

因为我们(eSO)处理相同的问题,史蒂夫的一切所提到的,我将添加评论。我们发布了一个最初的咨询尽快提醒我们的客户。前进,我们将添加额外的报告对于每个供应商,脆弱,或代码库可用的信息。我理解这些决定对我们的巨大潜力,但由于我们获得相当大的周期,我们觉得有必要(总是)做正确的事。问候,肯p.s.。谁想喝饮料碰面CodeCon本周末或下周RSA吗?肯·威廉姆斯;技术领先;ken.williams@ey.com eSecurityOnline——安永(Ernst & Young) ken.williams@ey.com的eSecurity风险;www.esecurityonline.com;1 - 877 - esecurity肖恩·赫尔南< svh@CERT。ORG> Sent by: To: David LeBlanc  owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists cc: "Steven M. Christey" , .mitre.org , (bcc: Ken Williams/AABS/EYLLP/US) Subject: RE: [TECH] High-level candidates for recent SNMP problems 02/12/2002 10:51 PM > IMHO, I'd put the 2 CANs you've got through and call it a day. You've > got better things to do with your time than try and sort all this out. As a pragmatic matter, I'm inclined to agree, though I have a tremendous intellectual curiosity. Shawn ______________________________________________________________________ The information contained in this message may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you. Ernst & Young LLP
