Carsten写道:“我们中的一些人是在完全不同的时区(自己是格林尼治标准时间+ 1),这使得它更具挑战性出席董事会电话。投票要求,因此,使其更难当前和未来的董事会成员在欧洲和亚太地区对决策有什么影响。”Currently the next Board call will occur on May 5th at 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM EDT. That would be a six hour difference for you so it would be 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. While I know this is later than normal working days. Will this be an on-going problem for you to be able to participate in? I am not sure we have any members in APAC. As I mentioned, "If geography is an issue for board members then I suggest we understand the locations members are in so we can look at potentially rescheduling the calls to make it possible for all to have a better opportunity to participate.” Are there others outside the US that have an issue with the time the recurring meeting is scheduled? Thanks. --- Kent Landfield +1.817.637.8026