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回复:CVE ID语法投票 - 结果和下一步

总而言之,根据CVE ID格式/语法适用的领域,构架某些讨论可能是有用的: - 搜索:人类进入CVE ID(或其近似值),可能包括不精确的复制和paste从另一个来源。- 提取:一个过程从另一个来源提取CVE ID,例如从Bugtraq邮件列表帖子,供应商咨询甚至任意选择的自由文本中刮下CVE。IDS可能已经由人类输入。- 自动通信:一种工具将CVE ID传达给另一个工具。- 演示文稿:CVE ID显示或“发布”给文档中的用户,例如网页。搜索和提取可能会定期涉及人体输入的ID,并且可能会稍微畸形的ID或短路(例如,并非所有领先的0)。关于如何以平衡可用性和一致性的方式处理此问题的观点可能会有所不同。自动沟通和演示文稿可能不涉及人体输入的ID,或者至少由于自动化而可能为自动检测违反语法规范的明显变形的ID提供机会。 We have seen various examples of shortcuts made in presentation (e.g. omitting the "CVE-" prefix for narrower column width such as "1999-0067"), and extraction strategies can vary (e.g. in the form of different regular expressions). As background, the CVE web site currently does some types of normalization for search, so for example, "CVE-1999-67" and "1999-0067" both get automatically converted to CVE-1999-0067, and we even allow for "abc1999-0067def". We use slightly different logic for extracting CVEs from references that we monitor; for example, we look for a prefix with "CVE" because there are many other types of strings or IDs that contain two sequences of digits separated by a hyphen. - Steve
