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这是令人印象深刻的,令人难以置信的表演(每月300名候选人,哇!)。鉴于起初万博下载包表达的态度,有关候选人保留的消息使我特别高兴。CVE Change Log机制比以往任何时候都更频繁地检测到新候选人(8月在6月的5次,https://cassandra.cerias.purdue.edu/cve_changes/)。辉煌。帕斯卡(Pascal)在11:45 pm -0400 8/29/02,史蒂文·M·克里斯蒂(Steven M. Christey)写道:> ALL,>>以下是一份简短的进度报告,内容涉及我们在做什么方面>使CVE更及时。>>> 1)我开始为最严重的漏洞执行更多的“带外”候选保留地>监视基本信息>来源。通常,这意味着他们>将在公告后的几天内出现在CVE服务器上。>>> 2)候选人由更多的政党保留。最值得注意的是,Linux>供应商开始变得更加参与度(在很大程度上要感谢Cox的努力。)> 3)我在改进阶段更加重大参与,我专注于>最近的问题。其他内容团队成员将继续改进>在较旧的问题上,以及那些从我>自己的改进中“滑过裂缝”的问题。真正了解这种新方法的效率将需要几个月的时间。>>> 4)我已经开始与那些进行改进的团队>成员进行更近的“过程审查”,通过与团队成员进行咨询,同时进行>改进,除了我提到的“编辑反馈”。 previously. Initial results suggest that this will > help team members to generate content more quickly. Side-by-side > consultation has been difficult due to the geographical dispersion > of team members, who may adopt certain practices that are not as > efficient as the ones I've developed (and vice versa :-) > >5) Candidates are being proposed more often. Currently, the rate is > once a month, which is faster than the every-6-weeks average of the > previous year or so. I will see if we can improve the frequency > even more. > >The result is that I am about to propose another 300+ candidates, only >a month after the last proposal. At this stage, we have generated >more candidates than we did in all of 2001. And the recent timeliness >figures speak for themselves (see below). > >- Steve > > > >PROPOSED #cans 0-30d 31-60d 61-90d 90+ >-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- >20020830 334 98 97 60 79 >20020726 147 66 9 51 21 >20020611 285 43 58 92 92 >20020502 331 49 2 127 153 >20020315 237 40 22 62 113 >20020131 234 40 13 48 133 >20011122 71 46 4 2 19 >20011012 84 22 1 0 61 >20010912 583 0 1 0 582 >20010829 60 14 2 20 24 >20010727 127 32 11 31 53 >20010524 167 50 70 43 4 >20010404 79 9 45 23 2 >20010309 83 27 52 4 0 >20010214 56 12 29 0 15 >20010202 106 21 79 6 0 >20001219 111 60 50 1 0 >20001129 190 29 113 45 3 >20001018 68 3 54 10 1 >20000921 127 32 91 4 0 >20000803 55 55 0 0 0 >20000719 53 53 0 0 0 >20000712 98 36 62 0 0 >20000615 92 47 45 0 0 >20000524 22 0 0 0 22 >20000518 37 28 2 0 7 >20000426 54 53 1 0 0 >20000412 22 21 1 0 0 >20000322 58 54 4 0 0 >20000223 15 15 0 0 0 >20000216 14 14 0 0 0 >20000215 1 0 0 1 0 >20000208 50 50 0 0 0 >20000125 43 43 0 0 0 >20000111 43 41 0 1 1 >19991222 48 19 6 4 19 >19991214 38 20 10 1 7 >19991208 50 43 0 0 7 -- Pascal Meunier, Ph.D., M.Sc. Assistant Research Scientist, CERIAS Purdue University
