

下面的文件正式的过程将新成员添加到编辑部。一个私人邮件列表也被创建。董事会成员将得到通知,当我订阅列表,之前第一个潜在成员是“提名”。As always, feedback is welcome. However, as this process has been discussed in several Board meetings, we expect to move forward (i.e. add new members) in accordance with this document. - Steve Process for Adding New Members to the Editorial Board ----------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.2 Modified: September 13, 2001 ================================================================= Introduction ================================================================= This document formalizes the high-level process that is used for identifying, evaluating, and adding new members to the CVE Editorial Board. Background discussion of the development of this process is contained in the summaries for CVE Editorial Board meetings that were held in March 2001 and June 2001, available at:http://cve.mitre.org/board/archives/2001-03/msg00014.htmlhttp://cve.mitre.org/board/archives/2001-07/msg00000.html= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =流程= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1。前景识别横切识别潜在编委会成员(“前景”),通常通过以下场景:之一——现任董事会成员推荐的前景。——前景,或可能的父组织,属于问道。——斜方未完全确定一个社区,社区和识别前景。2。斜方评价前景评估通过一个或多个斜方讨论。至少有一个讨论,一个“面试”,举行面对面或通过电话。——前景提出了成员的角色和任务的详细清单。——斜方和前景确定并讨论中的作用和前景预期的任务。——前景为斜方提供个人信息(如简历),展示了执行任务的能力。 - The prospect, and the prospect's parent organization, approves the level of effort required for the prospect's participation. Based on these discussions, MITRE determines if the prospect is qualified to be a Board member, and the process moves to the Editorial Board Review step. 3. Editorial Board Feedback - MITRE announces a qualified prospect to the Editorial Board through a private mailing list. - Editorial Board members are provided with at least 2 weeks to provide feedback to MITRE regarding the prospect, and request additional information if desired. - After the review period, MITRE uses Editorial Board feedback to help guide whether the prospect should be approved for membership. 4. Membership Approval If the prospect is approved by MITRE after the Editorial Board Feedback step, then MITRE adds the prospect as a full member to the Board. - The new member is announced to the public Editorial Board mailing list. The announcement includes the member's biographical information, role, and expected tasks. - The new member is announced on the CVE Web site. - The new member begins participating actively, in accordance with their expected tasks, within 2 months of their addition to the Board.
