

汤姆的消息是在主题和有帮助的。如果需要我就重复的建议列表或认可,所以在这个意义上它与董事会成员的观点也不是不和谐。我认为它很好离开。重要的是使过程或机制对未来更健壮。本质上,发现了一个弱点在横切的内部流程,应该改进。国际海事组织良性事件导致这一发现不值得修正。帕斯卡在09/04/2015十一27点,Christey,史蒂文·m·写道:>,> >这是技术的事件序列汤姆米勒的消息是如何存档。我很感兴趣知道董事会成员认为应该从档案中删除消息。> > 1。史蒂夫·博伊尔已经说过,为了强调,汤姆只读访问列表。 > > 2. Only Board members and certain MITRE personnel have the privileges to post to the list. > > 3. As already observed by Steve, Tom's message was directed toward both cve-id-change and the Board list. > > 4. Tom's message almost certainly was *not* delivered to the Board list due to his read-only privileges, which probably resulted in a bounce. (If any Board member *did* receive such a message, please let us know.) > > 5. The message was (appropriately) delivered to cve-id-change because, as Steve already explained, we created it in order to receive input from everybody. > > 6. The account that is used to maintain the online Board archive is subscribed to both cve-editorial-board-list and cve-id-change. > > 7. Because cve-editorial-board-list was listed as a recipient, a program stored Tom's message in a Board-specific mail folder that is dedicated to public archival. > > 8. Typically, a manual verification step is performed to "clean up" stray messages that were actually rejected. The manual review step did not happen in this case. > > 9. As a result, Tom's message was publicly archived. > > For a previous example of the type of human error as described in item 8, seehttps://cve.mitre.org/data/board/archives/2013-04/msg00003.html> > -史蒂夫> > > > > - - - - -原始消息- - - - - - > >:owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org [mailto: owner-cve -> > editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org]代表博伊尔,斯蒂芬·v > >发送:周三,9月2日下午4点45分2015 > >:耶利哥< jericho@attrition.org >;cve-editorial-board-list board-list@lists.mitre.org < cve-editorial - > > > > > Cc:博伊尔,斯蒂芬·v < sboyle@mitre.org > > >主题:RE:问题non-board-member帖子列表> > > >嗨布莱恩,> > > > >请史蒂夫或斜方说清楚发生了什么?> > > >当然,我很乐意。(我觉得我“a”史蒂夫如果不是““史蒂夫,所以足够近。)> > > >汤姆·米勒是订阅了编委会名单和其他的人一样> >不是董事会成员。如你所知,汤姆,因为他是赞助> >组织的一部分,是不允许编辑部。然而,它一直> >长期实践CVE向编辑部提供只读访问列表> >作为某些人的礼貌;在这种情况下,我们的赞助商。> >不是董事会成员的人可以看到,但是他们没有发布> >特权,因为它们不是董事会成员。这是> >的另一个原因为什么我们保持独立,私人编辑才入股邮件列表——cve - > > private-eboard-list。> > > > >鉴于米勒先生在一小时内回答那篇文章> > >星期四晚上…… >> >> That's not at all unusual for Tom, or lots of us. >> >>> ... when he would not have been included in the general distribution >>> list, it is fair to say that he was BCC'd. >> >> Except that Tom was included in the general distribution list, as described above. >> Because Tom sees Board list messages that go by, he wouldn't need a BCC or >> other out-of-band notification of our request -- he saw it at the same time as >> other members of the Editorial Board list. So, Tom is on the list, was on the list, >> and was not BCC'd or otherwise given a preview of the email. >> >>> Further, that he was likely warned of the incoming post and encouraged to >> reply to it. >> >> Except that Tom wasn't warned and he wasn't encouraged to reply. He read the >> post, presumably on the Board list, and responded to cve-id-change (as we >> requested) with his offer of help to publicize the change. More on this below. >> >>> Given Steve's mail specifically asked >>> repliers to "contact cve-id-change@mitre.org if you wish to participate", >>> which is odd for an Editorial Board posting... >> >> In the normal case, it would be odd to ask the Board to reply to another list. >> However, in the case of the exceptional, singular event that was the change to >> the CVE ID syntax, we asked people to respond to cve-id-change because we >> were asking for lots of participation from others, not just the Board, and using >> the cve-id-change list kept it all together. In addition, cve-id-change was an >> open list so anyone could post, making it even more handy for replies from non- >> Board members. The attendant Board message was a cut-and-paste of what we >> were sending out. We simply previewed it to the Board members, thereby asking >> them to reply to the same email address as everybody else. >> >>> it is doubly odd that a random non-board member would be involved. >> >> I hope I've sufficiently explained how that came about (above). >> >> I understand your concerns, and I appreciate the fact that you raised them here, >> where they could be addressed. I invite and encourage you to continue to ask >> questions and look for answers, especially when things seem odd or otherwise >> squirrelly. >> >> I 'll close by saying that I can't tell you anything more than what I know and what >> I remember, but I can personally assure you that MITRE has not and does not >> circumvent the Board, in any way, with any person or organization. >> >> Best Regards, >> Steve Boyle >> CVE Project Leader >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org [mailto: owner-cve -代表耶利哥> > > > editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org]发送:周三,02年9月,2015年1时35点抵达> >:cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org > > >主题:关于non-board-member帖子列表> >重要性:高> > > >https://cve.mitre.org/data/board/archives/2014-09/msg00000.html> > > >:cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org > > >主题:请求包括董事会成员在一份新闻稿中关于CVE > > IDsyntax变化> >:“Christey,史蒂文m .” >> Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 19:12:43 +0000 >> >> Steve posted to the editorial board list, for members of the editorial >> board and MITRE, asking about a press release. >> >> There was a single reply to this post: >> >>https://cve.mitre.org/data/board/archives/2014-09/msg00003.html> > > >:“cve-id-change@mitre.org”> > < cve-id-change@mitre.org >,“cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org”editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org < cve - > > > > >主题:Re:请求包括董事会成员在一份新闻稿中关于> > CVEID语法变化> >:"米勒,托马斯" < Thomas.Millar@hq.dhs.gov > > >日期:星期四,2014年9月4日20:18:36 + 0000 > > > >托马斯•米勒从国土安全部,不在cve每> >编辑委员会成员名单(按名称或组织):> > > >https://cve.mitre.org/community/board/> > > >鉴于米勒先生在一小时内回答Thursady > >晚上后,他就不会被包括在一般分布列表> >,它是公平地说,他是BCC会。进一步,他可能是> >警告传入和鼓励回复邮件。> > > >请史蒂夫或斜方弄清楚发生了什么?为什么> >米勒先生带进这个邮件之前,BCC会在邮件列表中,> >,可能鼓励回复?给史蒂夫的邮件特别要求> >回答者接触cve-id-change@mitre.org如果你想参与,> >编辑委员会发布这很奇怪,它更是奇怪,> >随机堂而皇之的成员将参与。> > > >谢谢,> > > >。b >
