- [BOARD] Peter Mell has joined the Editorial Board,Steven M. Christey
- [Ann] An application of the CVE and ICAT,Pascal Meunier
- [BOARD] Renaud Deraison has joined the Editorial Board,Steven M. Christey
- [BOARD] Shawn Hernan has joined the Editorial Board,Steven M. Christey
- GSA likely to fund CVE,Steven M. Christey
- [CVE-BULK] Cybercrime treaty update,Adam Shostack
- [CVEPRI] Adding Confidence Levels to CVE,Steven M. Christey
- [TECH] Possible CVE Confidence Levels,Steven M. Christey
- [PROPOSAL] Cluster RECENT-39 - 29 candidates,Steven M. Christey
- [PROPOSAL] Cluster RECENT-40 - 42 candidates,Steven M. Christey
- [PROPOSAL] Cluster RECENT-41 - 42 candidates,Steven M. Christey
- [PROPOSAL] Cluster RECENT-42 - 37 candidates,Steven M. Christey
- [PROPOSAL] Cluster RECENT-43 - 40 candidates,Steven M. Christey
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