
RE:要求:除CEB (fwd)的艾伦•佩拉

克里斯,首先,你到底是谁?除了“项目经理”[0]没有向公众发布CVE编委会名单在过去16年以上?*你*对董事会的贡献在哪里?在星期二,2016年8月23日,Levendis Chris写道::你的结论是荒谬的。参与合同修订不,这个邮件我的观点是支持在纯,纯粹的事实。事实上,也就是说,如果你没有错过的一部分的事实。我有一个电子表格的CVE编辑部文章从5/17/2000 7/27/2016生成,部分由于我时间,部分由于支付分析师产生其余的口袋里。我得到他可能参与了宪章在2000年之前,但没有在过去的16年,尽管“不投票”几个关键事件在那些年里已经删除的理由。告诉我艾伦·佩拉了列表之间的日期。如果你能给我一个时间,这意味着董事会邮件列表档案[1]是不完整的(我也叫了很多次不能正常更新)。 I sincerely want you to show me where I am wrong in my assertions. : Participate constructively or be quiet. Are you saying definitely, that I have not participated constructively? Sure, I have been very vocal, I have slightly crossed some boundaries on decorum that were expected by others, and only later qualified as rules after I pushed MITRE to behave more responsibly (wher they focused on decorum, not improving CVE). But to suggest that I haven't been constructive is absurd and false. You signed your mail: Chris levendis The CVE Team So is this the official stance of the MITRE/CVE team telling a board member to be quiet? That I am wrong, that Allan Paller has somehow brought value to the board, despite not posting to the list at all in 16 years? I am mindful of the 'promoting CVE' angle that has been brought up before, but I am speaking specifically to participation on the board in his documented role [2]. Brian [0]https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-levendis-a1711594[1]http://cve.mitre.org/community/board/archive.html[2]https://cve.mitre.org/community/board/
