

嗨布莱恩,>请史蒂夫或斜方说清楚发生了什么?当然,我很乐意。(我觉得我“a”史蒂夫如果不是““史蒂夫,所以足够近。)汤姆米勒订阅编辑部列表和其他的人一样没有董事会的成员。如你所知,汤姆,因为他是赞助组织的一部分,是不允许编辑部。然而,它一直在长期实践CVE向编辑部提供只读访问列表作为某些人的礼貌;在这种情况下,我们的赞助商。人不是董事会成员可以看到流逝,但他们没有发布权限,因为它们不是董事会成员。我们保持独立的另一个原因,私人编辑才入股cve-private-eboard-list邮件列表。>因为米勒先生回答说在一个小时内>星期四晚上那篇文章…… That's not at all unusual for Tom, or lots of us. > ... when he would not have been included in the general distribution > list, it is fair to say that he was BCC'd. Except that Tom was included in the general distribution list, as described above. Because Tom sees Board list messages that go by, he wouldn't need a BCC or other out-of-band notification of our request -- he saw it at the same time as other members of the Editorial Board list. So, Tom is on the list, was on the list, and was not BCC'd or otherwise given a preview of the email. > Further, that he was likely warned of the incoming post and encouraged to reply to it. Except that Tom wasn't warned and he wasn't encouraged to reply. He read the post, presumably on the Board list, and responded to cve-id-change (as we requested) with his offer of help to publicize the change. More on this below. > Given Steve's mail specifically asked > repliers to "contact cve-id-change@mitre.org if you wish to participate", > which is odd for an Editorial Board posting... In the normal case, it would be odd to ask the Board to reply to another list. However, in the case of the exceptional, singular event that was the change to the CVE ID syntax, we asked people to respond to cve-id-change because we were asking for lots of participation from others, not just the Board, and using the cve-id-change list kept it all together. In addition, cve-id-change was an open list so anyone could post, making it even more handy for replies from non-Board members. The attendant Board message was a cut-and-paste of what we were sending out. We simply previewed it to the Board members, thereby asking them to reply to the same email address as everybody else. > it is doubly odd that a random non-board member would be involved. I hope I've sufficiently explained how that came about (above). I understand your concerns, and I appreciate the fact that you raised them here, where they could be addressed. I invite and encourage you to continue to ask questions and look for answers, especially when things seem odd or otherwise squirrelly. I 'll close by saying that I can't tell you anything more than what I know and what I remember, but I can personally assure you that MITRE has not and does not circumvent the Board, in any way, with any person or organization. Best Regards, Steve Boyle CVE Project Leader -----Original Message----- From: owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org [mailto: owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org]代表耶利哥派:周三,02年9月,2015 1时35点到抵达:cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:关于non-board-member帖子列表的重要性:高https://cve.mitre.org/data/board/archives/2014-09/msg00000.html:cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:请求包括董事会成员在一份新闻稿中关于CVE IDsyntax改变:“Christey,史蒂文m .” Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 19:12:43 +0000 Steve posted to the editorial board list, for members of the editorial board and MITRE, asking about a press release. There was a single reply to this post:https://cve.mitre.org/data/board/archives/2014-09/msg00003.html:“cve-id-change@mitre.org”< cve-id-change@mitre.org >,“cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org”< cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:Re:请求包括董事会成员在一份新闻稿中关于CVEID语法变化:“米勒,托马斯”< Thomas.Millar@hq.dhs.gov >日期:星期四,2014年9月4日20:18:36 + 0000托马斯•米勒从国土安全部,不是每个会员的CVE编委会名单(按名称或组织):https://cve.mitre.org/community/board/鉴于米勒先生在一小时内回答帖子Thursady晚上,当他就不会包含在一般的分配表,它是公平地说,他是BCC会。进一步,他可能是警告的传入和鼓励回复邮件。史蒂夫或斜方请弄清楚发生了什么?为什么是米勒先生带进这个邮件之前,BCC会在邮件列表中,并可能鼓励回复?给史蒂夫的邮件特别要求回答者“接触cve-id-change@mitre.org如果你想参与”,这是一个奇怪的编辑委员会发布,它更是奇怪,一个随机堂而皇之的成员将参与。谢谢,。b
