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[CVEPRI]您的选票需要到10月9日到达CVE 1000
所有这些,到达1000 CVE条目的截止日期正在附近。如前所述,我们将在10月中旬在SANS和NISC会议上标记这一里程碑。要在10月16日之前获得1000多个入口CVE,需要在10月9日之前批准许多候选人,届时他们需要转移到临时决策阶段。我们目前处于815个条目,有100多名候选人只需要再投票。到10月9日,需要更多的选票才能实现这一里程碑。在这一周,请对您的能力进行投票。此邮件列表的接下来的几个帖子将确定五个临时候选人的临时群集,这些候选人只需要再投票。对于那些定期投票的成员,您将收到单独的电子邮件,这些电子邮件仅确定您尚未投票的候选人。您在网站上的自定义投票页面也将反映这一点。一些成员使用其漏洞数据库的背景图收到了已知在其数据库中已知的候选人的定制投票选票。 If you did not receive an email, but you provided us with a database, then you've probably voted on every candidate that's in the backmap for your database; or, your backmap doesn't include any of the candidates that are being emphasized in this latest voting round. Software vendor representatives will receive custom ballots for vulnerabilities in their own products. Where possible, custom ballots will be generated for other Board members, if I can compose an appropriate query for them. Candidates that are affected by content decisions are being reviewed to determine if they can be accepted without further review of the associated content decisions. It is uncertain how many of them could be accepted. I apologize for the short notice, but this deadline sort of crept up on me. Also, I had expected that there would have been more votes due to the voting web site and the latest round of 100+ candidates. Hopefully this latest push for votes, with customized ballots, is more successful. - Steve