(CVEPRI) 10月16日达到1000 CVE条目的挑战
所有:在各种董事会会议和电话会议讨论,董事会已要求扩大CVE 1000条目在9月。不幸的是,它不太可能,这一目标将通过9月底。董事会成员没有使用web投票我们曾希望,和由于内部延误有关创建网站首先,它已经不可能关注cve - 1000年直到现在。也预计一系列遗留的候选人也会做好准备,但CVE内容团队尚未完成提交细化(虽然匹配完成所有1999个问题)。我们仍然计划在10月下旬在各种会议上推广这一里程碑,即无和NISSC。我们将CVE展位位置和将提供“纪念品”的成就。所以我们有一个新的* * CVE条目——10月16日的最后期限。自从CVE只是目前在815个条目,我们运行一个重大风险没有达到这一里程碑的时间。然而,足够积极参与的董事会成员,我们可以达到这一目标——就像去年9月!下面是实现这一目标的计划:0)董事会投票网站已经到位,使所有董事会成员可以投票更快更容易。 We did this earlier so that it would be easier for Board members to help reach the 1000. With the custom pages on the voting web site, each member is able to quickly see which items they haven't voted on, which items are the highest priority, etc. Email-based confirmation of votes from the web site will begin this week. 1) There are about 100 candidates that just need 1 more vote. They will be made available in ad hoc clusters on the voting web site, and proposed to the Board. Please actively review and vote on these candidates. 2) More than 100 new candidates will be proposed on Wednesday. 3) Vendor liaisons to the Editorial Board, whether formal or informal, will be identified and consulted in cases where there is not clear vendor acknowledgement. (CMEX statistics show that about 50% of the candidates don't have acknowledgement.) This in turn will provide some Board members with additional confidence to ACCEPT an entry, instead of performing a NOOP. Given the amount of time that vendor consultation will take, however, this approach may not produce many results in the short term. 4) With the new precedent-based approach to CD's as outlined in a previous email, older candidates will become available for acceptance as precedents are set. I will be conducting a review of those candidates and annotating them with the appropriate analysis. 5) Final modifications will be made to CD:VOTE, and an Interim Decision will be posted to the mailing list. Since this has been discussed extensively in previous Board meetings and summaries, it is not necessary to hold a vote on this CD. The main effect of this will be to allow MITRE's other Board members (Bill Hill and Dave Baker) to vote if the rest of the Board is not able to fully meet the challenge itself within the time constraints. 6) Each Board member who contributed their database during this summer will also receive a custom ballot based on the backmaps to existing CVE candidates. These backmaps still need to be generated, however, so those custom ballots will not be available for another week or so. - Steve