

>斯蒂芬,我回顾了文档和他们对我看起来很合理。斯科特> > > Scott a Lawler >董事长/首席执行官> Scott.Lawler@LP3.com > 703-509-9330 >http://www.LP3.com> > > > > > 3/25/15,52点,“大妈,斯蒂芬·诉” wrote: > >>Dear Board Members, >> >>Please find attached two documents for your review and comments: >>- "CVE Editorial Board Member Roles Tasks and Qualifications" >>- "Adding and Removing CVE Editorial Board Members" >> >>What we are requesting from you: >>- Please review the documents and send us your comments before April >>13th. >>- If you do not have any comments or suggestions, a quick email to us >> saying so will record the fact that you have read and reviewed the >>drafts. >> >>A team within CVE, led by Tiffany Bergeron, has created these drafts >>based >>on prior practice, comments, suggestions and thoughts on the topics. Both >>of these documents are offered as initial drafts, and your comments will >>allow us to incorporate changes and/or tee up items for discussion at the >>Board meeting during RSA. >> >>When final, these will become part of the formal set of governance >>documents >>for the CVE Editorial Board and will be posted on the CVE web site. >> >>We appreciate your attention to our request and, as always, we sincerely >>thank you for your time and effort. >> >>Best Regards, >>The MITRE CVE Team >
