

在2011-10-11等等,曼,戴夫写道:> >从:Kent_Landfield@McAfee.commailto: Kent_Landfield@McAfee.com]> >非os厂商应该包括> >特别常见的桌面产品在企业和消费者系统> > > >你能说出名字吗?这是一个潜在的非常大的列表。> >会值得结合数字限定符吗?说,桌面产品,每年生产超过10披露?(把这个数字从空气中)不为肯特说:Adobe,流行的浏览器厂商,解析音频/图像/视频的事情,微软(已经)办公套件,也许受欢迎的聊天软件…我可能丢失的东西。> > 2。最好有* * Exploit-DB ZDI > > > > > > * MSVR -微软脆弱性研究报告> > * iDefense > > * cisco-sa-xxxxxxxx-xxx(思科安全建议)> > * Htxxxx(苹果)> > * VMSA (Vmware安全建议)> > * CNVD(中国国家漏洞数据库)> > * Metasploit模块id > >有些付费墙后面,不是吗?> > CVE宪章是提供id为“公开”的漏洞。> >我不认为事情付费墙后面是公开的。 My mind could be changed on that but it would need to be a good argument. I think it's reasonable to stick with publicly available. The stuff behind the pay walls usually/eventually comes out, then it can get a CVE ID. The discloser might even be a CNA, or at least request CVE IDs as the vuls come out publicly. I wouldn't suggest trying to track hints about upcoming releases or non-public vuls -- costly and inaccurate. - Art
