the past few months, content decisions will now be treated as high-level guidance instead of hard-and-fast rules. As Board members ACCEPT various candidates, any related CD's will be annotated to include those candidates as precedents. Those precedents in turn will guide the application of CD's for later candidates. However, the Board will be given the freedom to override the guidance in the CD's. The CVE Editor (i.e. me) and the rest of the CVE content team will do its best to ensure consistency in the application of CD's. The Analysis field provides a high-level description of each CD and why they apply to that particular candidate. This will help address some Board members' concerns that not enough concrete, specific examples have been provided in the past. If you ABSTAIN or NOOP a lot, but you care about content decisions, then you should still view the affected candidates and comment if necessary. You can find affected candidates via string search in the initial ballots that are posted to the Editorial Board mailing list, or in the "Interesting candidates" sections on the voting web site. Further enhancements to the voting web site are expected to be made. 4) Content decisions will be made available on the voting web site at a later date. Most CD's, however, have been discussed on this list, so voters would already be aware of the surrounding issues. 5) All older candidates that are affected by CD's will be annotated with an Analysis field accordingly and re-introduced to Board members, whether in the form of customized ballots for individual members, or by re-proposal to the whole Board. 6) Participating Board members have almost unanimously advocated a "split-by-default" approach when there is insufficient information to determine whether a single candidate or multiple candidates should be created. This is being implemented accordingly. 7) After proposal to the Board and upload to the CVE web site, all newly created candidates will be posted to the cve-data-update mailing list so that non-Board consumers of candidates can receive timey updates of candidate information. Feedback, as usual, is welcome. - Steve