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回复:CVE ID语法投票 - 结果和下一步

2013年4月18日,帕斯卡·梅尼尔(Pascal Meunier)在《星期四》上写道::: :: 2013年4月18日,2013年4月18日14:30:58 -0500:安全性curmudgeon 写道:::>,这表明了我关于自私的欲望的观点。您正在做出此操作:>基于您的公司的决定,以及您的开发周期:>用于内部更改计划。这根本不是为了获得的利益:>社区的>。:>:... :::请解释您的意思是“社区”  - 我认为McAfee是其中的一部分,我真的要解释说一件作品并没有使普渡大学的某人整体变成?McAfee是社区的一部分。一块。在宏伟计划中的一个很小的作品。McAfee不是社区。:并且他们的担忧将由社区的一部分分享。什么:费用他们也可能会使用安全性:许多供应商的产品。 See my previous mail. I address that as well. McAfee will likely bear a disproportional cost in this change, I realize that. Again, that doesn't mean they get any more say in this, or that their problems should be the basis for forcing a decision that may not be the best on the rest of the community. : > I will be the community advocate on this response: : > : > So what? Your problem, not mine. : : Isn't that response selfish? I'm sorry, I don't understand. I guess I also You'd think so, except we stand ready to change our system regardless of the outcome. 'A' or 'B', we will change our system. That is OUR problem, and we are not about to make it yours, McAfee's, or some random researcher or CNA. Quite the opposite, we are not being selfish. : I don't know nearly enough to say what's best for all the stakeholders : in the CVE (community?). You do not know nearly enough to say what is best for the community, yet you voted anyway.
