以来,已经有一段时间你听到我们,所以我想给你一个简短的总结的一些主要CVE的活动。1)我们已经几乎完成了第一遍在处理遗留提交,你提供给我们大约一年前。大约600新候选人将产生第一个通过。许多提交相关的配置问题,提出挑战CVE的抽象级别(我们分配一个候选人或30吗?)。这些将研究内容团队在第二步中,然后与编辑委员会讨论,决定最好的方式来处理这些问题。其他提交不完整的引用或者细节,我们需要咨询获得适当的信息来源。这些提交和其他人将在第二步中遗留的细化处理。2)遗留问题的更多细节将提供当我完成编辑的结果内容的团队成员帮助完善遗留提交。编辑后,将候选人的号码。候选人将被放置在集群和向董事会提出。 The CAN-1999-XXXX numbering scheme will be used for all issues discovered in 1999 and earlier. For later issues, the year of initial announcement will be used (barring some rare exceptions related to rediscoveries of old issues). This approach was generally advocated by the Board. The particular choice is less critical now that it is likely that we will be changing the entire naming scheme altogether. 3) The creation of candidates for newly discovered security issues has suffered due to (a) my personal concentration on finishing the first round of legacy problems with others on the content team, and (b) the departure of content team member Ramsay Key for grad school. We do have replacement members who are coming "up to speed." In addition, the content team members who have been refining the legacy issues for the last six months will be able to dedicate more resources to keeping up with new issues - as will I. 4) Recently, we have been discussing the possibility of a face-to-face meeting sometime in September. However, the timing does not seem quite right (both for us at MITRE as well as for some Board members), so we will delay the face-to-face. However, we do expect to have a teleconference in September. 5) Sometime later this month, I expect to finalize the roles and responsibilities of the Board, as well as the process for adding new members. Once that has happened, we will form the CIEL working group. We believe that Brian Caswell, whom some of you may know from his work on Snort, will be one of the key MITRE personnel working on CIEL. 6) While it seems I keep saying this :-) we believe that we will be finishing the process and requirements for CVE compatibility in the next few months. Bob Martin leads this task, but the bottleneck has been me, as I have needed to restructure the requirements. I expect to be completing that work sometime in the next month or so. 7) Candidate Numbering Authorities (CNAs) have not been forgotten. - Steve