

> 1。我认为史蒂夫不应该担心有些人会发生什么。如果信任CVE >的时候,然后通过推理没有推理。一个是一个公开的过程,另一个不是。他们必须相信史蒂夫>自他的工作主要是负责实现CVE >放在第一位。如果他被挑选,告诉我们,我们会把一些好的>引用你的方式…;-)> > 2。我认为马库斯的不仅仅是他的感情。我分享他们中的许多人,我>太不激动,自我满足往往是唯一动机>(这意味着拯救世界经常甚至不进入披露)。谁会给你任何认可呢?>当我众所周知拥有自我的几个,甚至几十人,>至少我欺骗(公开,私下里舒适)足以>始终相信我试图拯救世界。 So you do get gratification and pride from your work? > >I found it extremely entertaining that Pascal's examples are amongst the >most popular TV game shows on American TV, thereby suggesting that there is >no more pride in cracking puzzles than there is in answering trivia. Wrong, and you must be close to breaking records for stuffing fallacies in one sentence. All you may be suggesting is that entertainment is popular (duh!). Pride is for the doer, not the watcher. The >fact that his only examples *are* game shows Who said that the only examples I could give of things I despise were game shows? For crying out loud, don't put words in my mouth. >would seem to imply his tacit >approval in the marketability of security disclosure information...which in >my book simply re-enforces Marcus' assertions. Duck! More fallacies. If you think what I said is wrong, or you don't understand what I meant, please say so without turning this into an episode of Jerry Springer or an election debate. Without logical discourse we won't get anywhere. Pascal
