

我也要感谢艾伦为他所做的一切努力和安全社区。教育他了,他推动的政策,产生了非常积极的影响在我们的社区。他一直是一个真正的倡导CVE并帮助促进CVE的起始和采用供应商。我在这里直接导致很多年前阿兰的支持和行动。谢谢你艾伦从底部的我的心!- - -肯特Landfield + 1.817.637.8026 8/23/16,九29点,”owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org代表Manley梅根·e .” wrote: Alan, Thank you for your vision and advocacy for CVE throughout the years. From its founding in 1999, CVE has grown to become the de facto standard for security vulnerability identification and your leadership in promoting CVE in the community has been vital in its adoption. We will remove you from the CVE Board list and from related e-mail lists as you have requested. Thanks again for your service, Meghan E. Manley Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute (HS SEDI) 703-983-4278 (office) 703-674-7081 (cell) mmanley@mitre.org _______________________________ MITRE -----Original Message----- From: owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org [mailto: owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org]代表佩拉,艾伦派:周二,8月23日2016年23点到:耶利哥< jericho@attrition.org > Cc: cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:Re:要求:去除的艾伦·佩拉CEB (fwd)请把我从名单上。我没有保持专业水平的实质性帮助。但布莱恩,我认为是因为我项目的起源的召集人,斜接的人可能只是仁慈而不是粗心。你喜欢做的工作是重要的,我很抱歉我一直分心。艾伦·艾伦·佩拉的研究主任,SANS发出我的iPhone > 8月23日,2016年,凌晨12:52,耶利哥< jericho@attrition.org >写道:> >这4月22日以来已经回答。没有回复我,没有行动清单。> >这是一个“显而易见”的决定。斜方拒绝解决这个问题。很容易读到这个斜方并没有真正看到董事会作为一个身体很重要,我已经不止一次私下里长大的。如果你不能员工非法法庭得当,很能说明问题。 > > Brian > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: jericho  > To: CVE  > Cc: "Sain, Joe" , "Boyle, Stephen V."  > Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 17:30:04 -0500 (CDT) > Subject: request: removal of Alan Paller from the CEB > > > CVE, > > Regarding Alan Paller, who is listed as a board member [0]: > > SANS Institute > Alan Paller > > I have gone back through the archives all the way to 9/23/2000 and cannot find a single time he has posted to the list, at all, in any fashion. This includes not voting on the big ID Syntax change in 2012 - 2013. > > As such, he has not filled his duties as a board member, brought no value to the Editorial Board process, and does not merit a position on the board. > > I vote for Mr. Paller to be removed due to inactivity. Not only is there precedent, but Mr. Paller was apparently not removed during the Syntax vote, as others were [1]. > > Brian > > [0]https://cve.mitre.org/community/board/> [1]https://cve.mitre.org/data/board/archives/2014-04/msg00017.html
