

俄国人,首先没有人建议我们保持现状。我已经说过几次了,我想我们都能同意的事情,应该可以做得更好。它归结为没有人,不是你,不是马库斯,不是任何人都提供了一种可行的选择。最好的我们听到这个营地是人们没有信息发布漏洞信息供应商应该被起诉。是的,这是去工作。很多抱怨。想出一些可行的选择,那么会说话。第二,我们已经在我们放弃了孩子。也许你没有在互联网上在那些日子里,但是我是。让我告诉你,这不是一幅美丽的图画。 As much as people bitch about security today it is no where near as bad as it was back then. That is why full disclosure came about. It would have never been as successful if things hadn't been as bad as they were. Maybe things have gone to far in this direction as well, but going back to the way it was before is not the solution. Amputate that, Surgeon. -- Elias Levy SecurityFocus.comhttp://www.securityfocus.com/如果那么,对位小独木船
