CVE ID语法变化——第二轮投票投票(周三截止日期,2013年5月22日11:59 EDT)
CVE ID语法变化——第二轮投票投票,截止日期5月22日,2013年,11:59美国- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -这是官方投票选举第二轮投票的CVE ID语法变化。第二轮投票期内从12:01我们美国东部时间周三,5月8日,2013年到11:59美国东部时间周三,2013年5月22日。说明- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -两个选项的摘要被列为选项A和b选项。选项从第一轮修改,每讨论CVE编辑部的邮件列表。前面的选项C从进一步考虑已被消灭。1)你必须填写整个投票投票,把它整个CVE编辑部的邮件列表。2)所有的选票都必须收到11:59美国东部时间周三,2013年5月22日。请允许可能邮件延迟交付,并相应地调整。3)每个组织只有一票。4)只有第一个有效投票投票计数为每个组织。有效的投票投票列表第一和第二选择,并提供每一个选择的理由(细节如下)。 If another ballot is received at a later time, only the first valid ballot will be counted. 5) A ballot will be marked as "invalid" and returned to the voter if any of the following occurs: - the first and second choices are not clearly identified - there is no reason provided for one or more choices - it is not clear which reason is associated with which option - the ballot is not published to the Editorial Board mailing list - the ballot is not received by the deadline. The voter may fix an invalid ballot and resubmit a valid ballot as long as it is submitted before the deadline. 6) Other details about procedures are covered in the email sent to the CVE Editorial Board mailing list on May 7, 2013, with the subject line "CVE ID Syntax Change - 2nd Round Voting - Procedures and Timeline (starts May 8, 2013)". Filling out the ballot ---------------------- 1) As specified in the VOTING BALLOT below, clearly indicate your FIRST CHOICE and SECOND CHOICE. For each choice, list either "OPTION A" or "OPTION B". - Each option can only be listed once. - The FIRST choice is the syntax option that is your primary choice. This is the option that you most want CVE to use. - The SECOND choice is the option that you would select *if* your FIRST choice is not accepted. 2) For each choice, fill out the associated REASONS section to give your reason(s) for supporting (or not supporting) your choice. The reason(s) must be in plain text and included in-line with the form, not as an attachment. There is no limit on the length of your response. ===================================================== SUMMARY OF OPTIONS ===================================================== OPTION A: Year + 8 digits, with leading 0's - Examples: CVE-2014-00000001, CVE-2014-00000999, CVE-2014-00001234, CVE-2014-00009999, CVE-2014-00010000, CVE-2014-00123456, CVE-2014-01234567, CVE-2014-12345678 OPTION B: Year + arbitrary digits, no leading 0's except IDs 1 to 999 - Examples: CVE-2014-0001, CVE-2014-0999, CVE-2014-1234, CVE-2014-9999, CVE-2014-10000, CVE-2014-54321, CVE-2014-99999, CVE-2014-100000, CVE-2014-123456, CVE-2014-999999, CVE-2014-1234567 ===================================================== VOTING BALLOT ===================================================== Enter your votes as specified in the preceding "Instructions" and "Filling out the ballot" sections. ***************************************************** FIRST CHOICE: REASONS (first choice): ***************************************************** SECOND CHOICE: REASONS (second choice):