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:1。从8月28日星期五开始,有人收到了此列表的帖子:来自Brian Martin(Jericho)和Kent Landfield?肯特,您看到了:Brian的帖子吗?布莱恩,你看到肯特的帖子了吗?我收到了肯特的邮件。我没有收到“重新:惩罚或撤销CNA身份的程序?”邮件。不久之后,我没有收到后续行动。我确实收到了我的“ CNA当前指南”邮件。因此,接收到50/50 ...:2。有人收到此消息吗?显然,这是一个。 : Brian's implication seems very clear, namely, that MITRE would prevent : his posts from being sent to the Board list and/or being archived. As : long as I have been the primary person responsible for configuration of : the CVE Editorial Board list, beginning in spring 1999, I have always : given Board members unmoderated/unlimited posting privileges to this : list. Any implication that I would intentionally moderate this list or : restrict posts to Board members is incorrect. I apologize for that. Based on what I saw, it seemed clear at the time that some type of moderation was at play, primarily due to the inflamatory nature of my post that did not go through, as compared to my tame question post that did. .b