

当我意识到改变规则投票是不规则的,最初的规则对我来说似乎没有任何目的。如果有一个目的,似乎误解的投票应该比无论初衷有更强的目的。我能理解如果你有目的> 1从不同的个人在一个组织投票。然后规则避免对簿公堂后是谁组织的合法代表。但在误解的情况下,似乎一种不必要的限制。也许最终,它并不重要,但如果选项B 1票获胜,基于一个误会,我认为董事会将重新考虑这一决定。只是我的想法。安迪在2013年5月16日,下午2:54,“Christey,史蒂文m .” wrote: > Bill, > > Today you sent two separate ballots to the Board list. Your first ballot, which was valid, seemed to prefer Option B, but then 2 hours later, you sent a DIFFERENT ballot that switched to Option A, and you changed your reasons. > > According to the voting rules, the first valid vote from a Board member is used and cannot be reversed: > > 8. No changes to a vote will be accepted; no reclama. > > While these rules are pretty clear, it would be useful to be clear about what your real intention was, and why the switch occurred. > > Thank you, > Steve
