

本文在回顾内部。史蒂夫- - - - - - - - - - -从原始信息:耶利哥(mailto: jericho@attrition.org发送:周三,2015年9月2日43分是:博伊尔,斯蒂芬·v < sboyle@mitre.org > Cc: cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:Re:临时位置分配cf对自动化测试和其他大规模的脆弱性信息披露重要性:高在星期四,2015年4月9日,博伊尔,斯蒂芬诉写道::在过去,CVE偶尔会要求分配CVE-IDs:提交结果的基础上自动测试或类似的方法:可以产生大量的发现。我们将把这些称为:“大规模请求。”We have traditionally handled such requests on : a case-by-case basis, but with the increasing use of automated testing : tools and similar methods, we believe that large-scale requests for : CVE-IDs will become more frequent. : Steve Christey Coley is preparing a paper on this topic, but we wanted : to provide the Board with an interim statement to help clarify our : position and our planned response to large-scale CVE requests for the : near term. What is the status of this paper please?
