Re: CVE ID语法投票,结果和下一步
2013年4月25日,星期四,03:24:20PM + 0000, Kent_Landfield@McAfee.com写道:| *评论亚当吗?0年代的建议?这将是混乱|表示在哈罗德的回答,我看到更多的问题比价值。让我收回的建议。(与安迪offlist讨论后,我意识到,我的建议是适当的发行的建议,而不是一个格式的建议。如果我们在0001年之前发行1000,那么扫描可能会更容易。此外,它的目的是在一个固定长度的上下文。只要长度是固定的,我们从不需要区分与落后于0。1000是一个1)亚当| |虽然我相信我明白之前被要求基于上下文|对话我想验证我的假设。| |通过静态长度我假设一个最大长度将指定为|反对无限长度与前面的选项B和C。我|希望看到与零填充的问题分开|长度问题。 | | | | I would also like to suggest we may want to use different wording for these | choices in the future since it is possible to interpret static length to | indicate an identifier with the same number of digits at all times, likely | padded with zeros, while variable length could be interpreted to indicate | an identifier that is not padded and just contains the significant digits. | | * Do you desire a static length of the CVE Ids? | | Yes, a specified maximum length is much easier to write parsing and | validation logic for and at the end of the day everyone will have to decide | on some sort of cut-off. | | | | I have no strong opinions on whether or not the identifier should be padded | other than to note that an identifier without padding leaves open the | possibility of an extended transition time while an identifier with padding | will require an abrupt switch. Unless there is a strong reason for a padded | identifier (and I would be interested in hearing about any that exist) I | would think the benefits of a longer transition period would tilt in favor | of no padding. | | * If so, what length do you feel would be acceptable to you? | * -- 6 ? 7 ? 12 ? More? -- Something else? | | I believe 9 digits would be sufficient. It?s not so many digits that it | would be overwhelming but leaves flexibility for accommodating some of the | scenarios Steve hints at below. | | | | - Any comment on Adam?s suggestion of trailing zeros? | | | | It is ambiguous for numbers divisible by ten, for example imagine if CVE | today had trailing instead of leading zeros and we had the following | number: | | 1000 | | | | Is this a 1 with three trailing zeros? A 10 with two trailing zeros? A 100 | with one trailing zero? or 1000 with no trailing zeros? |